Chapter 36

They were both at their feet, Elias holding his side and Tivon ready to grab the dagger if he would need to.

Tivon felt a relieved breath when Rea entered the cave. She was wearing a simple magenta dress, her shoulders covered with a red coat. Her hair was braided in a long braid. She smiled and ran into Tivon, hugging him and then to their surprise kissing him. Tivon froze and if Elias wasn't wounded, he would probably kill Rea on the spot.

Rea leaned back and smiled, her hands still holding Tivon. »I knew I would find you here.«

Tivon was still shocked and for some reason a little embarrassed. »Nobody followed y-«

»Nobody knows.« She smiled. »I've tolled them I was going on a walk.« She tightened her grip on Tivon, her look suddenly serious. »But they knew you are gone, they are looking for you.« She wanted to reach for her bag over her shoulders. »I brought you some things-«

She suddenly noticed a tall posture, leaning over Tivon, angry eyes stabbing through her. »Oh, hi, I'm Rea.«

To Elias surprise she smiled.

»I know.« Said Elias angrily, he grabbed Tivon gently by the hand pulling him away. »Can we trust her?« He whispered.

Tivon looked him in the eyes. »She is the only one that I trust.« Then he smiled and giggled. »Beside you«

Elias smiled, but in the moment he looked back at Rea his look became serious again.

»Elias you shouldn't be standing.« Said Tivon.

»I'm okay.« He lied. His side hurt like hell, but he didn't want to show it.

Rea offered her bag, filled with food. »Here you go. It's all I could bring for now. I will try to bring more next time.«

Tivon took the bag and smiled. »Thank you.«

»I should go now. Before they think I'm suspicious or something.«

She smiled, waved and before Tivon could say bye she was gone.

»It's a good thing she came. Our food supplies were running low.« He started turning around. »Why were you so rough with h-«

Elias took his chin, turned his face to him and kissed him. He eased off slowly and whispered. »Mine.«

Tivons confused expression quickly turned into a smirk. »You're jealous.«

Elias turned and sat down, pain rushing through his body. »I'm not.«

Tivon laughed. »Yeah, you are.«

Elias frowned and looked away. Tivon sat beside him. »Don't worry, I am yours.« He said quietly and slowly.

Elias face blushed, he felt embarrassed all of a sudden.

»I'm sorry.« He said quietly. »I react too quickly.«

Tivon moved closer, brushing his arm against his. »It's okay. Besides, I don't think of her as nothing more than a friend.« He sighed and leaned his head on the wall. »I never thought about marrying her and when father first told me that I need to marry her, I couldn't think about it. She's my friend. I could never.«

»Pretty shity of a father to force their own child to marry someone.«

»I should've seen it coming.« He looked down. »I'm sure she thinks the same.«

Rea was going through the forest, trying not to go by the same path, for if someone might follow her. Her heart was pounding fast. Why was he staring at me like that? Did I do something wrong? It was like he was protecting him from me.

She shook her head, trying to clear her head and continued her way. She entered the castle walls at the main entrance where she left. She passed the guard, relieved that he wasn't suspicious of her.

»Hey!« He suddenly shouted behind her.

She turned around thinking that she is done for. He ran to her.

»I'm sorry princess for disturbing your morning walk, but the king would like to speak to you.« He said while bowing to her.

»Oh, okay. Thank you.«

She respectfully bowed back and turned to continue her way. That doesn't mean anything good. She quickened her pace, walking towards the kings main room. If he needs me then I'll do it quickly.

She opened the door and found the king sitting by the table enjoying his breakfast.

»Rea, come here.« He said a little too cheerfully for Reas liking. »Take a seat.«

She came closer and sat down on the chair before the table.

»You needed me, your highness?«

»No need for formality. You can call me by my name.«

»My apologies Urien.« She said, his name stuck in her throat.

He took a sip of his coffee and put down the cup. »You may have heard about Tivon returning.«

Rea looked surprised. »You found him?«

»The royal army found him. They also seized the one who kidnapped him.«

»Oh, that's great to hear.«

Urien stood up and walked towards her. »The problem is that they've run away.« He looked down on her, his look dead serious. »You wouldn't know by any chance where they had gone?«

»No.« She lied. »How would I know that? I didn't even know that Tivon came back, let alone know where he would run away too.« She cleared her throat, pretending that she was about to cry. »I can't even understand why he would run away.«

»I am asking myself the same question.« Said the king moving his way to the window. »Tomorrow I'll close the castle walls. I will find him and that fernty. If I'll have to search the whole kingdom to find the fernty and that crippled, I'll do it.«


The king looked at her, confusion spreading over his face.

»I'm sorry Urion, but I might have heard you wrong. Did you say crippled?«

»Oh, sorry. You really must've heard me wrong. I said child.« He sighed. »I just want my son back.«

»Of course.« Rea just wanted to go away from this weird man. »If I get any word of your son, I'll let you know immediately.«

»Thank you Rea.« He waved at the door. »You may go now.«

Rea quickly stood up and exited the room. I can't stay here anymore. They would eventually find out she had to do something with them. I need to go.

Rea gathered as much food as she could into a big bag, hiding it outside the castle walls in a willow tree. She told the king that she'll go riding and hunting in the evening. She was relieved that he allowed her too, but he warned her to be back by sunset, when he will close off the castle walls.

She put on her hunting gear, her brown pants with a simple white tunic, her necklace over it. She put on a red coat. Rea put her golden hair into a high ponytail, the right side let loose, with a little braid at the left side. She put on her high boots and headed to the armory room where she took her trusty bow and an arrow quiver, putting it over her shoulders. She spotted swords and a pistol lying on the table in the room. This must have been Eliass. She took the knives and a pistol, stashing them over her belt. She looked at the two swords. They are too big. Someone will definitely see them. She looked around the room to see if someone was watching her and then put the two swords in her arrow quiver. It could still be seen, so she took some more arrows and added them in, now almost covering the swords. Hopefully, it'll do for now. She headed to the stables, where she mounted her horse and headed towards the castle walls. The doors were still open so she exited them, waving at the guard.

Just as she thought that she fooled them and the hard part was over, someone yelled behind her. She turned to see who was calling her.

There was Ivan ridding a horse, waving at her.

When he was close enough, he said. »The king wanted me to accompany you, princess. He is worried that the pirate that ran away might kill you.«

He probably would, if it wasn't for Tivon. Rea smiled, trying to hide her annoyance. »It is very kind of you, general.«

»You can call me Ivan, Rea. It feels weird when you call me general. We have known each other for so long, it's weird.« He smiled as they continued their way.

»Yeah.« Smiled Rea.

It was true. He wasn't that much older than her and Tivon and he looked after them since they were little kids. But right now she really didn't need him here. She had to get rid of him somehow. Fortunately, she needed another horse and there was one right in front of her.