Chapter 48

TW//Death, blood, violence

Luana was standing by the railing as the dawn was coming. The rain had already stopped and the clouds began to part. Luana was smiling viciously.

»You seem to be in a rather good mood.«

She turned around to see Sabur walking towards her.

»Oh, marily, I couldn't be more happy.« Sabur stood beside her. »But I'm still a little disappointed with you. You made them steal Alieana's necklace. And they killed her.«

»I've sent them to get rid of shary. I didn't know they would kill her and get the necklace. That was never the plan.«

Luana turned to him examining every scar on his face. »I still don't know if I should trust you. Ever since you stop bringing me boys, you've slowly cut ties with me.« She leaned closer to him and stroked his hand that was resting on the ship's railing. »Why is that?«

Sabur didn't say anything. He was just quietly, looking at the horizon. Finally, he said, »The witch is back.«

»Oh, come on Sabur, you know I don't believe that story.«

»You should.« He turned around and walked towards his cabin. »It's all true.«

»Just get me to Bradfordshire.«

Sabur tilted his hat and disappeared into the shadow of his cabin.

Luana looked back at the sea, opening her fan. She took Alieana's necklace out of her pocket. I have avenged you my dear sister, but I'm not done yet. After I take care of some business in Bradfordshire, I'll go to my dear Elias and that girl. She smiled maliciously. I'll do everything they did to you and worse. They will regret everything they did.


Elias was sitting, his back turned away from Rea, hands chained. He managed to steady his breathing, but his body was still shaking. The rain had already stopped.


Not now Rea. I... I can't.

»E-everything will be o-okay.« She stuttered quietly.

No, it won't. Elias knew he wouldn't ever be okay. Not anymore.

They heard the door open and one of the masked men came down and opened Elias' cell. He wasn't Elias anymore. He again was The Masked man, The Grímur.

When the men leaned forward Elias knocked him out with his elbow, pushing him against the wooden column. He managed to grab a knife attached to the man's belt, stabbing him in the stomach. When the man fell, Elias grabbed his keys and unchained his hands. He took his knives, pistol and swords and turned to the door.

»Elias don't!« Shouted Rea and he stopped. »D-don't.« Rea managed.

Elias threw the keys near her cell, close enough that she'll reach them, but far enough that he'll have enough time.

»Don't come out.« He said coldly and closed the door.


Not even a second passed by when Rea heard pistols, swords slashing and banging of things against the ground.

No. Not things. Bodies.

Rea quickly moved to the bars trying to reach the keys with her chained hands behind her back. I need to stop him. She could hear the screams of the crew, so she reached further out of her cell.

When she finally felt them under her fingers, she grabbed them. Eventually, she managed to unlock her chains. She grabbed the keys and opened her cell, already running towards the door, preparing herself to see the worst.


When Elias opened the door and locked eyes with the first person he saw, he had only one thing on his mind. Blood.

And then the massacre started. Elias drew both of his swords, stabbing everyone who got in his way. More.

Three guys ran towards him, so Elias gripped the swords firmly and sliced through all of them, spilling the blood around the deck. One of the masked men approached him from behind. Elias grabbed his knife and threw it at him, stabbing him in the heart. He just missed a bullet coming for his head. More blood.

He stuck the sword through the man's neck, sticking him on a mast. He grabbed his pistol and took down three guys. Elias' expression was numb. There was only anger in his eyes.

Everyone who came in his way, he put down, either with a pistol, a sword or a knife. There were only two people left. A helmsman that Elias would leave to live and the Capitan. The person who killed Tivon.

When the captain saw him, he quickly reached for his gun, his hands shaking vigorously. Elias was quicker he shot him in the hand, causing the captain to drop the gun. Before the man could scream, Elias shot his foot. The captain fell on his knees. Elias slowly walked towards him, pistol still pointing at him.

»P-please, have m-mercy.«

Elias shot him in the shoulder. The man was screaming, yelling in agony. Tears started running out of his eyes.

»P-please. I'm s-sorry.« He cried. »I'm s-sorry.«

Elias put the pistol back on his belt. He moved his sword towards the wound on the shoulder.

»P-please, I have a w-wife.« He cried.

Elias didn't flinch. He pushed the sword slowly into his wound. The man screamed. Elias stopped for a second, letting the men breathe.

»P-p-please. She c-can't live w-without me.« He stuttered. »I w-want to see her a-again.«

Elias leaned closer. »You should've thought of that before you killed him.« He grabbed the man and pushed him against the railings. »Enjoy drowning.«

»N-no, please!«

Elias threw him overboard. That man deserved more pain, but slow drowning with all those wounds. It was enough for Elias.

He turned towards the helmsman, sitting in the corner of the railing, shaking in fear.

Elias looked down at him. »Set sail towards Bradfordshire.« He turned around, cleaning his sword in his coat. »If you get any ideas, I'll stick this sword down your throat.«

The man nodded and quickly grabbed the helm, turning the ship to the left.


Rea wasn't prepared to see what she did.

She had seen dead bodies before, one of them her aunt and then countless bodies that wounded soldiers brought back from the war. But what she saw that night was a massacre from one man.

Man, killed only by one single man. She had to grab the edge of the door, so as not to lose consciousness. Her stomach was twisting at the sight of bloodied bodies. The smell of blood in the air made her sick.

She tried to look away, being careful not to step on the bodies. She tried not to think of them as human beings. She didn't want to think of them as anything. Rea quickly and quietly made her way to Elias.

She must've startled him, because as soon as she came behind him, he suddenly turned around, grabbing his pistol and pointing it at her head.

»Elias.« She tried to stay calm, even though Elias' eyes looked at her furiously and had a gun pointed at her head. »Elias. Please, stop this.« She tried to reach for his gun.

Elias stepped closer. Rea didn't move. »I know how you feel Elias.«

»How could you know?«

Rea was surprised to hear his voice breaking. He was forcing himself not to cry.

»I know.« She gently put her hands on Elias'. »I know how it feels to lose someone you love.«

Elias was shaking, he was starting to break. Rea carefully took his pistol and dropped it on the ground. Elias hugged her, tears pouring down his face. Rea hugged him back. She didn't say anything. She couldn't. There were no words left to say.

They stayed in each other's arms, trying to comfort each other as much as they could. The dawn was coming and, at that moment, no words were needed.


The crew of The Young Marry forced Ivan to go to sleep even though he said he didn't need it and that he would be fine. He hadn't even realized how tired he had been until he lay down in the bed. Not even the waves or the rain hadn't woken him up.

But then a sudden knock on his cabin door woke him up. He needed a couple of seconds to realize where the knocking was coming from. He quickly put on his boots and grabbed his coat. When he opened the door, the morning sun almost blinded him. One of the young soldiers, probably just four years younger than Ivan himself, awkwardly bowed before him.

»I'm sorry general, for waking you up.« He looked at him. »We found something on the way to Bradfordshire.«

Ivan was just staring at him. He's too young to be in an army.

»Umm, general? Are you okay?« Said the boy nervously.

Ivan snapped out of his mind. »Huh?«

»We've come across what we figured out was a destroyed ship. It had to happen recently. The smoke is still present.«

A ship. Might give us some leads to where they are. He looked at the boy, his look suddenly serious and fully awake.

»Prepare a boat, there could still be survivors.«

In a sudden moment, his heart started racing. Let's hope that they weren't on the ship. His body shivered at the thought of it. He really hoped he wouldn't find Rea and Tivon there.


The crew prepared the boat and Ivan jumped in with three other soldiers and they lowered the boat into the sea. As they were sailing through the remains of the ship, moving every piece of wood away, to see if anybody got stuck underneath it, Ivan got worried.

There were no victims, no bodies. If there were any, they would already float to the surface. What is the meaning of this?

Suddenly Ivan noticed something floating on the water.

»Over there.« He pointed at it, and they moved the boat towards it.

Ivan took the soaking wet journal out of the water. It was covered in blood. He recognized it immediately. His heart dropped.


»Search every corner, every piece of wood!« He screamed.

They've searched and searched, but they couldn't find him. Ivan only saw a bloodied knife on a floating piece of wood.

Ivan feared this would happen. He was preparing for this to come. He thought he was prepared. But as he looked down on Tivon's bloodied journal, he broke. He wasn't prepared. Tivon was dead and he couldn't even find his body. The boy he knew since they were kids was gone.