Chapter 30

»Your hair is long again.« Said Elias as he was still lying in bed, watching Tivon put on a shirt.

Tivon went through his hair. »It does grow quite quickly.« He looked over his shoulder at Elias. »Want to cut it for me?«

Elias smiled and went to his feet. He grabbed the dagger on the table, while Tivon sat down.


It was just like a month ago when Elias had cut Tivon's hair in the cell, but this time he didn't shiver or immediately blush every time Elias touched him. He was there just like that day, but this time he trusted him. There were no more secrets between them. It was just them.

While Elias was doing his job Tivon said with a shaky voice. »Last night...«


Tivon's cheeks turned slightly pink. »I'm s-sorry if I wasn't g-good enou-«

»What are you talking about? I should be the one apologizing.«

Tivon looked at him. »Why you? There's probably been a bunch of men and women before me.«

Elias smiled cheerfully. »I may flirt with almost everyone, but no you're the lucky one."

Tivon's face lit up red. »Really?!«

Elias nodded. »You probably expected a high royal person even for your first time. I'm sorry I'm just a mere pirate.«

Tivon looked at his feet and smiled. »I wouldn't wished it to be anyone else.«

Elias leaned forward and whispered in his ear. »No need to sugarcoat me, Your Highness.«

Tivon poked him in the stomach but still found himself laughing.

Elias ruffled Tivon's hair. »I'm done.« He stroke the little braid by Tivon's right shoulder. »And I added a little something.«

Tivon looked in the mirror and tilted his head to the left. There was a little braid hanging by his ear.

»It looks nice.« He smiled.

Elias grabbed his shirt from the floor and put it on, hiding the necklace underneath the shirt. »Is your leg okay enough for you to go outside? You need some fresh air.«

Tivon carefully stood up to see if he could walk. He took some steps around the room, surprised to see that the pain had gone completely away. He looked at Elias and nodded.

Elias turned to the door, but before he could open them Tivon stopped him.

»Can I do your hair?«

As soon as he said that he remembered why Elias' hair was long, why he left it that way and why his body shivered at the mention of The Green Woman. Elias stopped midway to the doors. Tivon wanted to take his words back. He looked at the ground. »N-nevermind, If you don't wa-«

»You can do my hair.«

Tivon looked up. Elias turned around with a smile.


Rea taught Tivon how to braid hair. She showed him countless different ways to make a braid and then she would always offer her hair for Tivon to practice on. But Rea's hair was nothing in comparison to Elias'.

If Tivon could touch the clouds, he was sure that they would be as soft as Elias' black silky hair. Tivon was surprised at how well-maintained it was. It was smooth and untangled, despite the salt and the dampness of the air at sea.

When he finished, he could hear Elias letting out a breath he was holding in the whole time. Tivon could notice while he was making his braid the stiffness of Elias' body.

Tivon swung the braid over Elias' left shoulder.

»It's done.«

Elias went through his braid with a shaky hand. »T-thank you.«

Tivon could notice the distant shaking of his voice. He offered him his hand. »Little steps.«

Elias looked at him and smiled. He took his hand.

»Little steps.«

They both had flaws, they both had scars that needed healing. And even if they didn't promise it to each other, they knew that they would help each other heal them.

Little by little. Step by step.


They were holding their hands to the door, but as soon as they opened the door and stepped out on the fresh salty air, they let go, not wanting others to see them. There weren't many people outside, because the weather wasn't nice. It was cloudy and it would probably rain in the afternoon.

From behind the helm, Nick gave them a friendly nod. Tivon happily waved back at him and Elias gave him a kind smile. They walked to the railing, looking to the open sea. Elias leaned on the railing and took a big breath. Tivon did the same.

Even though the air was moist, the salty smell of fresh air was pleasant to Tivon's lungs. I could get used to this. He probably already did. The more days he spent on the ship with Elias, the less he thought about the kingdom. He thought less about who he was meant to become and what his bloodline was.

Their quiet meditation was interrupted by a ringing of the ship's bell, calling all the crew to come on deck. In just a minute everyone was up on deck and before Elias could roll his eyes, Sabur's cabin door burst open.

He slowly made his way to the middle of the ship, where everyone could hear him. Tivon's body still shivered after every step he made with his metal leg. For some reason, he still didn't dare to move, or even breathe around him. Elias tediously leaned his elbows on the railing and rolled his eyes.

In the corner of an eye, Tivon spotted Pit, who just walked out from below the deck. His face was still in bruises, and he was holding the side of his body, breathing unevenly. Elias really didn't go easy on him.

Tivon noticed a big scar forming over Pit's closed eye. I didn't go easy on him either. Pit noticed Tivon's look on him and for a split moment their eyes met, but Pit quickly looked away.

»In the afternoon we'll land on Ziddim.« Spoke Sabur with his rusty voice, resounding over the ship. »We'll have an assembly with our old friends Golden Hinds

»Aren't they no friends to us?« Asked one of the pirates and a agreeing Ay rose amongst the crew.

»That's why everyone is coming. We meet for the trade, but if they get any ideas we'll be prepared.« Tivon looked around to everyone nodding.

»Prepare your weapons, but don't bring too much. We don't want them to know.« He looked at Elias, who looked unimpressed with every word he had just said. »You'll be standing beside me, watching every member of Golden Hinds. If there's anything suspicious, you'll tell me. And you don't leave without me saying it.«

Elias just nodded, but Tivon could see the fury in Elias' eyes.

»And if you dare act on your own.« He looked at Tivon. »There will be consequences.« He turned around and started walking back to his cabin. »Go prepare, you scums!«

He aggressively closed the door behind him as the crew got back to their work.

Tivon looked at Elias. »I figure you have some history with Ziddim.«

Elias was still looking fiercely at the spot Sabur was just standing at. »I don't have the problem with Ziddim, it's just the pirate assembly that I despise. They anger me quickly.«

»This time it'll be different.«

»I really do hope so.« Sighed Elias.

»It will.« Smiled Tivon. »I'll be there.«

Elias giggled. »Yeah. That will help.«


Tivon has never been to any assembly. Even back at the castle. His father didn't even integrate him in the kingdom's assemblies and now he was going to a pirate assembly. His heart hasn't stopped pounding ever since Sabur gave his speech.

Tivon grabbed the edge of the railing harder as the ship landed in the harbour. He had heard of Ziddim before in his study books, but all of them had said that this island was inhabited.

Tivon took in the city. Well, more of a ghost town, painting in front of him. He understood now why the books said so. It was an island for pirate assemblies, of course, a kingdom wouldn't know about it.

The town was a crannog, because of the depth of the sea by the shore. From the deep sea that seemed to have no end, rose cobblestone pillars holding all the weight of an empty town.

Tivon fixed the belt with his dagger and stepped on the cobblestone pier, Elias right behind him, pulling his mask down. They were the last ones to board off the ship.

Tivon walked slowly. On purpose? He didn't know. With every step, Tivon's heartbeat became louder and louder. The ghostly silence of the town didn't help. Every little breeze startled Tivon. He tried not to show it, but Elias could always notice it.

»Everything okay?« He whispered, even though they were far away from the rest of the crew and there wasn't anyone else but them around.

»Yeah.« Sighed Tivon. »It's just the town that gives me the creeps.«

»Not my favourite place either.«

Tivon slowed his already slow pace, his look focused on the ground. »Are there any people living here?«

»Yeah, but there's really just a few of them. Why?«

Tivon hesitated for a moment and then said. »We're in Krens.« He looked at Elias. »Even though it's far away from the kingdom, someone might recognize me.«

Elias put his hand on Tivon's shoulder. »Don't worry. The people living here won't recognise you and the Golden Hinds aren't from these seas. You'll be fine.« Tivon knew he smiled, even though his face was covered by the mask. »And with this hairstyle, nobody will know.«

Tivon laughed.

»Elias!« Screamed Sabur.

»Yeah, yeah we're coming.«

They both quickened their pace.

Elias is right, they won't know. He looked up from his feet.

They were close to the group of pirates when Tivon saw it, in the corner of his eyes. He stopped and for a moment he could feel his heart stop too, and then quickly started beating uncontrollably. Elias followed Tivon's gaze and when he saw what Tivon was looking at, he stopped too.

It must have been a Town hall, its walls filled with news and posters. But Tivon caught a poster of a young boy, he knew so well a couple of months ago. It was a poster of a missing boy, and they offered a lot of money for him to return home.

A lot of money. Though he hadn't seen this boy in months he knew him so well.

The boy on the poster was none other than Prince Tivon.