TW// Violence, blood, mention of death
Tivon's vision started to darken. The dark, cold cobblestone ground started spinning under his feet. Elias grabbed him firmly by his shoulders, right in time before Tivon fell.
»T-they know.« Tivon managed. »We're too close.« He looked at Elias with hysteria in his eyes. »They're going to know.«
»Shhh Tivon. They're not going to know.«
»Elias, there are missing posters of me!« Said Tivon trying not to shout.
»It's just one poster and none of the crew took notice.« Elias tried to talk slowly to calm Tivon down. »Just breathe. Nobody is going to notice. I'll make sure.«
»Elias!« Sabur raised his voice and fixed his big hat with two feathers. The crew was waiting for them.
Elias looked at Tivon. »We'll make a quick trade and then we'll leave. They won't notice.«
Tivon took a big breath and nodded.
»Elias!« Saburs voice rumbled through the silent town.
»We're coming!« Shouted Elias.
They caught up with the crew, who was already gathered near a large structure. No, it wasn't a building; it was an old ship that must have been stranded on this island decades ago. It was made of dark wood, and its sails were a dark grey.
As they were entering the ship, Tivon tried to calm down his breathing. There's a poster of me. What if someone noticed? As he entered, he quickly took in the inside of the ship. All of the ship's windows were shut and barricaded. The inside was lit by millions of candles. In the middle of the big area was a long table.
On one end were already gathered the crew of Golden Hinds, its captain sitting down at the end of it. The captain must have weighed too much for his short height, his chubby cheeks almost unnoticeable because of his long white beard. His head was covered with a black hat with golden roses. With his black eyes, he peered through Sabur who sat down at the other side of the table. Elias stood beside him, his presence feared by the crew of Golden Hinds.
Why is the kingdom even looking for him? Why is his father looking for him? He glanced at the crew. It seemed to Tivon that they were all staring at him, so he quickly looked away, his heart beating uncontrollably. What if they know? He looked at his crew and he met Pit's eyes. He was staring at him, confused as to why he was so nervous. What if he knows?
The sudden rusty voice of Sabur awoken Tivon. »Greetings mates.«
»You're late.« Said the Golden Hinds captain.
Tivon didn't know that anyone with a voice so deep even existed. His voice was booming around the ship as a drum.
»My friend, I'm sorry.« Said Sabur calmly.
And then there was a long silence. Everyone was just looking at each other, their eyes filled with hatred. Tivon only waited till all of them would draw their weapons. But the captain just started laughing and soon enough everyone was laughing.
»Old friend, it's nice seeing you again.« Said the captain, waving to one of his comrades. »Let us drink.«
The Golden Hinds crew brought in cups of wine and carried them out to every member of The Rose Sparrow, even Tivon who took the cup carefully, trying to comprehend everything happening around him. He couldn't stop thinking about the poster.
»Let's make a toast before we trade.«
Why is my father looking for me?
Leader of Golden Hinds rose his cup. »A toast to our old mates again reunited!«
Tivon was looking at the red liquid in his cup. Why my father?
»A toast to my friend Sabur!«
Tivon's hands were shaking, making the wine flutter in his cup. Wine? It looked too thick for wine.
»For many more trades in the future!«
Tivon brought the cup to his nose. He could smell the irony-bitter smell. The smell of Visha flowers. The poisonous Visha flowers. The wine was poisoned.
Tivon stirred Elias by the hand. Elias leaned to him and Tivon whispered something in his ear. The room went silent. Elias' nodded. He looked at the Golden Hinds captain, who was watching them, his expression confused.
Elias turned to Sabur and leaned to his ear.
»Are you sure?« Said Sabur his eyes fixed on the captain.
Elias turned to Tivon, who just nodded seriously. He turned back to Sabur. »Yes.«
Sabur sighed, still holding his cup in his left hand. »My friend, we just want to make some deals.« He dropped the cup, spilling the poisonous liquid on the table, and snapping his fingers. The Rose Sparrow crew drew out their weapons. »But if you want to poison your guests...«
He didn't need to signal it, because Elias had already taken out his pistol firing it in the Golden Hinds captain's cup.
»It does not end well.« Finished Sabur.
And then the massacre started. Swords were drawn, pistols blazing, blood spilling everywhere.
Tivon took one look at Elias, who nodded for him to get away from this ship as soon as possible.
Tivon ran outside, but against his luck, the fight had already spread outside. He pulled out his dagger, hoping that he wouldn't need to use it. He looked around to see if there was anywhere, he could hide. He knew that he should help, that he shouldn't be a coward and hide, but his mind wasn't prepared to be brave.
He spotted a narrow street. He glanced over his shoulder to see if someone was following him. Tivon only saw the bloodbath happening behind his back. He didn't think, he just ran in the street. As soon as he took a turn, he realized it was a dead end. Tivon quickly turned back to the main street only to find out that someone from Golden Hinds had followed him.
»Where are ya runnin' boy?« He said while he pulled out a knife.
He slowly started approaching him. Tivon gripped his dagger tighter, his body shaking.
»Ya scared?«
As he was approaching him, Tivon tried to avoid him, quickly finding himself against the wall.
He was face to face with Tivon. I could stab him. Tivon tried to move his hand, but his body wouldn't listen to him. Why won't you stab him?
»You're the lost prince?!« Tivon's pupils widened. »Oh, that's interesting. Ya worth a lot of money.« He pulled the knife to his face. »But I may just kill ya-«
Tivon heard a bang and the man fell. Elias was standing behind him, his mask and coat covered in blood.
»T-they know!« Elias ran to him. »They know I'm the prince.«
Elias could see that Tivon was starting to panic. »Nobody of ours knows. Don't worry. Most of the Golden Hinds crew had already run away. Nobody is going to know.« He tried to keep his voice calm and steady.
»B-but what if somebody notic-«
Elias pulled his mask off and grabbed Tivon. »If they knew they would already do something. And even if they figure out now, I'll do everything to make sure you're safe.«
Tivon could only manage a small nod.
Elias smiled. »It's going to be okay. Be right by my side, Sabur said to meet at the pier when we get most of them.«
Tivon took his hand, and they rushed to the pier. In their distress they didn't notice Pit hiding at the edge of the house listening to the whole conversation, hearing the secret they'd been hiding for all this time.