Chapter 1

The child was exhausted. She had been walking for a long time. Her body was telling her to give up, but a niggling feeling in the back of her head warned her that if she did, she would forever regret it. It was getting colder and the sweater she was wearing could not provide enough warmth. She rubbed her gloved hands together and blew into it. Consoling herself with this, she kept on walking.

When her father had informed her that he was making a trip to the Caucasus mountain range she urged him to take her along. It was very unlike her.

Kahlan had always stayed out of her father's business. At age twelve, she was a very sensible girl and knew her father wouldn't always have time for her. He had a business conglomerate to run.

It was in the middle of school year and she had no business going along with him. He had told her that the researchers he had sent there had made a fascinating discovery and he wanted to see it firsthand. He would not have time for her.

But Kahlan was good at talking and she talked her way into the private jet that took them there. She also talked her way into getting the supplies that she carried in her knapsack on her back. Then she sneaked off into the mountains.

Since she turned 12, three months ago. She was obsessed with this particular mountain. It happened all of a sudden as if some divinity put it there in her head that she needed to get there. But whenever she thought of how impossible it would be, she would always get depressed. So when this opportunity opened up, she was so not going to just let it pass her by.

And now, she had spent 3 hours stuck on this mountain. The wind was blowing frantically so she knew that a blizzard was coming.

She wondered if she was going to survive it. If she would ever get to her destination. Wherever that was.

She had done her homework though. At this time of year, this place wasn't supposed to be covered in snow. Still, she had researched on how to recognize the dangers on a snowed out mountain.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of cracks. Like whips slashing. Her research came in handy as she realized that there was going to be a snow slide.

She picked up the pace and catching sight of some rocks nearby, she rushed over there. And in the nick of time really as a pile of snow came down over where she had just left.

On reaching the rocks, she sat down and took off her knapsack. The hot water bottle she had carried was now stone cold. Almost completely frozen over. Frustrated, she chucked it back into her knapsack. Reaching again into the bag, she felt a packet of beef jerky. Opening it up, she rested against the snow beside the rock. As she was about to take a bite, she heard cracking sounds.

Before she could react, the ice she was sitting on had broken and she fell into it.

It was a long slide down. After a while, the ice turned into rocks that broke her descent.

Grabbing onto a rock, she supported her weight, using the rock to drag herself into a stable position. When she looked up, it was a long way and it would take a lot to climb back. Down however seemed warm and cozy. So she let go of the ledge and let herself fall.

Once she landed, she blacked out from the sheer force of the fall.

When she came to, she felt around her head and found a bump. Pressing on it, she hoped to not have a concussion.

She thought of her father. Would he miss her? He always seemed so aloof but she forced herself into believing he cared about her. What with all the little things he let her get away with. She wondered if he was worried. Would he send a search party after her.

Kahlan knew how grounded she was going to get if she got back.

'When she got back.' She corrected her thoughts. "Because I am going to get back. As soon as I am done with this." She muttered.

As her senses came back to her, she looked around the cave noticing its features. It was so warm compared to the cold outside.

It looked like an ordinary cave but she could feel distinctly like she wasn't on the mountain anymore. It didn't make any sense to her.

It rather gave her that Alice in wonderland like feel.

But rather than chasing a rabbit, she was chasing a feeling in her gut that told her what to do. It was very strange whenever she thought of it.

'There shouldn't be a volcano on this mountain.' She murmured to herself. 'But why was it so warm?' Brushing away this thought, she got up, picked her articles that fell along with her. The beef jerky was now covered in dust. She didn't want to eat it anymore so she just kicked it to the side and decided to move on. But after taking a few steps, she ran back to pick it up and stuff it in a pocket of her bag. 'It's not good to litter', she murmured to herself again and began walking. After a while, she got to an intersection.

Choosing the path that seemed to generate more heat, she kept on walking in the direction of the heat source.

It was getting hotter and hotter as she walked. But Kahlan was determined. She had endured the blistering cold so she would go through this as well. She knew that if she kept on walking, she would get to it.

Soon her sweat began to pool and drip. She took off the layers of clothes she had worn for the cold. Leaving herself in a tank top and shorts. She chucked those items in her knapsack. Remembering her water, she picked it out and drank a measured quantity. She didn't want to run out of water before she got to it.