Chapter 3

Everything went quiet for Tivon. He didn't hear the rain, the thunder, the waves crashing in. Tivon didn't dare to breathe. He didn't even answer when The Masked man said, »Where were you hiding?«

When nothing came out of Tivon he asked again, drawing the sword nearer, the point of it meeting Tivon's skin. »Where were you hiding?«

»B-behind the barrels.« Shuttered Tivon, surprised that he even managed to answer him.

The Masked man looked at the barrels and back at Tivon. I'm done for. Tivon was ready to meet death, as The Masked man slowly lowered his sword and turned around.

»The boy stays alive.«

»Why do we need this shary?« Asked the privateer with a big earring. Tivon didn't know what shary meant, but he could only imagine it couldn't mean anything nice.

»He lives.« said The Masked man, his voice quick and sharp. The pirate just sighed disappointingly, yet Tivon couldn't ignore, the slight tension of the pirate's body.

Someone forcefully lifted Tivon to his feet from behind. »Move shary

Tivon had no other choice but to follow their orders, scared for what might have happen next. So he remained silent.

He followed them on the ship and below the deck. As they were walking, Tivon gathered enough courage to ask. »W-what are you going to do with me?«

A man that had a scar over one of his eye, shoved him forward into a room. »None of yer business.« He slammed the door behind him, covering Tivon in complete darkness.

Tivon's body was trembling - because of fear or cold, he didn't know. He knew what the pirates could do to him, he saw it with his own eyes. The knowledge of The Rose Sparrows as the enemy of The Kingdom of Naydawin since the ruling of his grandfather, weren't helping him staying calm.

Tivon shivered and sat down. I can't stay here. I need to get away from here quickly.


He didn't sleep. He was tired, but he didn't dare to sleep. Tivon's eyes were open, alerted at all time. The storm must have stopped, because he couldn't hear any thundering or rain and neither did the ship rock anymore. The room had no opening so he couldn't know if it was morning or if they were anywhere near the coast.

All of a sudden, a door opened, blinding Tivon with a morning light.

When Tivon's eyes finally adjusted to the light The Masked man stood before him saying. »Come on, we have work to do.«

Without missing a beat, he turned around and left. Tivon followed him, too scared to disobey him.

When they came to the deck, Tivon realized that they have already landed, but not in a harbour. They were at sea where the depth of the water was still deep enough for a ship. On the shore Tivon couldn't see any town or village, it was just woods. The Masked man showed him his place in a boat where other pirates were already sitting. Tivon sat down quietly, huging his bag close to his chest.

They lowered the boat into the water and sailed towards the shore. Tivon still didn't know why he was alive, why they let him live. He didn't even know if he was awake, or if all of this was just a dream. They're probably just taking me to the woods to kill me.

He didn't dare to look anyone in the eye, yet he stole a glance at The Masked man who paid him no mind. The only reason I'm alive right now is because of him. He wouldn't just kill me now. Unless...

The boat hit the shore, and they headed into the woods. The Masked man was in the front leading the group and Tivon was somewhere in the middle, so he wouldn't dare escape.

Tivon's head was unbearable. He was contemplating if he should stay and possibly get murdered or if he should run away, which would also end in death. He couldn't see the solution, where he could escape alive.

They were walking through a dense forest, still damp from the storm. There were only random rays of light coming through the tall trees. Tivon slightly jumped every time he heard an animal sound, followed by the laughter of other pirates. Eventually, they came by a path that led them to a considerable big stone wall. Tivon could hear a distant sound of people talking.

»Now's your time.« Said The Masked man looking at the wall.

Tivon didn't know what he meant, so he just stood there looking at The Masked man. At last, The Masked man turned and stepped away, so that Tivon could see a small hole in the wall, just big enough for him.

»You want me to go through that hole?«

The Masked man leaned on the wall, crossing his arms. »Yes. And when you get to the other side you'll attach this rope to a building inside the wall and throw it over the wall for us. Could you do that for us?«

Tivon didn't know if he was even capable of doing any of this, but he still nodded. The Masked man threw him the rope that Tivon later attached to his bag. He fixed his coat, stepped forward, breathed in and out and climbed through the wall. He underestimated the size of the hole. He had to crawl through it. In time he got through to the other side. He looked back through the hole seeing The Masked man and others looking at him.

»Now attach the rope to the building.« Said The Masked man calmly.

Tivon looked at the rope and took it in his hand. This is your chance. He looked back at them. Run before they can get to you. Before he knew it, he dropped the rope and started running.

He only heard angry screams behind him before he ran into a narrow street leading into an open wide main street filled with people. He didn't think to stop. Tivon continued running not fully knowing where he got the energy or strength to do so. I need to get far away from here. He thought to himself as he came to a less busy street.

His back was hurting. Due to a childhood accident, his back was slightly crooked, causing him pain during physical activity. For the first time since leaving the kingdom, he wished to be back in the comfort of his room. It was your decision to run away, so now you needed to ensure it wasn't a bad choice.

He took a left turn, finding himself in a street with a dead end. Tivon stopped to catch some air before turning around to find The Masked man standing in front of him.

»A quick one are you?«

Before Tivon could say anything, The Masked man hit him with his elbow right in his temple.


Tivon woke up with a stinging pain in his right temple. He forced himself to sit up. He found himself in a prison cell. He checked to see if his bag was still on him. A panic rushed through his body when he found out that his bag and coat were missing.

»Don't worry. Your bag and coat are safe in my cabin.«

Tivon almost screamed when he heard The Masked man, who was sitting outside the cell. Why does he always just appear out of nowhere? Tivon took a big step away from The Masked man.

»W-what do you want with me?« He managed, trying to hide the shaking of his voice.

The Masked man relaxed his posture as he began to explain. »Well, we wanted to use you for a job, because you are the only one who could fit through that hole. Anyway, we couldn't do the job because a particular person didn't want to partake part in it.«

Tivon looked away. »Why put me in a cell when you can just kill me?«

»I don't need to kill you. You can still prove useful to us.«

Tivon had to smile to the irony of his words. What murderous monster would say that?

»Says the murderer.«

The Masked man sighed »I see you heard the rumours.« He stood up and pushed a plate of food towards Tivon. »Eat.«

Tivon didn't moved.

»It's not poisoned.« said The Masked man, as he opened a door and disappeared behind it.

Tivon looked at the plate with food and smirked. He didn't want to eat, just out of spite. But he was hungry. He hadn't eaten for almost a day. He pushed his grudge aside and pulled the plate to himself and started eating. When he finished, he laid down, the tiredness of the past couple days slowly taking over him. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.


The Masked man closed the door behind him, swallowing him darkness light up only by one fading lantern, lighting only his mask. He stopped before a table.

»You didn't do the job?« Said a figure sitting by a table turned away from The Masked man.

»Unfortunately, something came in between.«

»Something or someone?" The Masked man could only hear the person move in his chair. "It was the boy wasn't it?« His deep voice was rumbling through the room.

When The Masked man said nothing, he stood up and fixed his golden brass knuckles on his hand.

»It's not the boy's fault. I miss calculated-«

A big swung hit The Masked man on his left side of the face, knocking his mask off.

»If that boy causes any more trouble, this mask will have more purpose than it should have.«

The Masked man's cheek was already swallowing from the hit as he looked him in the eyes. His deep blue eyes with a pinch of purple in it, were filled with anger. A wisp of black hair fell from his forehead. He took his mask and put it back on.

»That boy is your problem now.«

Before The Masked man left, he slightly turned and said »Yes.«