what happened to Lorain?

[r*pe sexual content religious beliefs]

after Xavier had told her that he didn't love her

she felt a little heartbroken but also relieved

he was always so obsessed with her

it got annoying- it wasn't like she didn't feel anything for him, but it wasn't the same

he loved her so much, but he could barely kiss her she didn't understand why, and he couldn't hug her either- and she wasn't allowed to touch him but at the very least she could hold his hand and she didn't care about sex

she just wanted him to be happy

and if he was happy with someone else

then she would be happy for him

but the feeling was a bit bitter

he had always been at her side and now she was alone or so she thought

someone grabbed her from behind

she turned to them

she saw her

she had dark brown hair

dark brown eyes with a little red reflecting in them

she could see her collar bone down to her chest

she blushed immediately

who was this hot chick?!

the woman let out a laugh

"Who thought I find a cutie like you" she replied

"Hey! Just who are you?!" Lorain shouted

"Calm down darling my name is Llya-" she replied

"Llya? that's a pretty name-um- my names Lorain!" Lorain replied

"Your name is pretty too- my daughter is going to love you!" she replied

"Daughter?! you have a child?!" Lorain shouted

"Yeah, she's my everything- her name is Myra" she replied

"that's a pretty name too-how old is she?" Lorain replied

"she's 5- I was 15 when I had her-" she replied

"15?! that's young- what happened?" Lorain replied

"I went out at night to the shoreline like I always did- I didn't pay attention to my surroundings and I was pushed down

he got on top of me-

he pulled up my skirt he was very forceful

he stripped me and rocked against me

he bit my neck and my chest and my wrist

and he didn't stop, and I wanted it to-

I hated it so much- and when I was completely broken- he tried to stab me, but I was able to turn it on him- and I kicked him in the d*ck

then I got on top of him and stabbed him

repeatedly- I tore his head off and I kicked him into the ocean-" she finished

Lorain was speechless

that sort of thing is terrifying-and she went completely mad- she could understand why

Lorain hugged her tight

"Oh my God that's horrible you never have to go through that again I'm here for you" she replied

Llya looked down at her and smiled

Lorain looked back up at her

she noticed she had fangs!

"It's ok I'm over it I have a daughter now-" Llya replied

"I can see that she's very close to your heart" she replied

"You- can?! but how? aren't you human?" Llya replied

"Yes, I'm human but I was born with a gift

I can see into other's hearts I can see if they're lying and their future-and when I see her

she seems happy with you, and she's had friends-and there's a boy she's in love with-" she finished

"You- read my soul? and you were able to read hers too?" Llya replied

"I could read her soul because it's attached to you the two of you have a bond that is unlike anything I've ever seen-" she replied

"I could tell- we had a connection from the beginning she has the same mark on her wrist " Llya replied and show her wrist to her

there was a star mark on it

"How long have you had it?" she asked

"Since the incident- it appeared after I killed him-" Llya replied

"It sounds like a curse- it's a ritual- that blade was cursed- if someone kills the owner, they become cursed but instead it created a link to your daughter- and she is cursed-" she replied

"How do you know all that?" Llya replied

"Because I heard of it the blade is called

sinners' recollection the blade was cursed by black magic- there was a ritual that was performed the owner cut themselves with the blade and chanted a curse it was a forbidden spell no one was supposed to find the cursed book, but someone did, and the book vanished

the blade was left behind and it seems like someone found it- do you still have it?"

she finished

"Yes, I still have it with me it's on my belt" Llya replied

Lorain looked down and saw it

"Can I touch it?" she replied

Llya reached down and pulled it out

"Yeah, go ahead but aren't you scared? you did say it was cursed" Llya replied

Lorain put her finger on the edge of the blade

"I'm not scared of a curse baby-" she replied

Lorain leaned in against her and traced her fingers up her chest to her collar bone

she leaned in and kissed her lips

Llya was shocked by this

but she didn't hate it

and when Lorain pushed in her tongue

it felt amazing her heart was beating so fast

no one had made her feel this way

and she wanted to keep her forever

when Lorain pulled back, she looked into her eyes and broke out of her trance

"Um- what just happened?" she replied

"You kissed me darling- and I want you to do it again-" Llya replied

"I-I- was just thinking how hot- you were- and I wanted a taste of those lips-" she replied

"You are quite honest, aren't you?" Llya replied

"Well, you were honest to-and I can't lie- because it just doesn't feel right- I can tell when people lie, and it feels unfair that I could get away with it-" she replied

"Yeah, I can understand that- and I don't like lying either- but I can't always tell the truth-

I'm not sure why I trust you- but the moment I saw you I knew you would be mine-" Llya replied

"what's so special about me? - is because of my gift- that I'm loved? because honestly it feels like a curse-" she replied

"It has nothing to do with a curse or because you're special- I fell in love with you because you are interesting- and I feel safe in your arms- and I can tell you are a good person

and I want to cherish you- and love you to the fullest- and never let you go" Llya replied

"But you barely know me-I don't understand why-" she replied

"Because you are special to me and not because of your gift- I like you for you

I like your honesty and that you're caring

and I want to learn everything about you

because you're interesting - you know a lot about black magic and curses and souls-

it's almost like you can read my mind

you knew about my daughter just from reading my soul- and I want to know more" Llya replied

"Alright I'll tell you everything-and I trust you" she replied

"Good- so will you kiss me again?" Llya asked

"Sure-" she replied

Lorain leaned in against her and kissed her lips and pushed her tongue in

wiggling it around well putting her fingers

over her chest tracing them back and forth

Llya was liking it a lot- she never felt this sort of pleasure and she wanted so much more

Lorain moved her hands down her shirt

and hands down the sides of her bra

rubbing up and down

Llya rolled her eyes back

she was loving this-

Lorain moved up and pulled on her bra straps

she wanted to moan- but Lorain didn't let her

Lorain moved her hands down her back

she rubbed her upper back and slipped her hands under the back of her bra

she pulled it back and it slapped against her

she wanted to let it out- she felt intense pleasure- she liked when she pulled on her straps and playing with her like this

was making her super horny

she wanted so much more

but now wasn't the best time especially when they were being watched

Llya grabbed her hand

and pushed her back

Lorain released

Llya let out a gasp

she could barely breathe

Lorain's eyes widen

What had she just done?!

"Hey, are you okay? what did I do?" Lorain replied

"Yeah, I'm alright I really enjoyed that-

I want you to push me down and feel your body against me- I want it badly-" she replied

"I- you're shameless! -" Lorain shouted

"So, are you doing those things- I like your boldness- and I want you to do more but do you really want to do it here?" she replied

"I- what- I don't even know what I'm doing, and those lips and your mouth are so intriguing

and it feels like I'm put in a trance

and I want to do things I never thought of

I don't understand it- what's wrong with me?!" Lorain replied

"there's nothing wrong with you- you can do whatever you baby-" she replied

"I-I- don't call me that! - this isn't right- I shouldn't have touched you- or made out with you- I shouldn't be lured into temptation -

you are a demon-" Lorain replied

"Well, I will admit what you did wasn't right, but I liked it a lot-so- you're forgiven- and what makes me a demon?" she replied

"Your red eyes and those fangs and that mark on your wrist- the mark of the devil- your obviously one- and you lured me in-" Lorain replied

"Ok you're right I am a demon- I have eaten both adults and children- but only if they were bad- I wouldn't kill an innocent person-

I was once one a long time ago- and I didn't lure you in your the one who asked to touch the blade and it cursed you- I tried to warn you

but you touched it anyway-" she replied

"You- what?! you seriously eat people?" Lorain shouted

"Only the bad ones and naughty children" she replied

"You really are a demon then- f*ck how did it end up like this?" Lorain replied

"So, I lured you in? -do I taste good? and what kind of things do you want to do to me?" she replied

" Those lips were so tempting and you're so hot and I want to tear those clothes off- and feel every inch of you- f*ck-" Lorain replied

"Oh? - you really want me badly, don't you?" she replied

"Yes, but I can't- I'm not supposed to be with you- f*ck the man I was supposed to be with is with another man- like what the hell?!- and now I'm talking to a demon- and I did all those things- this isn't right none of it is- " Lorain replied

"so, what if it isn't right? you deserve to be happy- and I can tell that I make you happy-

so don't give up on me just because of your beliefs-" she replied

"I'll be burned alive for this- I can't love a woman much less a demon-" Lorain replied

"I wasn't always a demon- once I was innocent like you- but I was corrupted at a young age- and I learned what the real world was like- its cruel- but I was able to find happiness I found her actually she found me

she was my little bundle of joy- I was surprised that I had a daughter- and she was a demon like me- she ate other children

but they were always ones that had hurt her

I saved other children who were like me

I thought that most adults were cruel

but you are so good- even when you did those things you realized that it wasn't right-

most humans don't care they wouldn't realize their mistake and hurt others because they can- but you don't want to hurt me, do you?"

she finished

"I- don't want to hurt you- I'm so confused- I can't understand it all- how did I end up in this mess? -" Lorain replied

"I'll give you space- you have all the time in world to figure things out-" she replied

Lorain grabbed her hand

"Wait- I don't have all the time in the world-" she replied

Llya looked down at her

"You don't? - right- your lifespan is short- but I believe you can make your choice before then" she replied

"don't leave me please- I don't want that again-

the one I was destined with- was taken away-

and I want you to be my destiny-" Lorain replied

Llya smiled and hugged her tight

"Then I'll never let you go- you are mine darling-" she replied

Lorain turned bright red

"Yes, I'll be yours forever- and can you call me something cute and short?" Lorain replied

"Hmm- you are cute and short- but what do I call you?" she replied

"Like a shorten version of my name- like I call you Lly- and my name is Lorain- so you could call me Lor or rain or Lora" Lorain replied

"Then how about Lori? it fits you well" she replied

"I like it- Lly- so you were going to introduce me to your daughter, right?" Lorain replied

"I- Oh yeah- I totally forgot- yeah I'll take you home now" she replied

and so, Lorain was swept away by a demon

but there was another demon that was watching them- and the devil was always over his shoulder- of course these two were

Malik and Satan

"Why did we have to follow her? and who was that demon? - I don't recognize her" he replied

"Something isn't right with her I'm not sure what though- and as for the demon I haven't a clue-" Satan replied

"You don't know her?" he replied

"Just because I'm Satan doesn't mean I know every single demon- and I'm not in hell anymore thanks to you- so how would I know her?" Satan replied

"Well maybe she was in hell before?" he replied

"Did it ever accrue to you that she never was in hell? not all demons are born in hell- some are born on earth or created- she was turned into a demon because of a curse- you saw her wrist and the blade the sinner's recollection

I have heard the tale about it- but to see it with my own eyes is a shock- if one is to touch the blade they will be forced into their deepest desires- you saw how she acted-" Satan finished

"But why did the demon stop her? don't demons like those things?" he replied

"Oh, she definitely she enjoyed it- but she could sense us- so she stopped her-" Satan replied

"She sensed us?!" He shouted

"Demons can sense other demons- and she probably thinks you're a pervert- Oh wait you are-" Satan replied

"Hey-just because I imagine you in-that-and want you to call me master-and push you down-" he replied

"Hmm- Malik you aren't helping your case- but it's not like I care- you're quite interesting and you are mine remember?" Satan replied

Malik blushed immediately

he remembered a particular night

"Yeah- I know- but will you let me do whatever I want to you? - it's not fair that I can only f*ck you sometimes-" he replied

"Hmm- I'm intrigued-I'll let you do it but you have to let me do it to you too-" Satan replied

"Alright then-you can do it but let me do it first" he replied

"Well, I do need a teacher and I believe you can do it- Master-" Satan replied

Malik was blushing hard

he remembered everything they did

but he didn't get to do everything he wanted

but he still had fun-

but there was one night when he did go over bord- he enjoyed it a little too much- and Satan didn't let him do it again

he didn't understand how Satan still deals with him- he definitely wasn't a good person

he enjoyed others suffering but he changed

what changed him? Satan- he had hurt him

so many times, but Satan didn't give up on him

but then he realized that this wasn't the same

Satan- he hadn't hurt him- but it was honestly confusing- he had other lives- in different universes- and he rather remember his times with Satan- but they were rather short

he always ended up with someone else

f*ck he hates it so much- and they didn't care about him like Satan- at least he was happy

he got to spend time with Satan again

and he was the happiest he had ever been

but it couldn't last forever- and he's in another crappy world- he was able to get a happy ending for himself and for everyone in that world - and he hopes he can make it possible

in this one too- he already had two happy endings- he didn't need another one and he still had Satan- so he was good- but seeing

how things turned out twice the others

wouldn't remember what happened

or at least they weren't supposed to

Lorain didn't remember any of the previous worlds- if she did, she would have acted differently -

but he had never seen this demon before

where did she even come from?

this was originally her world, and she was replaced by Lorain- and the story changed

and now it changed completely

like wtf- was her creator thinking?

and she had to break back into it

and now the two worlds merged

the guy she hated and killed

had changed- and he was alive

but she never met him, but she had met Lorain in the previous world- and she was behind it all- she gave the rosemary and stakes to Lorain and Lorain told her everything

she knows about Callus and Xavier

she thinks that Callus is a fool to fall for such a monster- after everything he did- she never forgive him she didn't care if he didn't remember she would make their life a living hell- she didn't care if Callus didn't deserve it

he loved that monster so she makes him feel the same pain- and Lorain was just a different version of her-one that didn't become corrupt

but she was turning her to be just like her

and she didn't mind this sort of self-love

and she didn't know if Myra even existed anymore- since the story changed-

she isn't supposed to exist- but she couldn't let herself be erased- she gone through all that torture for nothing-

when lyla and her arrived at the old house

there was no one there- the house was worn down- and some of it was glitched out

Lorain turned her

"Lly what's going on? - where's your daughter?" Lorain replied

"I- don't know- I thought she still be here but it's been- years, hasn't it? - f*ck this isn't fair why did they have to take her away from me?" she replied

"Someone took her? and what do you mean years?" Lorain replied

"I can't tell you who took her, but this house wasn't old and warned down the last time we were here it was brand new- and I stopped aging- I think I lost track of time- I keep mixing up the past and now- it's not the same anymore- is it? - why does he get a happy ending and I don't? he's a f*cking monster-" she replied

"You only remember the past? - and who are you talking about?" Lorain replied

"I remember the future with you- I don't know why you trusted me so easily- I convinced you to make your friend kill him- and who I mean is the one that you loved Xavier was it?" she replied

"You- you- tricked me- just who are you?!" Lorain shouted

"Well, that's a bit complicated to explain I'm you but not you- I'm that you would've become- Xavier would have done those things to you- how can you trust him? - he's not a good person- f*ck he's not even a person

he's a demon- and he isn't a good one

trust me, ok?" she replied

"Why should I trust you? you just want me to kill him- and you're saying that the one who did those things to you was him? -just how is that possible?" Lorain replied

"He isn't who you think he is he's been the same age for years- just like me- like I said before he's a demon-" she replied

"But you're a demon too- so why should I trust you?" Lorain replied

"I haven't lied once, have I? you can tell if I'm lying, can't you?" she replied

"You haven't lied- once but- it's so hard to believe- how is this all possible? - and how can you be me?" Lorain replied

"I'm only able to be here because this world is falling apart- you saw the glitches, didn't you?

this house is supposed to be erased along with me- but instead they took my daughter-" she replied

"You aren't supposed to exist because I do? from what I can understand I'm your replacement?" Lorain replied

"Basically- it's also another reason why you shouldn't love me- what's the point? - I'm a monster- and monsters don't deserve happiness- " she replied

"But there's still a good heart deep down- I can see it- and you're doing all this so I don't get hurt- but do you realize that this isn't the right way? that Xavier wouldn't hurt me? at least not like he hurt you-" Lorain replied

"But he still hurt you- I couldn't bare it- and even now he hurt you- he doesn't love you anymore- but I can- the only one who can love you is yourself" she replied

"But you aren't me- even your name is different- and you had a different past than I did- and because of it you became the way you are- and you aren't completely a bad person you cared about others- and wanted to protect them- you especially wanted to protect your daughter but now you want to protect me because I remind you of your younger self-" Lorain replied

"You are right- maybe we aren't the same but-

I'm so scared that you will be me one day-

because you reminded me of how I was-

so innocent- and maybe Xavier isn't who I think he is- but he reminds me of him-

and I don't want you to get hurt again-" she replied

"I won't get hurt- because I have you, don't I?" Lorain replied

"But I won't always be here- I know I will be erased- and you will forget me-" she replied

then Lorain woke up she was alone in her bed

she was confused but she didn't want to forget her- and she wanted to find her

and she knew where that old house was

so, she got up slowly and she got dressed

and left the house she was supposed to go to school but she rather not go

she remembered everything- that- Xavier really was a monster-

and as for Cal- she didn't know what to think

he was a monster like him- but he had a good heart- just like her-

she walked down to the old village

and keep going until she reached the house

it was just like it was in the dream

"Lly? it's me Lori- and I remember everything-

and I want to talk with you-" Lorain replied

"Lori? - you can't be here" she replied

"Why can't I?" Lorain replied

but before she got a reply everything turned dark, and she woke up again

she got up and when she looked to the right, she noticed a familiar blade on her nightstand - of course she recognized it

the sinner's recollection- she had seen it in the dream- and she remembered touching it

and- what she did- she was blushing hard

she couldn't believe she did those things-

but it had to be real right? -

she picked up the blade and put her finger on it

"so, you picked it up you were curious huh?

did you really forget me babe?" she replied

"I-who are you?!-" Lorain shouted

"It's me Lori- Llya who else would it be? don't tell me you forgotten-" she replied

"I- think -I remember- you- you showed me this blade before, and I touched it- and when I did-

I kissed you- and I did more than that- I- I'm sorry-" Lorain replied

"Ha- I told you before I enjoyed it- so there's no need to apologize" she replied

"Then why did you stop me?" Lorain replied

"Because I didn't want you to take it too far- and someone was watching us-" she replied

"Who was it?" Lorain replied

"I'm not sure exactly but I know it was another demon- and remember Lori you can't trust demons-" she replied

"But you are one too- how can I trust you?" Lorain replied

"Because I love you-and I know you love me, don't you?" she replied

"But how can I love you? I barely know you-" Lorain replied

"But you can sense how much I care about you-and you love me deep down- if I wasn't close to your heart then why did you come to me? -why did you pick up the blade? you missed me- I know you forgot everything-

I had to give these memories back-

I know how painful they are- but they are real

they happen- and I want you to be happy

but- we never had a happy moment together

I wish we did- but- that's impossible I'm not a good person- I wanted to corrupt you-

but even when I did- I knew it wasn't right

and I wanted you to be happy - but of course that wasn't possible- but you promised to be by my side and never forget me-

I knew that you would- and I want you to remember even if it's painful-" she finished

"I-this- can't be right- I can't love a demon-

why would I fall for you?" Lorain replied

"Because we were once the same person-

an innocent girl who didn't pay attention to her surroundings and was oblivious to everything

you didn't even know that your friend was a monster and the one that you loved was one too- and we need to end this together Lorain" she replied

"Yeah, you're right but how?" Lorain replied

"The blade it will kill him-and once you do that everything will be back to the way it was before, and we can be happy together just do this for me alright?" she replied

"Yeah, I will-because I love you" Lorain replied

"I'm glad I love you too Lori-" she replied

Lorain got up and got ready for the day

and Zavi had to pay