Kahlan kissed him!!

Previously, it was a dream about butterflies dancing in a field.

Now he saw two figures in the field.

It was Him and Kahlan.

They were holding hands and running through the flowers.

He watched with avid interest. His heart throbbed as he saw that beautiful scene.

The dream Prometheus and Kahlan stopped by a little stream, and he watched a replay of himself lying on Kahlan's lap.

He remembered this scene. That was after Kahlan had rescued him from his prison.

But there was something different in this scene, As he watched himself confess to Kahlan about his feelings, and he saw Kahlan's head lower slowly until their lips touched.

His heart stopped beating.

He couldn't blink.

Kahlan kissed him!!!

But then the dream continued on. It was a light kiss, a brushing of lips. Sweet yet fleeting.

He watched closely as the Prometheus in the dream sat up and pulled Kahlan into his lap, leaning closer and kissing her deeply. Sucking on her delicious lips. The dream became more pronounced and life-like. Vivid to the point where it came to life within the white room.

Prometheus was transfixed. Although he knew it was a dream, he couldn't help but feel his heart stirring.

He wanted it to be him. Not that dream version, kissing and tasting Kahlan's full and plush lips. He wanted it so badly he felt jealous of himself.

He wanted it to be himself holding Kahlan close and tasting her essence, feeling her lips intertwined with his in passion. Running his hands through her glorious hair. Fisting it and pulling her immeasurably closer to him. Until they combine and merge as one.

He shook his head abruptly. He had been so engrossed in the dream that he hadn't realized what this meant. Kahlan was dreaming about him. About kissing him. She wanted him the way he did her!! She wanted him!!

It suddenly dawned on him that Hermes was right.

Kahlan probably wanted him to be her boyfriend. She wanted to kiss him in such a passionate manner. And he wanted it too… by Cronus, he wanted it.

This was getting dangerous.

He quickly moved to Kahlan and restricted her from materializing thoughts.

He closed his eyes while doing so. He wanted to restrain himself. He couldn't imagine what he would do if he got a close-up look at her yummy lips. Would he lose it and take her lips in his? Doing all sorts of wicked things to her?

He didn't want to be a pedophile. Although right now he looked and felt like a fourteen-year-old boy, he knew that he was way older than that.

He didn't want to lose control over himself.

So after doing that, he quickly retreated from the mindscape and back to his own head,

While that had seemed to take years, it was only a few minutes in reality.

He found himself panting and out of breath.

Hermes had been watching Prometheus this whole time.

He knew from the moment that Prometheus had his eyes glazed over like that that he was no longer mentally present.

He observed Prometheus closely, not daring to wake him up.

Was this a new power Prometheus had obtained? Mind traveling?

He knew that it was impossible to get new powers, a god's powers are consolidated at conception.

It was impossible to get new ones. The only gray area was when you got a new job, your powers would shift to accommodate that area. Hermes had taken full advantage of that. Expanding his powers by getting jobs left right and center. Although he seemed like a young hustling god, he was merely just power-hungry.

Watching Prometheus, he saw his face express new emotions. First was worry, then surprise, then Lust. That was a new one.

It had been centuries since Hermes had seen Prometheus express that. Just where exactly did he go?

Hermes thought of Kahlan, and how protective Prometheus seemed of her.

Could it be? His head spun with conjectures.

It was very likely that Prometheus had gone to visit Kahlan and had seen something interesting.

Prometheus even had a physical reaction to it. That is if the growing bump on Prometheus shorts meant anything.

Hermes was very surprised. He wondered how Prometheus got his new powers. Was it related to that child? Hermes placed his hands on his chin and pursed his lips thoughtfully.

It was to this look that Prometheus returned.

He saw Hermes looking at him thoughtfully.

"You were right" he whispered under his breath. "She really does want a boyfriend"

Prometheus covered his head with his hands. "What do I do?" he wailed.

Hermes found this very amusing. The very person who was against the whole child marriage thing was now troubled with perverted thoughts over a child.

He wanted to laugh but stifled it. Prometheus was going to become more and more interesting in the future. He decided to stick around and enjoy the entertainment.

And also figure out how Prometheus got his new powers. That was the most important.

After Hermes left, Prometheus had a hard time controlling his thoughts. He needed to do something to calm himself. The kiss was replaying itself over and over again. He was very tempted to return and unbind Kahlan's thoughts so he could watch it again. Through the bond, he could feel Kahlan's unfiltered emotions.

At night her mind was unguarded. Speaking of, he had never really taught her how to put up a mental shield. He had always done that for her. The shield on his side was a two-way shield. It prevented his thoughts from leaking and also hers from entering. But it was a bit weak on her side. Whenever she had strong thoughts, they would always filter through. Like right now. She seemed to be still engrossed in the dream. Her feelings were so strong that they passed through the shield-like water. He could feel her desire for him. Her wish to be close to him at all times, to be protected and loved by him.

All of this made Prometheus harden even more. This is his mate we're talking about. Their bond went so deep that their souls had merged. It was impossible to resist the attraction there. And though Kahlan was still a child, she had her own thoughts. She had reached puberty and it was a time of heightened emotions. The attraction toward Prometheus would only be heightened because of this. It was with great fortitude borne by years of existence that helped Prometheus resist that night. He wondered if this is how it was going to be every night. Resisting the need to hold his mate close?

Time that never seemed to bother Prometheus before now seemed to pass so slowly. He cursed at the sun for not rising fast enough. He needed a distraction. His eyes caught sight of the books that were on the table. They were the textbooks for the class Prometheus was going to join.

He picked them up and skimmed through them.

As an existence above humanity, Prometheus had excellent retention and besides, these were eight-grade books. It took a few hours to go through them, memorize and understand everything.

It was actually so simple for him. The courses he had registered were the same as Kahlan's so he would probably be in the same classes as her.

By the time he was done, there were still three hours until dawn.

He went online and decided to buy some long-term stock.

Previously, he was trading in small stocks and currency markets. Using his foresight, it was incredibly easy to make money. Just by predicting stuff, the rise and fall of shares, and which business will boom quicker, Prometheus was able to make more money. He saved it in his bank account.

Then, he went online and ordered a bicycle. While he could fly to the school, it could be very dangerous to do so. How would he explain his sudden appearance and disappearance?

He could take an UBER, but he decided against it. Besides, he needed to do something to kill time. And not think about Kahlan.

At this point in time, he had fully acclimated to living in the modern world. He wanted to fit in… for Kahlan.

The bicycle arrived in an hour's time. The delivery service here was wonderful.

Looking around the room, Prometheus decided that he needed a new change of residence. Hermes was right, If Kahlan came to visit it would be very dangerous for her to be here.

With no more distractions, Prometheus decided to go out for a walk.

It was a quiet suburban town.

As Prometheus walked, he found himself headed in the direction of Kahlan's house.

He did not realize it until he was right at the gate.

There was no security guard at the gate. The walls of the place were high and the gate was of reinforced metal.

The entire place reeked of danger. I mean, who in their right mind would trespass on a wolf den?

On reaching the gate, Prometheus did an about-turn and flew back to his little room.

He was secretly musing on the thought that he needed to get a lavish mansion with high walls for Kahlan to be safe within.

Gah! At this point, Prometheus was obsessed with Kahlan. His every thoughts and actions seemed to revolve around her, it was like she was the center of his world now.

He seemed to have a new focus in life. Could it be that Kahlan's tender age or her lack of familial care stirred up an even more aggressive protective nature within Prometheus? Because, Prometheus seemed to take his feelings for his mate one step further to the point where he seemed border line obsessive.