After making sure that Kahlan's physical body was safe, Prometheus took his time consoling Kahlan within the mindscape.

She was still a little girl but she was bereft of familial love. Prometheus knew that humans required this in order to thrive. But seeing that her father was trash, he decided to become a big brother to her.

He wanted to give her everything she needed. If she needed family, he would act as her big brother. He did not want his mate to lack anything.

It took a lot to console Kahlan. But afterward, she began to sleep.

Prometheus let her rest and returned to his physical body.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Hermes sitting on a chair and watching him closely.

"Why are you here?" he asked Hermes.

But Hermes didn't say anything. He just quietly observed Prometheus. It was obvious that he was deep in thought.

Today, Hermes was decked out in leather. A leather jacket, leather pants, with leather boots to go.

Prometheus looked at Hermes and sighed. "Are you so free you have so much time to spend with me?" he asked. But seeing that there was no reaction from Hermes. He realized that Hermes wasn't even listening to him. "Or have you found yourself attracted to my new face? No matter what, I'd never give in to your advances. I am a male who is attracted to the other gender." He teased.

At this point, Hermes woke up from his engrossed state and heard the last words Prometheus said.

He made a bleugh sound and hissed at Prometheus. "Who's attracted to you?" he spat. "Anyway do you have my money?"

Prometheus eyed Hermes warily.

"I'd have you know that every day you don't pay up, the amount you have to return doubles" Hermes was acting like a real thug.

Prometheus realized that when Hermes gave him that card, he was setting a trap for Prometheus. Luckily, he had made a lot of money last night.

He stretched his hand to the bedside table and retrieved the card.

"Here," he tossed the card to Hermes.

Hermes received the card a bit shocked. He had not expected to get the money back.

"There's still a lot of money left in there. Can you make two identity cards for me? One for a 25-year-old and the other for a 14-year-old?"

Hermes raised a brow at that.

"I want the two Id's in my name" Prometheus explained.

"Prometheus" Hermes mouthed out the name. "That's a mouthful you know. You'd Barely find people today answering such" he confided.

"Whatever" Prometheus waved. "Can you do it or not?"

"Naturally I can" Hermes boasted. He brought out his phone and sent a text message. After sending the text, he let out a malicious smile.

Prometheus knew that Hermes was going to play a prank on him. But he let it pass. Right now, he needed a way to ingratiate himself with society and find a way to enroll in Kahlan's school.

He loathed asking Hermes anything. What if he counted it as a favor? That would put Prometheus in debt again.

"You don't need a picture or anything for the ID?" Prometheus asked.

"Yeah, I almost forgot. Here stand by this wall lemme take a few pictures" Hermes said.

Prometheus stood as Hermes took a photo of him as a fourteen-year-old.

After that picture, he disguised himself as a 25-year-old and Hermes took the picture as well.

After sending it in via his phone, he put it down and turned to face Prometheus.

"When are you coming in for the tests?" he asked anxiously.

"Slow your roll" Prometheus warned. "Why are you so eager anyway?"

Hermes rolled his eyes.

Indeed he had been a bit hasty.

"Alright," he sighed. "I'll be back next week." At that, he was set to leave.

"Wait" Prometheus stopped him. "My brother, Epimetheus. How is he?" There were two worries in Prometheus's life the moment he was released. The first was how to protect Kahlan. The second was his brother Epimetheus.

Epimetheus was also a titan god, Prometheus's half-brother. But Epimetheus was a bit dim witted. He would always do something stupid and then afterwards, realize how stupid it was. But that wouldn't stop him from jumping right into the next dumb scam.

It was a constant source of worry to Prometheus. As his big brother, Prometheus felt the need to look out for Epimetheus.

Hermes looked a bit pensive as if he wanted to say something. "The thing is…" he didn't know how to say it.

Prometheus was getting bad vibes. "Just tell me," he said.

"You remember Hesione" Hermes began.

Indeed Prometheus remembered Hesione.

She was his wife and for the period that they were married, he had been crazy over her. She was very beautiful and he had fallen for that beauty. But the moment he was imprisoned, she abandoned him. She went back to the sea and found a lover for herself among the sirens. That was right Hesione had dumped him for a woman.

It was a period of agony for Prometheus. Especially because at that time he was falsely imprisoned. The sheer heartache was more painful than the physical torture.

It had taken a long time for Prometheus to heal from that. Hermes knew this, so it was one of the reasons why he was hesitant.

"The thing is after Epimetheus found out about what Hesione did, he went to confront her." Hermes continued.

Prometheus felt a deafening ping sound in his ear. He shook his head. Why would Epimetheus do something so foolhardy?

"So uh… Her siren lover captured him, and made him a servant in her castle."

Hermes finished.

"Pandora?" Prometheus asked. "Is she alright? What about his children? Didn't they try to rescue him?"

"Oh they tried… halfheartedly. I think they might have been fed up with his stupidity." Hermes answered frankly.

"So you've got information about one person. There's only two more left."

Hermes told him and prepared to leave again.

"Wait." Prometheus stopped him again. "The information isn't complete. You haven't given me the details. Where is he now? How can I get to him? What is the name of the siren?" the last question was a bit strangled. In truth, he was very embarrassed by the whole situation.

He wasn't ready to face his ex-wife yet. Not to even mention her lover. He had refused to listen to news about them before and that was why he did not know her name yet.

Hermes sighed and scratched his head.

In truth, he didn't want to talk about this entire thing because of Hesione. He remembered the days when he visited Prometheus and had to awkwardly endure the sight of Prometheus weeping over his ex-wife.

He knew that Prometheus had a very soft side and once that place was reached, he would become an emotional plushy.

So he grabbed Prometheus' phone and dialed his number with it.

"I'll send everything to you as a text," he said and quickly dashed out of the room.

He wasn't ready to comfort him again.

Hermes was thinking too much. Prometheus didn't feel any heartache anymore over Hesione. His heart was full of Kahlan now. Rather he felt embarrassed. Indeed it was a very embarrassing thing for a man to be dumped.

Sighing at how stupidly loyal Epimetheus was, he began to perform his daily ablutions.

He would think of a way to rescue Epimetheus later.