Make a Choice

Callus eyes widen he couldn't believe it why did he always chose Malik? didn't he love Xavier? he- had- wait- suddenly remembered

he had chosen Zavi before and had broken his heart but he was given another chance

he ended up with him- and they had their forever When he woke up in the real world

Xavier was there and he was so happy to see him-

"I was so scared Cal I really thought that you never wake up-" Xavier replied

"how long did you wait?" He replied

"too long Cal- before I could save you- and I hate to lose you again-" Xavier replied

"I'm not going anywhere I promise-" he replied

but he had broken that promise

because- he had missed Malik-

he went back for him- he couldn't believe it

He Loved Malik-

Malik looked down at him

"Darling did you remember?" He asked

"Yes Malik- I- I-" Callus couldn't finish his words I love you! I love you! but the words couldn't come out- why couldn't he say it?

but then suddenly Xavier appeared splitting them apart

"He's mine-" Xavier growled

"since when? he clearly chose me-" Malik replied

"but he went back for me he saved me-" Xavier replied

"Ha- hate to break it to you but he also went back for me and saved me- and he's done it twice! he only did it once for you!" Malik shouted

"No that's not true- he chose me in the beginning- and then he went back for me-

and even after the other me told him to give up on me but he didn't he accepted my proposal-" Xavier

"F*ck you got me beat there- but we didn't need a wedding- we were already in the honeymoon phase-" Malik replied

"you didn't have an wedding? but you still became lovers?" Xavier replied

"Yeah are you jealous?" Malik replied

"I'm pissed- I would gladly kill you right now-" Xavier replied

"go head mister angel-" Malik replied

"you dare test me?!" Xavier shouted

Callus got in between them

"Stop this!" He shouted

they turned to him

"fine- but you have to choose Callus you can either choose to go back with me or stay with him-" Xavier replied

Callus paused he didn't know who to choose

he loved them both- he hated choosing-

this was like choosing between Edw*rd and J*c*b- but- it was a much harder choice

both of them loved him and he loved them

he always found a way to be with them both-

and he wanted that right now- but how?

he would choose Xavier and then go back for Malik just as he done before-

it should be so easy to just choose Xavier

but- he couldn't- he knew that he loved Malik too- F*ck this wasn't fair why did he have to choose?! he hated this was there a way to be with both of them? and stop this?

well, the author never thought of that ending until now-

so he would have to choose Now-

or would he?

that's up to you to decide

yes You the one reading this

Callus looked at both of them-

this was such a hard choice-

how could he choose?

Xavier had been his soulmate his everything

so he should be the obvious choice

but then there was Malik

he had taken Xavier's place and it was originally a trick but the demon ended up falling for him- he didn't stop choosing him

again and again- towards the end- he two started to fall for him- at first he pushed away his feelings for Xavier and he didn't want to get hurt and he didn't care anymore- but

when the demon had shown him that he loved him he started to regret his actions

he felt pity for him- but he wanted to love him back- and- he did -apart of him did

he had promised to love him- and he ended up

doing so - but he couldn't ever admit it

and still hasn't- he knew that he was supposed to be with Xavier- and he was betraying him-

but he had his time with Xavier- he didn't need him anymore- or did he? he chose Malik

because he wanted move on from the past

their original past- it was bad- and he wanted a do over he had gotten that- more than once

the ending was never perfect- but he knew that Xavier loved him- no matter what

he was his everything but his fears got to him again- he was scared of getting hurt again

but then the truth came out he was the one who truly hurt Zavi- in so many ways

he was a monster- but even after he revealed the truth Xavier still loved him- he really didn't deserve him- so should he chose him again?

or move on? he really didn't need Xavier anymore- but- what about their future?

it had happened already- so many times

no future was perfect- but- he wanted it to be real- but- that never happened- or did it?

before he had come back here

they had gotten married- and they had their perfect ending- but- even after- everything-

did he not love Zavi anymore?

is that why he chose Malik?

No!No! that- can't be true!

so looking at them both once again

he finally made his decision

he chose---‐-------------

Zavi- Saved by an angel true end

Malik- Accepting a demon's love

Both- polymorphism

so what do you choose?

ending selected------------ ??????


ending loaded

you chose-----------------------??????

thank for choosing __________