They were both awake, but they didn't want to move. Well, Elias didn't have a reason to move. He didn't want to move from the comfort that was Tivon's lap. Tivon was stroking his arm, swiftly with his fingers.
»Don't you have to do things outside?« Said Tivon, hoping that he would say no.
»Probably.« He snuggled closer to Tivon. »But I don't want to.«
Tivon smiled and caressed Elias' arm.
»Do you know any stories?« Asked Elias after a minute of silence.
»What stories?«
»Any stories. Doesn't need to be interesting. I just want to listen to your voice.«
Tivon blushed. »I don't know any at the top of my mind right now.« He looked through a small window by the bed. »But I could read to you if you have any books.«
Elias sighed. »I can't read, so I never had a reason to have books here.« His eyes suddenly glew up. »But I know where I could get some.«
He quickly went to his feet and put on his boots. »I'll be right back.«
Before Tivon could say anything, Elias closed the door behind him. He had to smile to himself. There is still a child somewhere inside of him. It was true. When Elias was around others, he was tough and bold, but whenever he was alone with Tivon, he wasn't afraid to show his inner child.
Tivon moved to the side of the bed. He moved the shirt up to see if he needed to change the bandages. They weren't bloodied so Tivon figured that the wound was already healing.
He then tried to stand up to see if his leg muscle was any better. Tivon could walk, but it still hurt a little. He caught his reflection in the mirror. At first, he was surprised to see his damaged eye uncovered by the hair, but he quickly remembered that he was the one to cut the hair. The wound on his other cheek was healing too. It should be okay in a couple of days.
Elias rushed back through the door, his hands full of books.
»Where did you get them from?«
»They are lying around in the map room.« He dropped the books and a bowl of dried fruit on the bed. »And I also got us something to eat.«
He sat on the bed and bit into an apple. He threw one at Tivon. »Is your leg better?«
Tivon nodded and bit into the apple. He sat beside Elias and looked at the books. Herbs and Leaves, The Unknown Seas, Historic Sailing Ships, Ships of the Line, Pirate Codex, Flowers of the Islands …
»These don't have stories in them. They're just practical books.«
Elias finished his apple and laid down, putting off his boots.
»I don't mind. You can still read them to me.« He looked at him, his eyes like a child's one. »If you don't mind of course.«
»I don't mind.« Giggled Tivon.
He got on the bed and leaned on the wall, where the window was. He took the first book and started reading, every so often munching on a dried fruit.
He read about ships, sailors and pirates, flowers and herbs and even cooking recipes. Elias didn't mind. He wasn't listening to text and long paragraphs. He couldn't care less for the words of sails, Sileis flowers or how to make the most efficient knot for the mast sails.
Elias was listening to Tivon's voice. His silvery, modulated voice was like a lullaby to him. For a moment it reminded him of a distant memory, his mother reading him bedtime stories. Even though he could barely remember his mother or his home, in that moment he felt like he was back home.
When it got darker, Tivon didn't stop. He took a lantern and continued reading. Even though his voice was getting tired, he didn't want to stop. Elias looked too satisfied. When he got to the last page of the final book, Tivon asked.
»Why didn't you kill me that night?«
Elias noticed the change in Tivon's voice when he asked the question.
Elias turned to him. »You mean the night we attacked the merchant ship?«
Tivon nodded. Elias looked at the ceiling. He closed his eyes, listening to the calm and quiet night.
»I'm not sure. It was actually the first time that I hesitated to kill someone.« He opened his eyes but avoided Tivon's eyes. He smiled. »It may sound cliche, but that night something inside me said, that I shouldn't kill you.«
Tivon closed the book and put it aside. »Well, I'm glad for that little voice of yours.«
Elias sat up and leaned on the wall beside Tivon, their shoulders touching. He smiled. »Yeah, me too.«
Elias brushed his fingers against Tivon. Tivon looked at him and their eyes met. Elias reached his hand to his scar. He gently followed its line.
Elias never noticed it before, but Tivon's crooked eye looked like an endless white void. It felt like the longer you stared at it, the longer you were falling into it. Tivon parted his lips, letting out a little breath.
»Can I?« Asked Elias.
Tivon leaned closer. »You don't need to ask.«
Elias cupped Tivon's face and kissed him. It felt like a whole decade passed since Elias last felt Tivon's lips on him. He never realized how much he missed it. His plump smooth lips.
He never realized how much he missed him.
Tivon put his hands on Elias' chest, leaning closer. He spread his legs, coming closer to Elias, quickly finding himself sitting in his lap. Their tongues touched, sending a rush of heat through Elias' body. He put his hands on Tivon's waist, slowly sliding his hands under his shirt, feeling the bandages and then the scar underneath his fingers. It felt rough in comparison to his soft, smooth skin.
Their kiss parted only when Elias removed Tivon's shirt, gently laying him on his back and then again pressing his lips to his. Tivon pulled himself closer like he was longing for his kiss and his body.
Tivon moved his hands under Elias' shirt, feeling his tight muscles against his hands. Elias helped him remove the shirt. He held Tivon's hands and lightly pressed them against the bed.
Elias opened his eyes, and they met Tivon's. His face was so pure, so beautiful. Tivon's face was lightly coloured pink, with his eyes, filled with kindness and trust. He was staring right into Elias' soul. Undressing his flaws and mistakes right in front of him.
Elias tilted closer and whispered. »If you don't want to or if it makes you uncomfortable-«
But Tivon raised his head to his ear and whispered. »Don't stop.« And kissed him behind his ears.
Elias pulled him closer, kissing his lips, his jaw, and his neck. With every touch and with every kiss Elias felt this warmth spreading through his body, that he had never before.
He never told Tivon how much he actually hated this ship and the people on it, but never in a million years would he think that he would ever feel safe anywhere. But he felt safe with Tivon.
With him there he felt warm, he felt like home.
For just a moment they forgot about everyone and everything.
They forgot about Pit, The Jade Paradise, The Green Woman, The Kingdom of Naydawin.
They forgot about their past, their scars and their fears. It was just them, the dark room lightened up with a lantern and waves crashing on the side of the ship, lulling them to sleep.
They've fallen asleep with their bodies close to each other, their breathing calm and steady, their hands holding together. They've fallen asleep in the safety of each other's embrace.
Elias woke up facing Tivon, watching him sleep peacefully. He was still holding Tivon's hand. With the other hand, he softly went through his scar, following the line from his hairline to the end underneath his eye. To Elias, the scar was so uniquely beautiful.
Elias reached for the necklace around his neck. The small silver lily just barely fitted in his hands. Give it to the person you love and cherish the most. He closed his eyes and fidgeted the necklace in his hand. The person you love and cherish the most...
In an instant, he opened his eyes, his face turned bright red. Had he just confessed his love to me?! He looked at Tivon. And I noticed just now.
His closed eyes, short eyelashes resting on them and his smooth lips slightly parted. Elias held the necklace firmly in his hand. He moved himself closer to Tivon and pressed his lips against his forehead. Then he pressed his forehead on his.
»I love you too.« He whispered.
Tivon moved his head up, his lips slightly brushing against Elias'.
»Do you really?« Whispered Tivon.
He didn't know if Tivon had been awake all this time, but he didn't really care.
»Yes.« He said softly.
Tivon came closer, leaning his head on his chest, Elias hugging his arms around him.
Elias thought about the night he first saw Tivon. Or rather he first noticed him. If Tivon hadn't run from behind the barrels, they would just leave the ship to sink not knowing someone might still be alive.
He also thought about if that voice wouldn't speak to him that night. What if he did kill him? He quickly brushed that thought away, hugging Tivon closer to him. They both quickly fell back asleep.
It was the last peaceful night, for they would never in a million years anticipated what would happen in the next few days.
We are half way through the story!! Things are getting serious.
I really hope you're enjoying the story so far.
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