Chapter 35

TW// Blood

Tivon was awakened by a subtle cracking of the fire, which was already dying out. He didn't know when he had fallen asleep. He knew that he shouldn't, he needed to look after Elias.

Tivon turned to him. He was still sleeping, but Tivon could already see the consequences of him not getting back to the castle for necessities. Elias was breathing unevenly, his sleeping troubled and cold sweat running over his face, down his neck.

Tivon carefully removed the cloth to see his wound. The stitches were still attached, and it did stop the bleeding, but Elias would still need medicine. He put the cloth back on.

Tivon clenched his fists. I promised him. He put his head between his knees in frustration. Elias' uneven breathing was driving him insane. Not because it was annoying, but because Tivon knew that he could help. I promised you. He lifted his head. I can't keep this promise. I'm sorry but not now.

He stood up and took his bag. He grabbed a blanket that was too small for Elias, but it'll do for now. He carefully put it over Elias, trying not to wake him up. He put some logs on the fire and left the cave.

He quickly made his way through the forest and ran straight through the crack in the wall. Tivon ran through tunnels until he came out through a hidden trapdoor in a garden behind a castle's kitchen. It was before dawn, so the garden and the kitchen were empty, rain slowly fading down.

He made his way to the storage room, where he also had stashed his herbs, leaves and flowers. He grabbed as much food as he could. Dried fruit, dried meat, fresh fruit, bread, fresh water, anything that he could fit in the bag. He grabbed bandages, a bottle of a dark brown liquid and two bottles of flowers, one with black petals leaves and one with big yellow leaves.


Tivon turned around, startled, and grabbed the side of the cupboard. Standing in the doorway was Rea. Her long golden hair flowed freely over her left shoulder, and she wore a blue nightgown, wrapped in a large white blanket. Her green eyes sparkled in the darkness.

She ran to him and hugged him. »Oh, you're alive!«

»You're still at the castle?« Asked Tivon.

She looked at him with worried eyes. »I told my mother I'll stay till they find you. When did you get back to the kingdom?« She said a little too loudly.

»Shhhh. Stay quiet.« He looked at her confused. »They didn't tell you I got back?«

»No?« Rea held his hands. »Oh, what horrible things must have they done to you.«

»What? No. They haven't done anything to me. Well, most of them. I ran away.«

Rea's look was puzzled. »Then what about that fernty

»Elias!« Interrupted Tivon. He lowered his voice. »His name is Elias. And he...« Tivon looked away. »He helped me.«

Rea was looking at him hungry for answers and Tivon looked back at her. »And now he needs my help. My father wounded him.«

»Wait, you escaped with him? Where did you go?« Asked Rea.

Tivon grabbed her warm, gentle hands. »Rea you need to trust me.« His eyes were begging for her to understand. »Please let me trust at least one person here.«

Rea smiled kindly and nodded. She removed the blanket she had over her shoulders, folded it and gave it to Tivon. »Take this.«

Tivon took it, she hugged him and whispered. »You have my word.«

Tivon hugged her back. »Thank you.«

She let him go and Tivon went his way, stopping by the door frame and turning to her. She waved at him, and he smiled. He ran through the garden and quickly made his way back to Elias.


When he came, he dropped his bag on the ground, waking up Elias. He looked around to see why Tivon was in such a hurry. He saw the bag and a blanket on the ground.

»W-where were you?« He was surprised to hear his own voice so weak.

Tivon didn't answer, he just grabbed the bottle with a dark liquid and black flowers. He came to Elias and uncovered his wound. He put the liquid in a bowl, crushed black flowers, mixed it with the liquid and put it directly over Elias' wound. It stung and Elias let out a weak, quiet scream. The pain quickly went away, and Tivon gently put more on.

»Y-you said you promised.« Said Elias finally.

»You would've died.« Tivon said sharply, focusing on the wound, and putting on bandages.

»You should let me-«

»I would never let you die.« He interrupted.

Elias tried to move. »Tivon-«

Tivon grasped the side of his head, pulling him closer, pressing his lips against his. Rough at first, but slowly he let his lips relax on Elias'. His hand slipped on his neck, and he slowly eased off, his forehead still against his.

»Don't say that.« He whispered with a sadness in his voice. "Please."

He looked back down at the wound, tying the bandages around his waist.

Elias sighed and leaned his head on the wall. »I don't deserve you.«

Tivon smiled. »Yeah, you don't.«

I don't deserve you either.

Tivon stood up to grab the bag and a blanket. He offered him a piece of bread and some dried fruit. »Now eat.«

»I'm not hungry.« He sighed. »I'm just t-tired.« Said Elias, but still taking the food Tivon had offered.

Tivon covered him with the white blanket Rea gave him. »You need to eat first.«

He took a bite of the bread. »You need to e-eat too.«

Tivon turned to the fire and put one more log. »I will.«

He was careful to not make the fire too big or too strong, for it might give them away. He took a little steel pot, filled it with water and put it by the fire. Tivon sat down and ate some fruits while waiting for the water to heat up. It was still cold despite the fire. Elias noticed Tivon's little shivers he tried to hide.

»Tivon.« He looked at him. Elias moved the blanket and patted the ground beside him. »You're cold.«

Tivon looked back at the fire. »I'm fine.«

Elias started moving, trying to get to Tivon.

»Hey, no, no. Don't move.«

Elias stopped and smiled weakly. »Then come here.«

Tivon sighed. »Okay. Just wait a bit for the water to heat up.«

Elias carefully leaned back on the wall and closed his eyes, still smiling.


When the water boiled, Tivon carefully put it off the fire, put in the yellow flowers and mixed it. He gave it to Elias and then sat beside him, where Elias made space. Elias covered him with the blanket.

Warm. Tivon snuggled closer to him, leaning his head on his chest. Even though Elias' body was still rather cold, he felt warm. Warm and comfortable. He closed his weary eyes, but he quickly opened them. I shouldn't sleep. He straightened his posture, forcing himself to stay awake.

»You can sleep.« Said Elias quietly and took a sip of the tea.

»I can't. I need to look after you.«

»I'm fine n-now. I won't die.« He said with a little laugh.

»You better not.«

Elias took another sip and took Tivon's hand, tangling his fingers with his. »Talk to me.«

»About what?«

»This cave, the drawings on the wall, anything. I don't want to fall asleep.«

Tivon leaned his head back.

»So, I found this cave when Rea and I were seven years old. We were running around the woods and Rea sprained her ankle. It started raining and we were looking for a shelter and found this cave. We quickly claimed it as our own and every time Rea visited our kingdom, we would spend time here. We would draw on the wall, bring flowers make flower crowns and make simple fires.«

As he was talking, he was pointing around the cave. To the fireplace, to the little drawings and to the dried flower crowns hanging by the entrance of the shelter. Elias was patiently sipping on the tea, listening to his soft voice.

After some time, Tivon's voice began to fade. His eyes were closing, and his head was dozing off. At last, his face leaned on Elias, his eyes shut, his breathing calm and steady.

Elias hugged him closer, still holding his hand tight. He quietly and softly kissed him on the forehead and leaned his head on his. He closed his eyes and fell asleep at the sound of the fire.


Four days have passed since then. Tivon took care of the fire, Elias' wound and the food, because Elias' wound was still healing and even if it were already healed Tivon wouldn't allow Elias to move. Tivon knew that they shouldn't stay here for too long. If they did, the royal army would find them eventually. But till Elias was good enough to move, they would stay.


Tivon was drawing the subtle fire in his journal.

»What's that book you carry everywhere?« Asked Elias.

»This?« He came to Elias and showed him. »This is my journal.«

Elias flipped through it, admiring every drawing in it. »You should be our mapmaker, not that scumbag of a human, Pit.«

Tivon had to laugh, but the smile quickly faded away when they heard murmurs outside the cave. They quickly went to their feet, Elias a little slower than Tivon and they waited for the person to find them.


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