Chapter 45

Elias let Tivon sleep until they reached The Rose Sparrows. Tivon was sitting beside the helm, leaning against it and sleeping. The night was still cold, but nothing felt better than a pleasant, salty breeze in Elias' hair. The familiar wood under his hands, the smell of the sea. He hadn't realized how much he missed the sea.

But he couldn't relax yet. They still needed to save Rea. Elias had his eyes fixed on the horizon, trying to spot the black ship. And then he saw it. He steadied the helm and yelled down at the crew.

»Put out all the lanterns.«

He managed to wake up Tivon.

»Why?« Asked one of the pirates.

Elias looked down at them. »If you fools want to get blown up by The Rose Sparrow, then set a bonfire in the middle of the ship for all I care.«

They immediately started putting them out.

»And prepare me a boat.«

Elias started going down the stairs, where the crew was prepering the boat into the sea. Tivon grabbed his hand.

»Are you going alone?«

Elias nodded. »It'll be better this way.«

Tivon looked down. »Yeah.«

Elias was surprised to hear Tivon allowing him to go on his own. Elias held his hand. »They won't do anything to you. And I'll make sure I'll be quick.«

Tivon nodded, and just as Elias was about to leave, Tivon pulled his hand and the side of his coat. He pressed his lips against Elias'. Tivon slowly parted and looked down.

»Be careful.«

He looked up into his eyes. Elias smiled and nodded. He turned and went down the stairs to the boat. Before he jumped in, he turned to the captain.

»If you even dare to think to run away or touch him, I will find you and slowly cut off every single finger and if that won't be enough.« His eyes peered through him, while the captain's face turned white. »Well, I'll let your imagination do the rest.«

Elias jumped in the boat, and they lowered it into the sea. As he was sailing towards The Rose Sparrow, he watched Tivon looking down at him, slowly disappearing into the darkness.

When he got near the ship, he was relieved that The Rose Sparrow was anchored. He tied his boat to the ship and climbed up at the back to where Sabur's cabin was.

Every night Sabur came out of his cabin at two in the morning. Elias never knew why exactly, but it was always like that. He just hoped he wouldn't change his schedule that night.

When Elias climbed to the windows, covered with curtains from the inside, Elias peeked through the corner to see if Sabur had gone out of the cabin. He waited a bit and then the door of his cabin opened, and Sabur came out. Elias didn't think to stop. He turned to the windows, grabbed his lock picks and broke into the cabin.

Like normally it was dark and only one lantern was lit up. Elias grabbed it and started rummaging through Sabur's stuff. Where could he have it? He looked through every drawer and every corner, but he couldn't find it. Where the hell did you put it, Sabur?

He then turned to his table, there was a drawer under it. He squatted by it and tried to open it, but it was locked. Elias grabbed his lock picks and started doing his job.

It wasn't a normal lock. If it was, Elias could've unlocked it in a second. But this one took more time and eventually, it gave in with a satisfying click.

Elias opened the drawer and there it was. Chrome Sphene. He took it out and put it in his inner coat pocket. He closed the drawer and locked it. He quickly turned around and suddenly heard the door open.

»Hello Elias.« Elias turned around. »Nice to see you here.« Said Sabur with a rusty voice. Sabur came closer and Elias grabbed his pistol and pointed it at him.


»Traitors?« Sabur smirked. »We've been working with The Kingdom of Naydawin for years Elias. Old friends. The stories were just for the people so they wouldn't rebel against the kingdom.«

»Must've forgotten to share that information with me.« He was looking at Sabur with eyes as furious as a hungry wolf.

Sabur laughed and walked around the room, Elias pointing a gun at his head. Sabur looked at the tattoo on Elias' wrist. »You still belong to me.«

»I belong to no one.«

Sabur looked at him with angry eyes and said slowly. »You belong to me

»You forced me to make a contract with you. You kidnap me from my parents and made me a murderer!« He yelled. »And if we're already at this topic, would you like to tell me about selling boys to Luana?«

»That was in the past.« Calmly answered Sabur. »What are you doing with The Chrome Sphene

»None of your business.«

»I think it is. You're stealing from me.« Said Sabur

»I was the one who stole it. I'm just borrowing it for something.«

Sabur put down his hat on the table. »Does it have to do with Tivon?«

»None of your business.« Said Elias slowly. Sabur came closer, so Elias cocked the gun. »Make another step and I'll shoot.«

»You wouldn't.«

Elias stepped closer. »Do you want to see it for yourself?«

»You can have The Chrome Sphene.« Sabur turned away. »Just get off my ship.«


»Get off my ship before I change my mind and call the whole crew on you.«

»You'll just let me leave?« Elias' look was puzzled.

»Just this time Elias.« He looked over his shoulder. »But next time I cross paths with you, something will happen to you.« He turned back around. »Or to that boy.«

»You leave Tivon out of it. He had to go through a lot of things just because of you.«

»You let him live that night.« Smiled Sabur.

Elias pushed the gun at his chest. »Say that again and I blow you to bits.«

»Just leave before I change my mind.«

Elias stared at him, eyes fixed on him, contemplating if he should just shoot Sabur and put an end to this or leave. Finally, he lowered the gun.

»If you follow me, I won't hesitate to burn down your ship and everyone on it.«

He walked towards the window.

»Don't worry, I won't.«

Elias put the gun back on his belt and climbed out the window and then down to his boat. As he was sailing to their ship, he was still thinking if it was a good idea to trust Sabur.

Something in him was telling him, yes, but it still felt weird. Sabur was planning something. But what? Elias didn't know. But he would be ready for whatever he had planned.


When he reached their ship, they pulled him up, the captain's face still white as snow. Tivon ran down to him. »Did you get it?«

Elias just pointed at his coat and nodded. He just quickly went up to the quarterdeck and grabbed the helm. Tivon quietly followed him. One of the members of the crew lit up a lantern.

»Put that out!« Shouted Elias.

The pirate quickly put it out, his face covered in pure fear. Tivon turned to Elias, who moved the ship to the left, setting sail into the open sea.

»Did something happen?«

Elias didn't look at him. He was looking at The Rose Sparrow. »No, everything went fine.«

»Are you sure?«

Elias finally looked at him. »Yeah.« He smiled.

»Okay.« Tivon turned away.

He knew that something was off. He never saw Elias like that. Elias was teriffied.


Ivan walked up to The Young Marry. It was the ship that was assigned to him when he became a general of the royal army. The first day he stepped on this ship, he was excited. He was proud and he knew that he would be proud too. He wished for him to be on that ship with him that day. But destiny had different plans for him. For them.

This night it wasn't like that day. He wasn't excited to be on the ship again. He wasn't as proud as he was that day. And on top of all that, he was tired.

He didn't know how long he would manage to stay on his feet before he collapsed. But he needed to stay awake. He needed to bear it just a little longer. He needed to find those kids. He promised himself that. He would find them before it would be too late.


Elias looked over his shoulders every other minute, to make sure that The Rose Sparrow wasn't following them. The ship stayed behind them and when they were far enough, he allowed the crew to light up the lanterns.

He looked at Tivon, leaning against the railing, looking forward at the sea. I should tell him. He should know.

But he didn't. Elias never did tell him. Maybe this was the mistake. A mistake that led to a disaster. That led to a loss. A mistake that Elias could never take back.