Chapter 4

Two days passed since they've put Tivon in the cell. Nobody came to bother him, and he liked it that way. He didn't want those pirates mocking him. The only visit he got was The Masked man bringing him food, but he never stayed for long. He just brought the food and left.

It was like this every time, so it surprised Tivon when he heard the door open and then The Masked man unlocking the cell. Before Tivon could figure out what was happening, The Masked man chained one of his hands.

»W-what is happening?«

»You need some fresh air. Come on.« Said The Masked man, pulling him on his feet with one chain attached to his hand.

Tivon obeyed but still raised his chained hand up to his face. »Is this really necessary?«

The Masked man smirked. »You are quick. I need to take some precautions.«

When they reached the deck, the sun was just about to set, causing the sky to colour in warm red and orange colours. The sea was calm and quiet. Tivon didn't realise till then, how much he missed the fresh salty air. He took a big breath. In just a second things seemed easier.

The Masked man took him by the ship's railing and stopped. He leaned on the railing and took his mask off. Tivon almost panicked not really knowing why. It seemed to him that he wasn't supposed to see his face. However, he couldn't look away.

His face was almost perfectly shaped, a sharp jawline with a scar beneath it and radiant, slightly slender lips. He had elegant, bushy black eyebrows and long black hair that flowed in a loose braid, blowing gently in the wind. And his eyes…

Tivon had never seen such beautiful eyes. They were deep-set, oval blue eyes with a hint of purple, framed by dense black eyelashes. It was like gazing into a deep sea with glimmering purple crystals beneath it.

Tivon's face heated up in a second, turning bright red. Embarrassed, he looked away towards the horizon. His voice cracked nervously. »W-why did you put the mask off?«

The Masked man barked out a quiet laughed. »You think I wear this all the time?«

Tivon paused. »Yes? I mean they call you by that name.«

»Elias.« he said, without meeting his eyes.


Elias smiled and turned to him. »My name is Elias.«

Tivon relaxed his shoulders, mesmerized by his ocean blue eyes.. »I'm Tivon.«

In a second Tivon regrated even opening his mouth. Why did I tell him my real name?! He is going to kill you if he knows who you are!

Before he could do yet another stupid thing, Elias said. »That's a nice name. It'll be better than the nickname they gave you - shary.«

»What does it mean?«


Tivon was disappointed, but not surprised. »Of course.«

Tivon looked back at the horizon, but his eyes quickly found his way back to Elias' face. Something bothered him. It was the bruised and slightly swollen cheek. »What happened?«

Elias pointed at his cheek. »This? Let's say captains orders.«

»You're not the captain?«

Elias burst out laughing. »Me, a captain? No.«

Tivon connected the dots quickly. »You got it because of me.«

Surprise washed over Elias' face, quickly replaced by a sighed. »Well, it wasn't just your fault-«

»I think I had enough fresh air for today.«


»I want to go back.«

Elias didn't say anything. He quietly escorted him back to his cell.

Tivon felt guilty. He knew nothing about Elias, but knowing that he got hurt because of him, didn't settle right with him.

Elias unchained his hand and locked him back in his cell. He turned to the door to leave. »I take responsibility for my own actions. It was not your fault.«

Tivon only nodded and Elias left.


Is he just gonna be here every day or what? Tivon thought to himself as Elias sat down before his cell.

»You don't have to be here.«

»Are you're saying that you don't enjoy my company?« Said Elias with a playful smile not even bothering to enter with the mask on.

Tivon knew if he said yes, he would have been lying. He rather enjoyed Elias' company. The cell didn't feel lonely. Tivon just shrugged at him.

»So tell me, what are you good at?« asked Elias, while he pulled out a piece of wood and started carving it.

»I'm smart.«

»Smart? Doesn't look like that to me.«

»Oi!« Tivon gave him a annoyed look.

Elias ignored it. »It's true. If you were smart you could already escape.«

»Maybe I don't want to.« Tivon's face cringed. I really should think before I say things. »Because I have nowhere to go.« he continued quietly.

Elias looked up, confused. »Huh?«

»Nothing.« Tivon turned away, but he could still feel Elias' eyes on him. He chose to ignore him, despite Elias waiting for explanation.

Tivon's back started ache. At first, he thought nothing of it, but the pain was spreading to his neck and head. He sighed. Not now.

In a second, the pain got so bad that he started shaking, pain rushing through his body in waves of heat.

Elias noticed the sudden change in Tivon's heavy breathing. »Everything okay?"

Tivon's breathing became more panicked and shallow. »I-I need my bag.«

Elias jumped to his feet running to his cabin. A fellow pirate crossed his path. »Hey Eli-« Elias pushed him away. »Move!«

He rushed into his cabin, picked up Tivon's bag and ran back to the cell. Tivon was still shaking in pain, clutching the left side of his head. Elias opened the bag, finding all these different bottles. »Which one?«

»The blue flowers. A-and some water.«

Elias picked up a bottle with blue dried up leaves and grabbed some water. He gave it to Tivon. Tivon took a flower petal, crushed it in his hand, quickly mixed it with water and drank it. Elias was staring at him, anticipating what was to come.

»Thanks.« Managed Tivon after some time.

»Care to explain what just happened?«

Tivon breathed in. The pain was slowly subsiding. When his heartbeat calmed down, he explained. »It's just pain in my back and head, I get sometimes. The petal leaves help to ease the pain.«

Elias was curious. »What happens when you don't take it?«

The question shocked Tivon. After all these years it never crossed his mind.

»I don't know.«

In truth he really didn't know. When the pain first started it wasn't so bad. But it has gotten worse ever since. When he finally found the blue flowers, he didn't know what would have happened if he didn't take them.

The pain had drained him of all the energy. »I need to sleep it off.« He turned to him. »If you don't mind.«

»N-no. I'll go.« He started leaving hesitantly.

Tivon noticed that he didn't take the bag with him. »You forgot the bag.«

Elias stopped, smiled over his shoulder and winked at him. »You need it more than me.«

Tivon managed a smile and lay down. What happens if you don't take it? He turned on his side and closed his eyes. I don't want to find out.


Tivon couldn't sleep. He thought about home, about his pain and Elias. He could choose not to bring him the medicine. So why did he help him?

Tivon reached behind his shirt, pulling out mother's necklace. He missed his mother and Rea. They had to be the only two people from home that he cared about or that they cared about him. He remembered his mother telling him stories before sleep, even if she forgot she had already told them to him and he missed all the foolish adventures Rea and him had inside castle walls. He missed those days.

A loud explosion interrupted Tivon. He quickly hid his necklace and ran to the little window. He had to step on his toes to see through it.

There was a ship, close to them, firing cannons at them. Tivon had almost forgotten on whose ship he was on. The Rose Sparrow, an enemy to everyone sailing in these waters.

Panic rushed over him when he saw people jumping on The Rose Sparrow. As soon as he heard a thund the fight started. Pistols blazing, swords swinging, bodies falling. Damn, these pirates always picking fights.

The door to the cells swung open. Tivon turned away from the window, relieved that Elias came for him. But he didn't see Elias. Tivon didn't know this man, but he immediately recognized his uniform. He was the right-hand man of the Caershire merchant. The Kings friend.

»Well hello there.« He stepped closer and shot the cell's locker so he could enter. The cell was dark so he couldn't see Tivon's face.

Tivon knew if he got any closer he would recognize him. He didn't want to be recognized. He didn't want to go back to Naydawin.

It was too late. He was right in front of him, his pistol still loaded.

»Wait you are-«

Then he heard a loud bang.