Chapter 2

The caverned pathway began to open wider and wider until it opened into an even wider cavern the size of a stadium.

Kahlan walked into the cavern. Her mouth was agape and her eyes wide as she looked around.

It was simply magnificent. The cavern was huge. Icicle like protrusions jutted all over the wall seeming like spears hanging sideways. If one looked at it from afar, it seemed like a mural.

The steps around the cavern were tricky. They formed a sort of ledge against the wall. Leaving a gaping hole all around between the center of the cavern and the edge. There was a sort of island in the middle of the cavern. On it lay a Giant stretched out with his hands and legs tied down with chains.

The island he lay on opened up to the sky to reveal the sun shining and blue skies. It was a strange sight considering that there was snow outside in the direction she came from.

But that was not the most bothersome to Kahlan. What really pissed her off was that in distance between her end and the island, there was hot magma.

Granted, it was a steep drop to where the magma was, but the giant was bleeding. And with every drop of blood that fell into that pit of boiling magma, a geyser of hot fire would rise out.

The giant turned as he realized that there was somebody there.

Shock was vivid on his face. He had never expected that the human would come.

But as his eyes met hers, he wished with all the fiber of himself that she wasn't here.

He had put her in danger because of his selfishness.

When he had first experienced the bond, it was like a song, a melody sweet to his ears.

He hummed it in his head, aloud when he was alone. But at some point, the song began to get stronger. He couldn't get it out of his head.

He had tried pushed it away. But it didn't work. The song was too intoxicating.

As the song grew stronger, he started experiencing feelings that were not his own.

Fear, sadness, joy, excitement. The whole roller-coaster. But as he was stuck in this cavern, he knew they weren't his emotions.

He had tried connecting with it though, the emotions. But somehow, he managed to contact the human that felt all this. He had sent his own feelings of frustration to that human. And somehow, the human was right here. She had come to him.

He wished he had ignored it. Truly. The child was little. So fair and fragile. He disdained to put her in danger. But as their eyes met, he could feel his heart stir and begin to beat.

The Giant was in a really bad condition. His innards had been ripped open by claws. His intestines were all over the place. And his liver was torn as if shredded.

Not a pretty first impression.

Kahlan could not un‑see this. It was a really gory sight.

The giants breathing was labored, and he seemed to be in so much pain.

Kahlan felt that pain as if it were her own and it was gut wrenching! Debilitating!

Soon a huge pair of eyes met Kahlan's. She saw a warmth in those eyes that she had never seen in her father's eyes. Startled, she stumbled and sat on her butt.

"Are you alright?" The giant asked her. His voice boomed in the cavern

"I should be asking you that. You're hurt" Kahlan replied. "How are you still alive?"

"It is not of consequence. It will heal in a while. How did you get here? You shouldn't be here" he asked.

"I came by myself. I thought you wanted me to." She replied. A bit saddened by the thought that the giant did not want her here. After all she had done to get here. She was sure though, that whatever had called her here wanted her to save the giant.

"You should go. It's not safe." He said urgently.

"NO!!" she yelled back fiercely. "You're hurt, and I'm scared whoever did this to you will come back. I'm not leaving unless you come with me."

"What do you care? Go away human. Your kind cannot survive what is coming." He urged.

"I SAID I'M NOT LEAVING!!" she yelled even more fiercely. She felt really anxious for him. Seeing him in danger like this, she was really worried. She knew little first aid, but couldn't think of a way to treat the huge injuries on the giant.

The sound of wings began fluttering like bats in a swarm. The sky above casted a shadow of 5 creatures. They were like the size of humans, but nothing about them seemed humane. They had hair long and silky like a woman's, but their faces were grotesque with evil. Their claws were sharp and bloodied. And their beak held entrails of flesh. They seemed bereft of all skin. Streamlined muscled monsters, they were. They muttered and cackled with glee over who gets to rip which organ of the giant.

Kahlan looked up and sighted these monsters.

"You" she growled in anger. "you did this to him"

"Don't" the giant groaned. "you'll only get yourself killed! Foolish human child. Why would you risk yourself for a stranger?"

"You're not a stranger to me." Kahlan replied "I came all across the world to find you and I'm not about to let these monsters hurt you again"

This set the giant thinking. He had all but given up on humankind. He did so much for them, but none of their heroes had ever set thought on freeing him or repaying his kindness. The gods were fickle minded and selfish but that was not news to him. He knew all and held no hope for the world. His foresight was his ruin. He had given up on everything.

Just… this human child.

She sparked a fire in his long since dead heart.

He started to hope.

He was not going to let this child get hurt.

He was done giving up on himself and the rest of the world.