saved by an Angel [M]

callus turned his head to Zavi

Xavier smiled at him

he first leaned in and kissed Xavier

while Xavier grabbed his ass

leaning in kissing him passionately

Callus rolled his eyes back in pleasure

while Xavier stripped him down

Xavier pulled back from the kiss and started to give him hickies

he moved up and down

claiming him

Xavier squeezed his ass

while stroking him with his other hand

callus was really enjoying this

he felt so much undesirable pleasure

it felt amazing- he never expected something like this, Zavi wiggled his tongue licking callus up and down

he loved it so much-and he moaned as he felt

his back was licked. he let out an "ohhh" and an "ahhh"

his back grew wetter and wetter. He heard a small squeak escape his lips as

as Zavii slid his tongue down his back

He moaned and arched his back

he had been truly enjoying it

he had been loving it

he had never had such incredible pleasure before

and he couldn't get enough of it

Xavier pulled down his underwear along with his pants and Xavier tilted forward slipping in rocking against him

"Ahhhhhh- Zavi- faster-" he replied

Xavier picked up the speed going faster

Xavier kept moving

kissing and caressing Callus's face and head

Callus was really enjoying this

he could feel his own orgasm coming on

he started to get ready to come

Xavier started to move his hips in a circular motion

and then he let go of him and started to move his hands all over his body

Xavier put his hands on his chest and started to move his fingers in a circular motion

and then he started to go faster and faster

callus came with an intense feeling of pleasure

Xavier came shortly after him filling him up

he pulled back and Xavier held Callus's waist

"come on let's get you cleaned up Callus-"

The two of them headed into the bathroom

Xavier cleaned up Callus and got him dressed

and rested him on the bed

then got into bed and fell asleep

and it was a dream that had been just as intense as it had been in reality

when callus woke up Xavier was beside him- and he felt so happy

he couldn't believe that something like this could happen- he believed that his destiny was Xavier- and he couldn't be any happier

"good morning honey-" Xavier replied kissing his head

"zavi I'm glad you're here-" he replied

"and I'm glad you chose me-" Xavier replied

"I'm glad too- this all I could ask for-" he replied

he wrapped his arms around them

"me too- you are all I could ask for-" Xavier replied

"Yes- you are everything I need- I love you so much-" he replied

"and I love you too Cal-" Xavier replied kissing his left cheek

callus felt butterflies in his stomach this was the perfect ending and he couldn't be happier

but he knew deep down that he wanted Malik too

"and I'm glad you chose me Cal- but if you could choose us both would you?" Xavier replied

those words echoed in his head

"Yes- I would- if there was a way to be with you both- I would make it happen-"

he repeated in his head-

he wanted to happen and he wanted to stay with Zavi but at the same time- he knew he had to go back for Malik once again but he would also have Zavi- and that would be the true happy ending And so he did he went back for them

And Xavier knew that-

It's what he told him

Xavier had asked him if he would go back for them and his answer was yes

so that was his choice- and it was all over

this was the end- Callus would be happy in his fantasy while Xavier would be waiting for him in the real world waiting for him to wake up

but he wasn't going to this was the end

and he couldn't be saved by the angel

but it was thanks to the angel that he made this choice and he could be happy in his perfect ending- but would he ever wake up one day? it didn't seem like it since this was the end of the series and the last chapter

but you know fate is not what it seems!

Xavier continued to wait and then finally one day he woke up and Tears ran down Xavier's eyes "Callus!-" Xavier exclaimed

but here was the twist

callus looked up at him confused

"who are you?" he replied

Xavier looked at him with shock

"it's me Callus your lover-" Xavier replied

"lover?- I- don't have a lover - but I know that I did use someone- but- regretted it and I love them- but- I couldn't apologize to them-" he replied

"Callus- you did apologize to me and that's how we became lovers-" Xavier replied

"but--I- can't love you- its not possible- and I can't remember who you are-" he replied

"but you do Callus- come on remember what you told me? the heart remembers-" Xavier replied

"but I really shouldn't love you- I was just using you- but deep down--" he replied

"you feel something for me don't you? how could you forget me? you promised me that you never forget me-" Xavier replied

"I'm sorry that- I forgot you- I- but maybe- I do love you- it's just- I know- that you are that person- that I fell for- when I shouldn't have but- I don't remember anything after-" he replied

"well I could help you remember-" Xavier replied

"so,um- handsome stranger what's your name?" he replied

Xavier blushed

"it's Xavier- but you always called me Zavi-" Xavier replied

"and what did you call me?" he replied

"Cal-" Xavier replied

"and when you said lovers-" he replied

"were married-" Xavier replied

"married?" He replied

"were husbands- and you still have the ring on your finger-" Xavier replied

callus lifted up his hand there was a ring on his finger and Xavier showed him his ring

Callus's eyes widen

he was shocked- but he also felt happy

this man infront of him was his world

even if he couldn't remember everything

he knew that to be true