starting over (part2)

callus had found him

"what do you want?" Xavier replied

"I just wanted to apologize- I shouldn't have said all that to get you to like me-" he replied

"but how do you know my name?" Xavier replied

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you- I can read your mind-" he replied

"but how is that possible?-" Xavier replied

"because I'm a vampire-" he replied

though I don't drink blood

"but- I'm one too and I can't read yours-" Xavier replied

"it usually works that way- and trust me you don't want to be in it-" Callus replied

"what could be so bad?" Xavier replied

"Well- because what I think of is indecent-" he replied

"indecent? are you saying that because I don't feel the same?" Xavier replied

"zavi-Xavier- I know that you do- deep down but you'll won't admit it-" he replied

"I- you're talking nonsense- you know that I can't love you-" Xavier replied

"what makes you think that zavi?" he replied

"why do you keep calling me that? and I don't even know your name-" Xavier replied

"it's Callus but you can call me Cal for short-

and the reason I call you that- you'll learn in time-" he replied

"Callus? that's an interesting name-" Xavier replied

"it means good and sometimes you get them on your feet and if you did I be with you every step-" he replied

"how did you come up with that one?" Xavier replied

"so you like it? hmmm maybe if I tell you more will you fall for me?" he replied

"You're one liners aren't going to work-" Xavier replied

you said that when I teased you

"ha you're just in denial zavi- you'll love me before you know it-" he replied

"don't count on it- why would I fall for a handsome man with a gorgeous face?" Xavier replied

"ha you're really cute zavi- I wish I could kiss you-" he replied

"hell no like I told you before I love Lorain-" Xavier replied

"zavi how do I tell you this?" he replied

"what?" Xavier replied

"she already moved on and she has someone that she loves-" he replied

Xavier's eyes widen

"what?! you have to be lieing! who?!" Xavier shouted

"Well she was the one who told me and I was surprised- but I'm glad she's happy-" he replied

"can you at least tell who?" Xavier replied

"Well I don't really know but she did say it was a woman-" he replied

"you - a woman?!- is that really true?" Xavier replied

"Yeah I could tell that she wasn't lieing-" he replied

"you know when you said that we were soulmates I almost believed you-" Xavier replied

"I know you did- and Is it that hard to believe zavi? we were lovers- I wish you could remember-" he replied

"I want to believe you but it's hard because I only remember loving Lorain-" Xavier replied

"Well you can start over with me and we can start off as friends- (with benefits)" he replied

"friends? why do feel like you are hiding something?" Xavier replied

you don't how much I'm hiding from you

but it's to keep you safe I promise

"that I can't tell you but you know that I do want more-" he replied

"more?" Xavier replied

"in the future I mean-" he replied

as much as would like to do those things-

this isn't the best place

"I sort of wish I could read your mind-" Xavier replied

"you were able to once- but that was in the past-" he replied

"could you tell me more about our past?" Xavier replied

"I don't exactly remember everything- but I know we had a past together and Lorain first introduced you to me as her cousin-

and the two us became close friends and then we started to be more- but that couldn't last forever- you were so ashamed with yourself because you had made a promise to Lorain but you ended up falling for me - and that was our first life-" he replied

"I- really loved you both didn't I?" Xavier replied

"Yeah and I know that Lorain did love you but it's not the same anymore-" he replied

"I know but it's hard to believe how could she move on so fast?" Xavier replied

"because she knew that I was meant for you and she had found the one for her-" he replied

"how did she know?-" Xavier replied

"Well she can see into other people's hearts- and she saw me in it-" he replied

"but I don't remember you on our wedding day-" Xavier replied

"Oh we met that day you just forgot about it-" he replied

oh God that was amazing- I wish you could do that to me again

"we did? then how come I don't remember?" Xavier replied

"because you're blocking it out- you'll remember-" he replied

what you did

suddenly Xavier started to remember

as images flashed in his head

Xavier's eyes widen

"I- f*ck I'm so sorry I really thought you were dead-" Xavier replied

"Oh I did die but you brought me back-" he replied

"I-I changed you?!" Xavier shouted

"Yeah I definitely remember it- man you really have a good tongue-" he replied

Xavier's eyes widen again

"tongue?! I-I- just was really thristy-" Xavier replied

"Well I'm really thristy for that tongue of yours-" he replied

"you- really are shameless-" Xavier replied

"aw there's my zavi back-" he replied

"where you always like this?" Xavier replied

"Yep- I've always been shameless- and you were too sometimes-" he replied

"I would never do something like that-" Xavier replied

"Yes you would- come on zavi you loved me so much- did you forget our wedding too?" he replied

Xavier's eyes widen

"Wedding?! what wedding?! I only had two and they both were with Lorain-" he replied

"Well we had one- and that's how you became my wife-" he replied

"I- wife?! why would I be the bottom?!" Xavier shouted

"Pfft Xavier- you have been both-" he replied

"both?!" Xavier shouted

"sometimes you top and others I would-

we would go back and forth- it was fun-" he replied

"I-I don't know how to feel about this-" Xavier replied

"don't worry I never forced you-" he replied

"no I trust you- I believe you wouldn't do anything like that- and it's just alot to take in-" Xavier replied

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable zavi-" he replied

"you oddly make me feel comfortable-" Xavier replied

"I'm glad-because I know there were certain things you were uncomfortable with-" he replied

"you really aren't lieing are you?" Xavier replied

"no zavi and I know that you like sweet things tangy sour and bitter- like a cherry pie-" he replied

"cherry pie?" Xavier replied

"maybe try a taste and see if you like it" he replied

"wait- Cal- was that a food innuendo?" Xavier replied

"Well I am your only food after all -" he replied

"what do you mean by that?" Xavier replied

"zavi let me ask you this have had any thrist for blood?" he replied

"not really- but I want to bite you-" Xavier replied

"bite me?- well if you want you can but don't bite down too hard-" he replied

"I'll try but you smell so good like chrysanthemums-" Xavier replied

"that was the flowers that you gave me- on the day we met-" he replied

Xavier's eyes widen

"I did?!" Xavier shouted

"mhm now come on zavi take a bite-" he replied

"you really are shameless-" Xavier replied