Chapter 24

TW// Violence, blood, death, sexual abuse

When the door opened Tivon bowed. »Welcome to The Jade Paradise.« He said.

He looked up to see Alieana. She was wearing a bordo-red open-leg dress with long sleeves that were too tight for her rather thick body. She wore black eye shadow with a red eyeliner. Her long blond hair fell freely down over her left shoulder. Her bare neck was oriented with the Chrome Sphene.

She smiled and said. »You can call me my Lady

»Of course, my Lady

She entered the room and lay down on the pillows, uncovering her leg. Tivon tried to avoid looking at her as much as possible.

»Would you like some wine?« asked Tivon.

»Please.« She smiled.

Tivon stepped to the table with a vase, a jug of wine and two cups on it. He quickly looked behind his shoulder to see if Alieana was watching him. Fortunately, she was adjusting herself to the pillows. Tivon took that opportunity to grab the little bottle from the vase and poured some drops into the left cup. He then filled both of the cups with wine.

While he was pouring it, he asked. »Why the red dress my Lady

»My sister is being annoying. I'm just provoking her a little.« She smiled at Tivon. »Do you like it?«

»Red suits you well.« Lied Tivon, disgusted at his nice-sounding voice.

He grabbed the cups and offered her the cup. She took it and showed Tivon to sit beside her. He obeyed and sat besides, holding the cup with both hands.

»Tell me Tivon, how did you get to the green rank?«

Tivon took a sip out of the cup to show Alieana that there was nothing in the wine. »I'm just doing my job.«

Drink the damn wine woman.

She came closer to him. »What kind of job?«

He took her cup and drank a sip of it and before Alieana could say anything he pressed his lips against her allowing the liquid to pour into her mouth. When she drank it, Tivon pulled away.

Alieana was shocked, but quickly she smiled, so Tivon took another sip and repeated the process. Now Alieana held his face closer, kissing him back.

Tivon put down the cup as she pushed him on his back. Just two minutes and this will be over. He tried not to think about her. He tried to ignore her touches, her hands moving down his body.

Just two minutes.


Elias was hiding in a shadow on the roof, watching Tivon and Alieana through the window. He carefully watched every move Alieana made. His heart started racing when Alieana moved closer to Tivon. She's too close. Just drink the cup.

His heart skipped a beat when Tivon took the cup from her and drank it. What are you doing? The moment Tivon kissed Alieana, Elias' heart sank and he quickly looked away and closed his eyes. It's just for a job, it's just for a job.

He wanted to look back, but he caught something in the corner of his eyes. There were two shadows. When Elias realized what was going on, he just barely dogged an axe showed into the ground. He turned around to see Alieana's guards. One carrying two axes and one with a Dao sword.

He quickly realized the situation they got stuck in. They know.

It's a trap.


Tivon hated every single second of Alieana touching him, pulling herself closer to him. What is taking so long? She should have fallen asleep already.

Alieana moved her lips to his ear and whispered. »You're probably asking yourself, why isn't she asleep?«

Tivon's eyes opened. Alieana moved away from him, reaching in between her cleavage and pulling out a little bottle with red liquid.

»Is this yours?«

Tivon was out of words. She threw away the bottle, reached to her leg and pulled out a knife that was adjusted on a little belt.

»My sister warned me about you.« She moved the knife down his face. Tivon's face went white. »It's such a shame she'll have to execute such a beautiful young boy.« She pressed her lips to his ear and whispered. »But till then I'll have you for myself.«

She giggled and pulled herself closer to him.


Elias pulled out his two swords moving his legs apart, slightly bending his knees. The two men launched at him, one of them showing his axe at him, Elias dodging it. He swung one of his swords towards him, slicing his leg. With his right sword he just barely dodged the men who attacked him with a Dao.

The man with axes fell on his left knee, Elias took this moment and punched the man with a Dao in the hand causing him to drop the sword. Elias wanted to reach for his pistol, but firing the pistol would be too loud. Somebody might see them.

Before Elias turned away the men with axes got on his feet, punching him in the face, causing him to fall on the ground. His mask fell off. He didn't reach for it, for he quickly turned on his back end and blocked an axe to his face with his swords.

The man with a Dao swung his sword towards Elias' head. Elias quickly moved his hands higher, causing the men to almost slice off the hand of the men with the axes. He screamed in pain and dropped the axe, blood spilling out of his sliced hand. The man with a Dao, stepped away, shocked at what he just did to his comrade.

Elias took this moment to stab the axe guy with his sword, pushing him off the edge of the roof, and taking the sword out of his chest.

He turned to the remaining guy, trying to catch his breath. The man just watched his mate fall to his death. He turned to him, his eyes filled with anger. He launched at him with a roar.

He swung his Dao viciously, slicing Elias' side of the hand. He moved away and prepared himself for his next attack, but he lost control of the placement of the building's roof. He forgot that there was a wall behind him. The man pushed him against the wall, leaning on him with his weight.

Elias couldn't move his hands and before the men could unable his legs Elias kicked him in between the man's legs. He could see the agonizing pain in the man's eyes. The men loosened his grip and Elias pushed him off. The man took a step backwards, finding himself standing on the edge.

Elias allowed himself to quickly glance at Tivon and Alieana. He saw her on him, holding a knife over his head. Shit.

Before he knew it the man grabbed his shirt and pushed him to the ground by the edge. Elias lost the grip of his swords. The man's big hands grabbed Elias' neck, slowly strengthening his grip. Elias could feel the air leaving his lungs.

He tried reaching for his sword. If he could just move an inch closer. His vision was slowly getting darker with each second. He tried to gasp for air, but the man's grip was too strong. He closed his eyes and gathered all of the air, he could possibly get and reached for his sword.

He finally felt it beneath his fingers. Elias grabbed it and stabbed the man right under his ribs. The men loosened the grip and Elias gasped for air. The pain in his lungs was unbearable. It felt like someone set fire to his lungs.

But this was no time to sit around and breathe. He quickly took his other sword and turned to the men struggling with a sword at his side.

The man slowly pulled the sword out, screaming in the process. He dropped the sword on the ground and looked at Elias with angry eyes. The man lunged at him again, but this time Elias managed to avoid him, punching him in the fresh wound. The man screamed in agony, falling to his knees. Elias grabbed his head and sliced his throat. He let the man fall to the ground.

He felt a sting in his arm. He grabbed his hand, where the men wounded him. It's deep. The pain stung in waves. He'll need to stitch it before it gets worse. Then he remembered.



Tivon's body was paralyzed. With every touch and every kiss Tivon's body shivered. He knew he had to do something, but his body just wouldn't move. And Alieana still had her knife in her hand.

»Everything alright, Tivon? You went suspiciously quiet.« She stroked his head. »Things didn't go as planned? What a shame. The poor prince isn't used to living a life outside the castle.«

Tivon's pupils narrowed. How does she know?

Alieana smiled. »You think I didn't recognize you? Well, most of the people living here wouldn't, but I know you. It's funny, even my sister doesn't know. Nobody knows that the prince of Naydawin has been here for over a week.«

She stroked his hair. »To be here with the prince.« She again moved her lips to his ear and whispered. »The pleasure is all mine.«


Over the past months, Tivon could imagine all the different ways he could've died. But to die like this... He would never imagine dying in a pleasure house. Helpless, underneath a woman, who knew all your weaknesses and secrets.

He knew that if he moved, she would kill him, but if he did nothing The Green Woman would probably not make him see the next day. And if for some bizarre reason, they let him live, they would use him for his title.

With that thought in mind, death seemed like the best thing. So, Tivon closed his eyes and let the woman decide his fate.