After an hour passed, there was a ring at the door.

Prometheus wondered who was there. The only person who knew this address was Hermes.

But Hermes had just left about an hour ago. Had he forgotten something? Or was it the people at the motel?

He went to open the door. There was a delivery guy there.

Prometheus signed for the package and returned to the room.

Sitting on the bed, he began to rip the wrappings of the parcel.

It was wrapped in very colorful paper. When he saw this, he realized that the package was from Hermes. Only Hermes would play a prank like this.

The parcel contained 2 identity cards. One for a 25yo the other for a 14 yo.

It looked okay at first, but when Prometheus glanced at the name on the ID, his face contorted.

The name on the 14 yo read 'Prome Theus'. The first name was 'Prome'!!! How on earth was he going to go around answering 'Prome'!!

The 25 yo one made him feel even more incensed. The name was 'Rome Theus.'

He knew that Hermes did not lack imagination enough to have to divide his name in order to make a name and surname.

It was probably Hermes playing a prank on him again. Prometheus remembered that mischievous smirk on Hermes's face when he asked him for a name preference.

But then, it was also Prometheus's fault. Who asked him to consider the naming as trivial!!

Anyway, he needed to get everything in place.

He disguised as a 25-year-old and picked up the ID and phone.

Walking into a bank, he registered a savings account and linked it up to the account he used to invest in the stock market.

Good thing he had not sent in all the money to the card Hermes gave him.

Once that was settled, he decided to purchase a few clothes.

He bought sets of clothing for his 14-year-old persona as well as the 25-year-old one.

Once he had settled that matter, he decided to contact Kahlan.

Although the school was in session today, Kahlan did not go to school.

She was mentally exhausted and her father didn't pressure her.

In fact, he had decided to go on another business trip leaving Kahlan to the care of the maids in the house.

When Kahlan was asked about the name of her school and where it was located, she squirmed in glee.

She was so happy that she decided to leave the house to meet up with him.

But that wasn't possible. Without factoring in the heavy guards situated around the mansion, there were also the lions that stood outside her bedroom door and followed her about.

So all she could do was send a mind link message to Prometheus about the school's location.

Now that she thought of it, she didn't have Prometheus's phone number.

But she didn't think too much. Why would she need to use a phone when all she had to do to contact him was send a direct message to his mind?

It was too simple so she let that thought rest.

Prometheus got the location and decided to pay the school a visit.

The school was a private school. And since it was the middle of the term, it was a little difficult to get in.

However, Prometheus assured the principal that his son Prome Theus' was very smart and could handle the curriculum.

As to why 'Prome Theus' was not in the school system, 'Rome Theus' made up a reason that the child had been homeschooled. But since his mother died, he had been having a difficult time. It was hoped that interacting with children his own age would ease the child's grief.

Naturally, the principal thought that 'Rome Theus' was a bit too young to have a fourteen-year-old kid. And why were their names so weird? She was a bit baffled by this.

But of course, Prometheus switched on the good old Godly charm and everything went smoothly.

The school fees dried up all of Prometheus's money leaving him with a few dollars in his pockets.

But of course, Prometheus wasn't worried about this. The stock market was easy for him to milk. Using his foresight, he could make double that amount in a few hours.

Besides he was doing this for Kahlan. It was worth it if he could see her smile.

He went back to the motel after purchasing a few snacks.

Naturally, as a titan god, he didn't need to eat but the human food had progressed so much that it had a lot of varieties. Every single bite was delicious. Once he began, he didn't want to stop.

He bought a lot of snacks with the few dollars he had.

Afterward, he sat down and went online. The motel Wi-Fi was a bit slow today but he still managed to make a ton of money.

When he was a bit satisfied with the amount he had made, he ordered pizza.

His little fourteen-year-old stomach was so full that it swelled.

Looking down at his miniature potbelly, he smiled in satisfaction.

On the other hand, Kahlan was a bit worried.

She wanted to know if he had successfully enrolled in the school.

She had not heard from him ever since he had asked her for directions to her school.

Although she was worried. She couldn't bring herself to ask. What if he was busy right now, she would be interrupting something.

She picked up her phone and went through the group chat she was in with her friends. She had three very close friends Millie, Jen, and Ava but ever since she found Prometheus, she didn't feel as close to them as before. Previously, she couldn't go a day without talking to them.

But now, when she turned on her messaging app, she saw over a thousand messages on the group chat.

"Woah!!" she was taken aback. With a little trepidation, she went through each message on the chat.

At first, the messages made her feel warm. They were all asking her if she was okay, how her trip went? When she was coming back?

Then they started talking about other matters between themselves. She found out that Ava had a new boyfriend now. There were pictures of Millie's pet rabbit that had a litter. Kahlan squealed over how cute they were and continued going through the messages. They asked Kahlan to send a postcard. How long was she going to be there?

Kahlan felt all warm and fuzzy over their care. She had been gone for about 3 days. And so many things had happened during that time.

Kahlan took a selfie and sent it to the group chat with the message "I'm back"

Immediately as if they were waiting for her, there were tons of messages from her friends asking about how her trip went and what she went there for.

Ava was gushing over how gorgeous Kahlan had become. It was like Kahlan was glowing.

Kahlan smiled when Ava told her that.

Kahlan really wanted to tell them about Prometheus, but when she started, she didn't have the words to describe it. So she let it pass. She would tell them about him when they met in school tomorrow. Prometheus should be there as well.

They sent her the assignments that she had missed and Kahlan spent a lot of time working on them.

When it was time to go to bed, Kahlan reached out to Prometheus naturally to say goodnight.