Chapter 44

Tivon didn't quite like this plan. They were too exposed, the street was too cramped and with the royal army walking around, it really wasn't to their advantage. But it was the only plan they could think of. So, it had to work.

Tivon looked around at the people that were on the street. Most of them were older men smuggling around and others were people with portable market stands, trying to sell whatever they had. Tivon moved more into the shadow. Please be quick Elias.

A woman with a stand cart with a music box on it, playing a song, came down the street and stopped by the pleasure house. Her stand was full of different kinds of herbs, rocks and flowers. She was wearing a big hat with a brown veil, covering her eyes.

Tivon could only see her black lips. Her lips were moving, but Tivon couldn't hear what she was saying. He moved closer to the main street but still stayed in the shadow. He looked closer at her lips, trying to read what she was saying.

The sea... Black water... Tivon looked even closer. Lost antes... The cursed pirate... He didn't notice Elias cross the street.

The words started ringing in his head. A voice of a woman. It screamed. A stab to the heart. And as the woman said those words, she looked at Tivon, her golden eyes peering through him.

»Tivon.« Tivon looked at Elias. »She's alive, but we need to move quickly.«

Tivon looked at where the woman was standing, but there was no one there. »Where to?«

Elias grabbed his swords. »To the harbour.«

He started heading down the alleyway. Tivon once again looked to where the mysterious woman was standing.


Tivon turned to him. »Yeah, I'm coming.« When he caught up with him, he asked. »Rea is alive? Is she hurt?«

»Yeah, she's alive and she didn't look hurt. They are going to use her for a trade with us.«

»What do they want to trade?«

»Alieana's necklace.« Said Elias.

Tivon stopped. »What? But Sabur has it.«

Elias turned around. »Yes and we're going to steal it back.«

Tivon looked at him like he was out of his mind. »And how if I may ask, will we do that?«

Elias smiled. »We're going to steal a ship.«


Where does he get these ideas? Thought Tivon as he was climbing up the rope of a smaller pirate ship. He looked up at Elias climbing in front of him.

»Do you just expect them to say yes?« Whispered Tivon.

Elias looked at him, his mask secured on his face. »They'll be too scared to say no.«

»That won't work.« Sighed Tivon.

He reached the end of the rope, and Elias pulled him on the ship. »Just leave it to me.«

They heard the laughter of the crew. Elias cut the rope behind them. Tivon took his dagger and nodded.

Elias climbed up to the quarter-deck, where the captain was standing, looking over a map he had spread on the railing. Elias sneaked behind him, putting a knife on his throat and pushed him to the railing, for the small crew, that was gathered for dinner, to see him.

»Gentlemans, we would like to borrow a ship.«

The crew was on their feet in no second.

»What do you think yer're doing boy?« Said the captain.

Elias pushed the knife closer to his neck. »Shhh. I would be quiet if you don't want to wake up in hell with no head.«

He stayed quiet.

»What are ya doin' with our captain?« Asked one of the pirates.

»I just want to make a little deal.« Said Elias. »Let us use the ship and I'll leave the captain and you alive.«

»Like we would believe ya.« Screamed one of the comrades.

The other one yelled. »It would be better for us to just give ya to the royal asses.«

»Well, then,« Said Elias calmly. »say goodbye to your captain.«

»Wait!« Cried the captain. »Y-you can have my ship.«

Elias smiled and slowly released the captain. »Remember. If you get any ideas we have our knives with us at all times.«


Elias grabbed the helm. »Set sail.« He yelled.

Tivon started cutting off the ropes tied to the ship. Elias rolled the helm, and they set sail into the open sea. Tivon came up to the quarterdeck.

»How do you know they won't betray us?«

»They won't have time to. Besides, they are too scared to.«

Tivon looked at the crew. They didn't even try to hide the fear on their faces. They were all shaking, avoiding Tivon's and Elias' looks.

»I hope you're right.« Tivon sighed and leaned against the railing. Elias put down his mask and moved the ship more to the right. Tivon smiled. »You look like a captain.«

Elias tried to hide his blushing with a laugh. »As a kid, I always dreamt to be one.«

Tivon moved closer. »It suits you.« He looked into his blue eyes. »You're just missing a hat.«

»Pfff. I don't wear hats.«

Tivon stroked his hand on the helm. »Good.« He leaned to his ear and whispered. »I like you better without it.«

Elias grabbed the helm and turned the ship sharply to the right. Tivon almost fell, but Elias caught him, his hand over his waist. He was face to face with Tivon.


»Ay, ay captain.« Smiled Tivon.

Elias leaned closer.

»Hey!« Elias stopped. »If you steal my ship, don't treat it like it's just a piece of wood!« Screamed the captain.

Elias rolled his eyes and let go of Tivon. He fixed the helm and looked forward at the sea. He frowned. »These pirates are ruining everything.«

Tivon giggled.


»Nothing.« Smiled Tivon.

He crossed his arms, leaned on the railing and looked at the dark sea.

»So, if you are a prince,« Asked Elias. »do you have your own personal knight?«

Tivon looked at him over his shoulder.

»You know, all the stories talk about princes having their knights.« He stuttered. »I'm just curious if it was real.«

»It's true. But I never had one. The only one that looked after me was General Ivan, but he was never elevated to be my personal knight.«


Tivon turned around and leaned on his elbows. »Do you want to be my knight?«

Elias' face turned bright pink. »Huh?«

»You are great at fighting, an excellent protector. You are brave and loyal. Sure, you might have killed thousands of people, but I could arrange something.«

He stepped to Elias. »Can I have your sword?«

Elias took one behind his back and gave it to Tivon. He knelt in front of him.

Tivon touched one shoulder. »I Tivon, the prince of The Kingdom of Naydawin,« And then his other shoulder. »Make you, Elias, my knight.«

Elias stood up and smiled at him. Tivon had never seen someone's eyes shine so bright as Elias' eyes did that night. They shone with love and pride.


Ivan was walking towards the king's room. Where the hell could they be? We've searched everywhere. He had black circles under his eyes and his walking was sloppy. He hadn't slept in almost five days.

And that woman... She always disappears at night. Did she already find them and have them hostage somewhere? He bumped into the table with a vase in the hallway. He barely caught the vase before it would hit the ground. Come on Ivan, concentrate.

He breathed in and out. He shook his head to wake himself up. The king called you. You need to look presentable. I can't fail again.

Ivan walked to the door and opened it. Urien didn't care for the late hour. He was standing by the window, Ivan walked to him and bowed.

»You called me?«

»You still haven't found them.« He said sharply.

Ivan was too tired to have this conversation. »I'm doing everything in my power to find them.«

»Obviously not enough. At this rate, that woman will find them before us.« He looked at him.

»What if we asked The Rose Sparrow for help?« Ivan didn't know why he just said that. He didn't fancy that idea. He didn't trust this alliance.

»I already did send a messenger to them.« He looked back through the window. »They're covering the sea.« He looked at Ivan, who was just barely standing.

»Go with your ship and set sail towards Bradfordshire.«


»The Green Woman has one of her most popular businesses there. She might have some leads to where they could be. If you're lucky, maybe you'll find them there.«

Ivan bowed. »I'll set sail right away.«

»Find them quickly. My reputation and my kingdom are at stake. If you don't find them, I could lose everything.«

»Of course, sir.«

Ivan turned and exited the room. It's always mine with him. He sighed as he walked down the castle hallway to the harbour.

It's like he doesn't even care for his son's well-being. Or anyone's well-being for that matter. Something didn't feel right to Ivan, but with how tired he was, he couldn't connect the dots.

If he did, he might have prevented the cruel future.