Going to court Kahlan

Thankfully, dawn arrived, bringing much relief to Prometheus.

He took a cold shower. Not like he needed to bathe… being ageless and all, rather, he liked the feel of water on his skin. There were new things he was beginning to realize that he liked. Was this whole new personality wrought by Kahlan's introduction to his life? Only Prometheus would think that way.

After taking a shower, he was chipper and excited. He couldn't wait to meet Kahlan. Couldn't wait to hold her hands and feel his heart still with the thought that she would always be his.

Within a few minutes, he was all set and ready for school. He wanted to fly over to the school but decided against it, assembling the new bicycle, he rode to school. Whistling the whole time he was on the road.

It took ten minutes to get to the school.

It was a grand building that housed both an elementary school and a middle school.

He felt a little perturbed to find a lot of boys in the school.

Could one of them be secretly craving his mate? These little twats, if they even dared come close to her, he would strike terror in their heart.

Parking his bicycle, he locked it and strode into the school.

Eyes turned wherever he passed. And rightly so, he was oozing godliness. An attraction to mortals. He was like a ray of sunlight, shining wherever he passed. Also, there was the unique factor that he was a new student in the middle of the school year.

He walked down to the office to get the whole pizzaz over with. He could hardly wait to be with Kahlan.

After obtaining his schedule… which he already knew beforehand and a locker, he walked over to drop off his books.

As the case turned out, he caught sight of Kahlan talking with her friends as soon as he had done that. The glorious sight of his mate caught him off guard. As if she sensed him there, she turned and saw him.

Prometheus felt his face go red when he saw her. Her sheer beauty made him recall the scene from the dream. He wondered if Kahlan remembered it. Would she feel shy as well?

The sheer joy on her face was indescribable. there was no sign of embarrassment. just glee at seeing her mate again. so, he guessed that she didn't remember the dream.

She ran to him and enveloped him in a hug.

Prometheus unfroze upon feeling her warmth. He hugged her back tightly. He had missed her so much. She was also clearly excited to see him. This made him happy.

"Prometheus" she whispered to his neck.

Prometheus' protective nature kicked in when he realized people were staring.

He shot a look at them making them cower and turn their gaze away.

Kahlan's face was still buried in the nook of his neck. It seemed like she was breathing him in. The fact that she wanted to sniff him excited Prometheus. He tenderly nuzzled her hair. His eyes dilating.

From his half-closed eyes, he saw three girls approaching them. They seemed to be filled with a lot of personalities. Not that he noticed, he only had eyes for his Kahlan.

But when Kahlan heard their footsteps and quiet squealing, she jumped out of Prometheus's arms.

She seemed a bit pink in the face. She was clearly embarrassed. Prometheus shot them a dirty look. He was angry that they interrupted his moment with his mate.

Feeling his anger, Kahlan silently held his hand, calming him a bit. Her holding his hand did not go unnoticed by the three girls.

"So are you going to introduce us?" one of them asked blowing a bubble.

"Right" Kahlan shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Prometheus these are my friends Millie, Jen, and Ava." Millie was the one with red fuzzy hair, Jen was quiet and wore rimmed glasses, and Ava was the one that blew the bubble and asked for an introduction.

Prometheus nodded at them, still not taking his eyes off Kahlan.

"Girls this is Prometheus, my…" she seemed lost, not knowing what to call Prometheus. She couldn't just call him her mate, they would either think she was bonkers or she was trying to sound British.

"Boyfriend" Prometheus filled out for her. "I'm her boyfriend." He said it just loud enough for the entire hallway to hear him. It seemed like he was telling every guy out there to steer off his person.

Kahlan became red in the face but she didn't try to refute him.

Feelings of happiness passed through the bond. As well as an internal squeal. Prometheus smiled at that. So he was right after all. She did want him to be her boyfriend.

"oooh" the girls oohed at Kahlan "You didn't tell us yesterday," Millie said. Jen looked at Prometheus's face and blushed, looking away. "He's cute" she whispered to Kahlan.

Ava was outright. "Your name sounds weird", she said. Kahlan shot her a look and she wisely kept her mouth shut after that.

Prometheus walked down the hallway to the first class, hand in hand with Kahlan. Her friends were off to get their books from their lockers. He brought out his school schedule and showed it to Kahlan.

"I registered for the same classes as you," he told her smugly. Kahlan smiled at this.

'You haven't officially asked me out' she pouted through the mind link.

Prometheus was puzzled. He thought they were talking about timetables.

'I don't understand' he sent back through the mind link.

Kahlan sighed. 'When you want to be someone's boyfriend, you have to first ask the person out. You have to arrange something romantic with flowers and then you ask the person to be your girlfriend. Then we start dating and if we don't break up, we get married in the future.'

Prometheus thought this was a pointless exercise. He loved Kahlan, and Kahlan loved him. They were already mates. Their freaking souls were bound. It was a given that he would marry Kahlan in the future when she was mature and ready. What was the whole point with this dating stuff? He only decided to be Kahlan's boyfriend so other guys would stay away. It was very confusing for Prometheus to now be told that he had to ask Kahlan out and then ask her to be his girlfriend in order for them to begin dating? There was even a chance that they wouldn't get married!! Courtship was for humans to decide their marriage mates. Why would anyone begin to court from a tender age? They hadn't even discovered themselves, what they liked, who they were going to be, or what they wanted in a potential marriage mate. The chances of them gaining a spouse from such an early courtship was zero. He didn't even need to use his foresight to tell that. It seemed pointless. But he wasn't going to tell her that.

Since she wanted this whole ritual, then he would give it to her. Since it seemed like she liked flowers, he would arrange a whole meadow for her.

He would give her anything she wanted or asked for. He was like that. Once he had somebody in his life even without the bond, he would go the extra mile for them.

'okay,' he agreed 'I'm going to court you Kahlan. The way you want me to. Okay,' he squeezed her hand in his tenderly and smiled at her.

Kahlan went gooey over that. Her pink face stayed the same right up until she sat down.