Chapter 23

TW// Death, blood

»I am deeply insulted.« Said Luana.

Tivon's sight darkened and he felt like he might pass out.

Luana fixed a curl of her dark brown hair from her face. »You see, the actions of this boy was against my rather simple rules.« She continued. »And his actions may damage my reputation.«

She looked around and smiled. »Now would this sweet boy be so kind and stepped forward.«

Everyone remained still, but the boys were looking at each other trying to figure out who The Green Woman was talking about. Tivon couldn't move. He knew that it would be better if he just stepped forward, but he couldn't.

»Oh, is my little jade boy scared? He doesn't need to be.« She grinned. »I promise I'll be nice.«

Nobody moved so she fixed her green scarf around her hands and continued. »You can't hide forever.«

Tivon took a big breath and right as he wanted to step forward Luana said. »Adrien? Would you like to tell us something?«

Now all eyes were on Adrien. He was looking at the ground, his body shaking in fear.

»Adrien? Come hear my sweet marily

Tivon felt a relief, but it was quickly replaced with a rush of anxiety when Adrien slowly moved forward and stepped in front of her.

She waved with her hand. »Come here. Don't be shy.« He stepped towards her, his eyes filled with terror. Luana hugged him with her hand.

»Why don't we tell them what happened huh?« Adrien remained quiet. »Not a talker, I see.«

She looked around to every boy. »You see Adrien here has been stuck in the blue rank for quite some time. Poor marily, must have been so frustrated, so in his frustration and fear of never getting a higher rank he killed his customer.«

A loud gasp rose amongst the boys and Adrien's eyes started to tear up. Tivon was shocked.

»Adrien decided not to tell me, and almost gave a heart attack to the other jade boy when he found out the body in the room.«

She brushed her hand through Adrien's hair. »So, what should we do with you marily

Adrien started crying. »Please have mercy. I swear I'll do better.«

»Huh? Mercy? I'm not sure if I know that word.« She looked at him, her eyes viscous.

Adrien grabbed the side of her dress, tears streaming down his face. »Please don't kill me please.«

Kill? No, she can't do that. I need to stop this, thought Tivon.

»Please I swear I'll do better now, please don't.«

Just as Tivon was about to step forward, Luana pulled out her silver knife out of her sleeve. As Tivon screamed for her to stop, she stabbed Adrien in the heart. »Eye for an eye.« She said with a cold voice.

Tivon covered his mouth, trying to repress his scream. She dropped the body on the floor. Luana snapped her fingers and a jade boy with a cloth came to her. She took it and started cleaning her knife.

»Let this be a lesson to everyone who ever thinks about breaking a rule.« She looked around, her eyes peering through the boys like an arrow. She put the knife back and smiled. »Now clean up and get back to work. I have a reputation to fix.«

And just like that she left.

Tivon was in shock. Everything happened so fast that his tired brain couldn't comprehend. He glanced at Adrien's bloodied corpse, but he quickly looked away, as the two boys dragged the body away. His stomach was turning, and he felt like he was about to lose consciousness. He sat down on his bed and passed out.


Even though Tivon lost his consciousness and slept till the midday, he still felt tired. Throughout his sleep, he repeatedly saw Adrien getting stabbed and his body covered in blood.

He felt sorry for that boy. He didn't deserve to die like that. Or to die in this place.

Tivon forced his body to stand up and moved towards the stairs. I need to meet with Elias so that he gives me the sleep poison. Before he opened the door, he looked at the schedule board to make sure if Alieana was really coming today.

She indeed was written on the board in the afternoon, but there was also another customer scheduled for him. Tivon glanced at the clock and his heart stopped for a second. He was five minutes late.

He started running to his room. He needed to go three stories high and when he came to his room he stopped to catch a breath. He opened the door, unsurprised that his client was already waiting for him, standing by the window. The man was wearing a hat, and he had big moustaches, and he wore glasses.

Tivon bowed and said, »I'm sorry for being late.« He straightened his posture.

The man said nothing, he just ran to him and hugged him.

»U-umm sir, you mustn't touch me for the first-«

Tivon stopped. There was something familiar about this hug. And the smell. This man smelled of salt with a dash of sweetness. He looked up.


He smiled and removed the glasses, fake moustaches and his hat, letting his long hair fall down. Tivon felt such a relief seeing Elias in front of him. He hugged him back. Elias went through Tivon's hair with his hand.

»Surprise.« He smiled.

»How did you get here?« He looked him in the eyes. »Don't tell me…«

»It was my own money.«

»Elias you shouldn't have.« He rested his head on Elias' hand.

Elias smiled, but he immediately noticed dark circles beneath Tivon's eyes and his slow breathing.

»Tivon are you okay?« Said Elias his voice worried.

Tivon smiled, while still leaning his head on Elias. »Yeah, of course.«

Elias crouched down. »Have you gotten any sleep?«

»Yes.« Lied Tivon.


Tivon sighed and sat down on the floor. »Not really. It's hard to sleep when you can constantly think of... everything.«

Elias examined him. He probably hasn't slept in days. He looked around the room. There was a big pile of pillows in the middle of the room. He approached them and sat down on them. He signalled to Tivon to lay down, but Tivon didn't quite get it.

»Lay down and get some sleep.«

»Elias, I c-can't. You used your own money to be here with me. I just can-«

Elias took his hand and pulled him on the pillows.

»Don't bother. Your well-being is more important to me.«

The pillows were soft and comfortable. Tivon's body was slowly sinking in. His eyes were heavy.

»Thank you Elias.« Said Tivon and closed his eyes.

Elias laid down. »No worries Tiv.«

He looked to his left to see that Tivon already fell asleep. He crossed his arms under his head and closed his eyes. I might take a nap too. No, I need to stay awake. He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling for some time.

Then all of a sudden, he felt something on his chest. He looked down to see Tivon crawled up to him, his head and arm on his chest. Elias smiled and hugged him with his left arm pulling him closer. He was gently stroking his soft, smooth skin with his fingers, wishing for this one hour to pass by slowly.


When Tivon woke up, he finally felt like he regained some energy. He felt the brushing of Elias' fingers against his skin.

»Good afternoon, sir.« Said Elias.

Tivon looked up to see that he was sleeping on Elias' chest in between his arms. He blushed and wanted to stand up, but Elias pulled him closer. »Don't worry, we still have time.«

Tivon relaxed himself in his arms. Laying on his chest gave Tivon a sense of safety. The warmth and the sweet, salty smell calmed him down.

»Just a couple of hours and I'll be out of here.«

»Speaking of that.« He reached for his hat and from the hidden pocket inside of it, he pulled out a little bottle with a red liquid in it. He handed it to Tivon.

»Just a couple of drops will do the thing.«

Tivon looked at the little bottle and clutched it in his hand.

»You'll be there right?«

»Yes. And if anything goes wrong, I'll come.« Said Elias, still brushing his fingers against Tivon's skin.

»Thank you.«

They lay there for minutes and then Elias said. »I'll have to go now.«

Tivon sat up and nodded. Elias put on his hat, glasses, and moustaches, while Tivon hid the little bottle in the vase by the jug of wine.

He turned to Elias, who was ready to leave.

»Don't ever grow a moustache.« Laughed Tivon.

»But they suit me.« Winked Elias and fixed his moustache.

Elias pulled him closer and hugged him gently. »Be careful.«

»You too.«


When Elias left, Tivon came to his cell to take his bag and clothes and hid it underneath his dress. He then came back to the room and hid it in the drawer.

While he was waiting for Alieana he cleaned the room, until he heard voices in the hallway. He took a breath, and quickly looked through the window to see Elias hiding in the shadows on the roof of the nearby house. He turned back to the door.

This is it. Just an hour and it'll be over.