Tivon woke up, his face and body hurting. He slowly tried to sit up noticing that the wound had opened again and that his bandages were covered in blood. I need to change them.
He wanted to sit up, noticing Elias' hand still holding his, sitting by the bed, asleep. His braid loosened, black silky hair falling freely down his face and back. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps.
Tivon cautiously sat up, trying not to move his hand and wake up Elias. He was surprised to feel pain in his leg, but he chose to ignore it. He brushed his fingers against Elias' hand, feeling the bandages. Those weren't there yesterday. He carefully removed them, revealing the wounds and bruises on his knuckles. What did you do now?
»What are you doing?« Mumbled Elias.
Tivon blushed, covering his hands. »N-nothing.«
Elias fixed his posture and looked at Tivon. He didn't say anything, he was just silently looking at him. Tivon blushed even more. »W-why are you looking at me?«
»He really did a number on you.« Sighed Elias and looked away.
»It will heal.« Said Tivon.
Elias buried his face in the bed. »I know it will.« He mumbled. After some time, he moved his hand to the side and said. »I'm sorry I didn't come earlier.«
»If you'd come earlier, I wouldn't be able to slit his eye.«
Elias looked up and laughed. »You cut him quite deep.« He looked at his knuckles. »He won't bother you anymore. I made sure of that.«
Elias hid his hands. »What?«
The moment he said that he mumbled. »N-nothing.«
»Elias what did you do?« His expression was angry, but his eyes were worried.
Elias sighed and looked away. »The same he did to you... Just a little worse.«
Elias looked at him and raised his voice. »He hurt you, Tivon! What was I supposed to do? Nothing?!«
»You didn't have to beat him up!«
»He is a bad person, Tivon. Stop giving him chances. Not all people are good and not everyone deserves second chances. He deserved what he got.«
Tivon shut his mouth. He's right.
Tivon sighed and bent his waist a little, causing pain to rush through his body. It wasn't till then that Elias noticed the blood on Tivon's bandages.
He went to his feet. »Why didn't you say anything?«
He rushed to the table gathering fresh bandages and the bowl of water and sat beside Tivon.
»Not here on the bed. It'll make a mess.« Said Tivon preparing to stand up.
»You worry too much.« He sat him back down.
Tivon sighed and smiled. »Tell me about it.«
Elias reached for his waist, but Tivon stopped him. »I can do it myself.«
Elias nodded and Tivon slowly unfolded the bandages. The wound must have opened when I was sleeping. Elias soaked the cloth in the water and cleaned Tivon's wound, being careful that he didn't apply too much pressure. Tivon then proceeded to tie the bandages around. When he finished, he looked at Elias' hands, bandaged poorly.
»You did a sloppy job.« He took his hands. »Can I do it?«
Elias nodded and Tivon removed the bandages, letting them fall on the ground. He soaked the cloth in water and cleaned off the remaining dried blood. He then started tying the bandages precisely and carefully around his hand.
His hands are so soft. And gentle, thought Elias. Tivon lightly tied up the bandage. He held Elias' hand to his face and gently kissed it. »Should be okay now.« He said with a smile.
Elias blushed a bright red, up to his ears. Tivon giggled and went up on his feet, but as soon as he applied pressure to his leg, the pain rushed through his body. Before he knew it, he started falling, but Elias caught him in time.
»Are y-you okay?«
»I probably pulled a muscle.« Said Tivon.
When he looked up at Elias he almost crashed in his face. They both blushed.
»Y-you should lay down.«
Tivon nodded and Elias helped him get back in bed.
»Do you need anything? A-are you hungry?« Asked Elias.
Tivon's face was still red. »I'm not hungry, for now, but a shirt will be fine.«
Elias has just realized that Tivon hasn't been wearing a shirt since yesterday. »Oh, y-yeah. S-sorry.«
He quickly turned to his drawer to find a fitting shirt. He pulled out a white shirt, that probably didn't fit Elias anymore. He gave it to Tivon. »I hope it's not too big.«
Tivon carefully put it on, struggling because of the pain under his rib. »It's okay.«
The shirt looked like a bag on Tivon, and he had to roll up the sleeves to fit him more. He didn't mind it. It was soft and it smelled of him. A sweet, salty smell.
Elias put his hair in a messy bun, closed his eyes and sighed. He's tired, thought Tivon. Tivon adjusted himself on the bed and said. »Come here.«
Elias looked at him. »Huh?«
Tivon patted his lap with his hand. »Lay here. You look tired.«
»I'm okay.« Said Elias and looked away.
I am tired. I didn't sleep well last night. No, I don't need to rest. He slightly glanced at Tivon, who was still waiting for him. But he's there.
Elias sighed and put off his boots. Tivon moved to the left side of the bed and made room for Elias, who lay down.
»The bed is too small for both of us.«
»Then come closer.« Tivon patted his lap again.
»You're killing me.« Said Elias and leaned his head on Tivon's lap.
»I know.« Smiled Tivon and put his hand on his shoulders, being careful not to touch his back or hair.
Elias' body was tight, heat spreading to his head. How can I relax like this? He could feel his face turning red. It's soft.
Tivon started stroking him with his fingers. Elias forced himself to relax. He breathed out and closed his eyes. He tried to fall asleep, but the same words came to him as the previous night.
»Tivon,« He said after a minute. »I'll find a way to get you off this ship.«
»It's dangerous for you here. I need to find a way to get you as far away from here. And I will find a way. I could've probably done it before. And even the job at The Jade Paradise... I could've just said no to Sabur.« He grabbed the sheets with his hand. »I had so many chances to get you away from this ship, from these people.« He laughed. »But I couldn't. I wanted you to stay, to be with me, so I wouldn't be alone.« He buried his face in Tivon's lap and mumbled. »I'm so goddamn selfish.«
»You are not selfish... Maybe I am, because I don't want to go.«
Elias' eyes opened wide. He turned around to him. Tivon was smiling at him, his kind eyes looking at Elias, right into his soul.
»But Tivon, it's dangerous for you here.« Said Elias.
»It may be. I thought of us running away together, but I knew they would find us somehow. In the beginning, I thought of running away myself, but just like you, I couldn't. I didn't want to leave you.«
Elias sat up, leaning on his hands and his eyes fixed on Tivon. »Don't say that, Tivon. Don't give me more reasons for you to stay here.«
Tivon moved his hands to his neck and removed the silver lily necklace. He held it in his hand, looking at it.
»My mother gave me this necklace the night before I ran away. It's been in our family for a long time. She said that I should give this to the person I cherish and love the most.«
He smiled. Tivon grabbed Elias' hand and placed the necklace in the palm of his hand.
»N-no, Tivon.« He pushed it back to Tivon. »It's the only thing you have from your mother. And there's probably a million people you know that you could give it to. I can't accept it.« Stuttered Elias.
Tivon held his hands. »Elias, there is no other person I would give it to. I want you to have it.« He pushed his hands back to him.
Elias opened his hand to look at it, not knowing what to say to him.
»Plus, you already gave me two gifts. It's only fair that I give you something too.« winked Tivon.
Elias laughed and then he pulled Tivon closer to him, hugging him tight. »Thank you.« He finally said.
Tivon hugged him back. »Will you be able to fall asleep now?«
»Yeah.« Said Elias with a smile.
He pulled away from Tivon and put on the necklace. He hid it underneath his shirt, so nobody could see it. Elias laid back on Tivon's lap, closing his eyes. The warmth of him helped him fall asleep.
Elias fell asleep quickly. He finally told Tivon what he meant to tell him for so long. And now that he got rid of this burden and knowing that Tivon wanted to stay, he could finally rest.