Chapter 27

TW//Blood, violence

Pit pushed the knife closer, and Tivon thought that this man was about to kill him.

Then suddenly someone pressed the knife against Pit's neck.

Elias leaned to his ear and said with a cold rasped voice. »Make another move and I will put that knife in your throat and then I will paint a nice picture with your blood for your mother to see from hell.«

Pit dropped Tivon without further hesitation, letting him hit the ground hard. Elias pulled Pit away, knife still stuck to his throat. When he was far enough from Tivon, he released him, but still slightly cutting him with the knife.

Elias quickly put the knife into his belt on his thigh and carefully grabbed Tivon. He turned and pushed forward through the silent crew, peering through everyone who would dare look at him, with a deadly look.

Tivon's body was in pain. He could feel the wet blood beneath his ribs. His right side of the face was beginning to swell and his back hurt from the pressure against the wall. He looked up and he could just barely see Elias' resentful, but worried face through his swelling eye.

»I can w-walk, you know.« Said Tivon, surprised at how weak his voice was.

Elias didn't say anything, he just rushed to his cabin and closed the door behind him. He put Tivon down on the chair and turned to his drawer to find some kind of cloth, then turned to the table where he had a bowl of water. Elias soaked the cloth in water and knelt before Tivon. He gently pressed it to his bruised cheek.

Tivon flinched when it touched him and as he moved the pain from the wound on his side spread like lightning through his body. He grabbed his side. Elias looked down to see Tivon's bloodied shirt. He moved his hands to take off his shirt, but he quickly moved them away. Tivon grabbed his hand.

»Y-you'll need to help me get it o-off.«

Elias nodded and Tivon took the corners off his shirt to pull it off. When he moved his arms upwards the pain worsened, and Elias quickly helped him get the shirt over his head.

Elias examined the wound. It wasn't deep, but it was still quite big. Pit must have kicked him really hard.

»I need to get the bandages.« He soaked the cloth in water and carefully pressed it against the wound. He looked at Tivon. »I'll be back in a minute.«

Tivon nodded and Elias quickly ran outside into the night. When the door closed Tivon looked at the little mirror on the table. He moved his hair to look at his eye. Ugly to look at!

Words rang in his mind like a drum. Disabled! Crippled! Degenerate! No matter how far he was or how long he hadn't seen his father, he could hear him every time. Am I really such a burden to everyone?

He looked at the knife on the table. Am I really that useless? Tivon knew the answer to that question. He swiftly grabbed the knife.


When Elias grabbed all the bandages, he needed he rushed back to his cabin. When he opened the door, he dropped the bandages in shock. There was a knife on the floor and all around pieces of brown hair. Tivon looked at him, his crooked eye no longer covered by hair.


Tivon looked down at the ground. »I always hid the eye because my father told me it's ugly and that people would think less of me if they saw it. But now I realized that he made it that way. He made it hideous.« He looked in the mirror. »I want to forget my father. I want to be free from him.«

Elias came to him and Tivon looked at him. »I don't want to hide it anymore. I want to show them that I am more than my father.«

Elias brushed his hand over the scar. »You are more than your father. You are more than your flaws.«

Tivon smiled, letting Elias hold his face. Elias quickly glanced at the wound on Tivon. »The wound!«

He quickly let go of Tivon and grabbed the bandages scattered around the floor. He knelt before Tivon and started cleaning his wound.

»If it hurts, tell me.« Said Elias.

Tivon nodded. Elias pressed the wet cloth on his wound. Tivon tried to hide the shivers of pain. Every time he touched him with the wet cloth, the pain got worse. He didn't tell him. He was too tired. The beating and the pain made him tired.

When Elias cleaned the blood around, he took the bandages and started tying it around Tivon's waist. Tivon's body shivered every time Elias' fingers brushed against his skin. Elias leaned closer and now Tivon could feel his breath on his shoulders, Tivon's lips almost touching him. He was so close to him, his breath on him, his warmth close, but Tivon's tiredness gave in and he leaned his head on Elias' shoulder.

»Is everything okay?« Asked Elias, his voice soft, but still worried.

»Just... tired.« Managed Tivon.

Elias finished tying the bandage and then picked Tivon up. If Tivon had any energy left, he would probably want himself to walk back to his net. Elias laid him down on his bed.

»W-wait, but this is your bed.«

Elias straightened his posture. »You're not going down there.« His voice was raspy.

Tivon's eyes were heavy, his voice weak. »Where will you s-sleep?«

Elias sat down by the bed and smiled. »Don't worry about me.«

Tivon looked up at the ceiling. Despite Elias being there he felt alone. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but he was scared. He reached to Elias' shoulder and quietly said. »Don't go anywhere.«

Elias gently placed his hand on his. »I won't.«

»Promise?« Whispered Tivon.

Elias smiled. »Promise.«

All that Tivon managed was just a quiet thank you before he fell asleep.

Elias sat there, holding his hand for a moment, then he lightly let go and quietly headed outside the cabin, making sure he didn't wake him up.

I'm sorry Tivon, I can't keep that promise.


Pit was washing his eye wound with water, angrily talking to himself. He was enraged that shary managed to cut his eye, leaving him blind. I'm going to show that shary-

Someone grabbed his collar and pushed him against the wall. Pit could just see Elias' eyes filled with wrath before he got a punch to his face. Elias then threw him in the nearby barrels. Pit hastily grabbed his knife, but Elias was quicker. He grabbed his hand and twisted it, and with a pop, dislocated his shoulder.

Pit screamed in pain. »Please sto-« He cried.

Elias punched him again, this time in the ribs. He grabbed him by his shirt and shoved him at the wall, punching him again.

»That will be enough Elias.« Said a coarse voice behind them.

Elias didn't let go of Pit as he slowly turned around to see Sabur patiently standing behind them.

»Put him down Elias.«

Elias didn't let his eyes off Sabur when he showed Pit to the ground, making sure that the fall hurt.

»Did I ever tell you to beat up my crew?«

Elias' eyes were burning with rage. »He hurt Tivon.«

»I've said not to get attached to that boy Elias.«

Elias stepped closer. »Don't tell me what to do.«

Sabur forcefully grabbed Elias' hand and showed the tattooed wrist to his face. »I tell you what to do.« He said with a cold deep voice.

Elias pulled away and walked past him. »If anyone dares touch Tivon,« He stopped and looked over his shoulder. »I won't hesitate to kill every single person on this ship.«


Tivon was still sleeping when Elias came back to the cabin. Elias washed his bloodied hands with water. His knuckles were bruised so he took a bandage and tied them around his hand, so Tivon wouldn't see them. Then he quietly sat down beside the bed and sighed.

Why did you have to get stuck with me? He looked at Tivon's hand that was still reaching for him. Why did you choose me? He gently brushed his fingers against his hand. Why me? He crashed his head on the bed.

I need to get you out of here. He buried his face in the sheets. But, how? If somehow, I manage to help him escape, they'll find him. He looked up.

Tivon's peaceful face was just barely visible in the dim light of the lantern. I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay. I don't want to be alone. Elias squeezed his hand.

I'm being selfish.

He leaned his head back on the bed and closed his eyes. I'll find a way. I'll find a way to get you out of here somehow. He felt tired. And this time, I promise.

Elias fell asleep, still holding Tivon's hand, with no intention of letting it go.