Hermes begins to suspect

Using the mind link, Prometheus told Kahlan that he was going to attend her school the next day.

Kahlan was so happy that she squealed with joy. They had a long and drawn-out good night greeting. Neither of them wished to leave the other. But Prometheus had to bid her sleep. She was still a child and needed the rest.

Once he had confirmed that Kahlan was asleep, he dialed Hermes' phone number.

Prometheus did not need sleep. He was a titan god. Sleep was for mortals.

Hermes picked up on the first ring.

"The information," Prometheus said directly. He did not waste time on niceties.

"And hello to you too friend" Hermes replied sweetly.

Prometheus sighed. "Can you send the information now?" he asked with a groan.

"I'm coming over" Hermes replied cutting the call.

Prometheus suddenly felt exhausted.

He lay on the bed and pretended to sleep.

Within a few minutes. There was a knocking on the door.

Prometheus covered his head with the duvet, pretending not to hear the knock.

The knock went on for about 30 seconds then it stopped.

Prometheus sighed. Perhaps, Hermes had given up.


There was a squeaking sound on the lock and then, the door opened ajar.

"You should really get extra security" Hermes commented.

"Not like it would keep you out" Prometheus threw back sarcastically. "Why didn't you just send the information via SMS?"

"It's not much fun" Hermes pouted. "Besides, I wanted to see you."

"Why would…?" Prometheus started before shaking his head. "You know what, never mind. I don't want to know. I'm exhausted and I can't deal with any of your crap right now"

Hermes raised a brow at that. Since when did gods need rest?

He turned around and began to observe the newly added items in the room.

It was mostly clothes. And surprisingly, there was a school uniform set. Interesting.

Hermes eyed the uniform. Beside it were some books. School books. What was Prometheus planning on now!

He cast his mind to the fishy look on Prometheus's face whenever he brought up Kahlan, and then grinned mischievously. he was right to have come. when the digital track record of Prometheus's movement and purchases came back, he felt that something was strange about it. he just couldn't put a finger on it.

"My dude," he began. "When are you going to move out of this slum? This place is so tight I can't move two feet without bumping into something. You wouldn't want your girlfriend to get hurt when she comes to visit, would you?.

Prometheus who was now sipping on a juice box choked on it.

His face turned scarlet. "She's not my girlfriend" he strangled out angrily. "And you better stop thinking about her."

Naturally, Hermes was now invested in this topic. This was one of the reasons he liked Prometheus so much. His face is like a map. You could literally read the emotions running through him on his face. He was so honest that Hermes found it refreshing.

The other gods and goddesses loved to play tricks and stack riddles on riddles just to hide their true intent. While it was intriguing to try to find out what they were hiding, it was also tiring. Talking with them was like giving yourself a headache.

Prometheus was much more fun to play with.

"…Yet" Hermes added to Prometheus's sentence. "She's not your girlfriend yet"

He grinned smugly.

Prometheus grabbed a bag of Cheetos and whacked Hermes over the head.

"Look how dirty your mind is. She's only thirteen for heaven's sakes, She's basically a child."

"She has crossed puberty you know. She is of marriageable age. At least she was, in the past. This generation has a lot of restrictions regarding child marriage." Hermes sighed.

But Prometheus's face got even redder and redder. It was as if his head was going to combust.

"You know how I've felt about that even in the past. Nobody ever listens to me. I basically made the first humans. I know their biology. This whole puberty marriage stuff is just stupid. It only hurts the child to be married at a tender age. They haven't matured physically, mentally, or emotionally" Prometheus kept on going on and on about this topic.

Hermes was getting bored. "Yada! Yada! Yada! Just stop it already okay! You've preached to me over this topic a million times already. I know what you're going to say next, but frankly, I don't care about that crap. Anyway, it looks like this generation also has your idea as well. But that hasn't stopped their females. They have boyfriends when they are as young as ten. And there isn't even the protection of marriage. They just go into relationships with anybody and by the time they are of "marriageable age" according to you, they are a bundle of emotional baggage. Bleugh!"

Hermes was a bit frustrated with this. He liked having fun and was happy that there weren't many restrictions, marriage-wise. Not that there were before. Just that your reputation as a god just keeps getting thrown about when you have too many illegitimate kids. But now that he could be free, it was hard to find a woman without any of that emotional baggage.

Gah! This was why he hated serious talks. They always made him reflect. He hated reflecting.

Speaking of reflecting, Prometheus thought of his precious mate.

Hermes had told him the kids of this generation had boyfriends as early as ten. He was aghast at that. He hated the thought of anyone else having his mate.

He wondered if she had any boyfriends previously. I mean, she was thirteen already. That's three years past ten. He didn't want her to have any 'emotional baggage' as Hermes had put it. It was scary when he thought of her being hurt. Albeit emotionally. He also thought of what he would do if she wasn't pure.

Instinctively, he felt abhorred by the thought of someone else being intimate with his Kahlan. Bah! He shook his head. But then again, even if she had been sullied by someone else, he wouldn't reject her. He couldn't even stomach the thought of being away from her. What more pushing her away? It would break him. He needed to talk to her. If she needed a boyfriend so that she could fit in with her classmates, then he would be the one for her. He would protect her and keep her pure and safe from emotional harm.

Hermes watched Prometheus face express a kaleidoscope of emotions, ranging from terror, to horror, to pain, and finally acceptance. Then his eyes glazed over as if he was no longer with Hermes.

Prometheus had entered the mindscape.

Kahlan was within the mindscape, sleeping gently. She had taken to sleeping within the mindscape.

Prometheus thought it was incredibly dangerous.

Her dreams were thoughts, what if they materialized?

And materialize they did.

He watched a film-like version of Kahlan's dream.

It was a gentle dream, like spider web thin. That was probably why it did not fully materialize. The previous times, she probably had a dreamless sleep. That was why he didn't realize the danger.

He was aghast to think of what would happen if she had a vivid nightmare. Would it hurt her? He moved to set a protection around Kahlan's head that would prevent her from materializing thoughts. It was temporary. This was her mindscape. If he made a permanent one, this place would probably crumble.

As he was about to set the protection, he saw the dream change.