Ivan was sitting by a table in his cabin, lit only with one lantern. He didn't want the sun coming in. It bothered him. It bothered his tired eyes. He's really dead. Tivon is dead.
He felt tears forcing their way out. And he let them. I really am a useless general. I couldn't even protect those kids.
He looked over to Tivon's journal, now dry, but still covered in blood, the knife beside it. He took it and pulled the lantern closer. He slowly scrolled over it, smiling at the familiar sceneries and sketches.
I remember him drawing those. He laughed a little. He always had it with him, even when we were practising. He came to the pages that must have been drawn when he got kidnapped. No, not kidnapped. When he ran away. He was sure of it now. He was sure that Urien was lying to him.
He scrolled through, finding drawings of an island, he didn't know of. There were drawings of fruits and flowers he'd never seen before. And then sketches of The Masked man. Countless sketches of him.
Why him? He found sketches of swords and knives that must belong to The Masked man. He looked at the knife. It was the same as the sketches. Did he kill hi-?
A knock disturbed him. He quickly closed the journal and stood up.
The soldier bowed. »I'm sorry sir for disturbing you. But we need to make a plan and give the orders to the crew.«
Ivan nodded, his mind still puzzled by what he saw. »Yes, call for the meeting.«
The soldier bowed and exited the room, closing the door behind.
Ivan looked down at the journal, his hand still resting on it. I'll get down to this. I promise Tivon.
The Rose Sparrow embarked at Bradfordshire. Luana came to Sabur, who was hiding in the shadow of the mast.
»I couldn't thank you enough Sabur, my marily.« She stroked his face.
Sabur moved his head. »Don't call me that.«
»When are you going to forget that woman?« Frowned Luana and inhaled her cigarette.
Sabur looked at the city, trapped inside of a thick mist. »She will haunt me in death, just as she haunts me in my dreams.«
Luana only rolled her eyes. »You're no fun.« She walked to the board attached to the ship, going down the harbour. »But thank you anyway.«
»Wait.« Said Sabur behind her. Luana turned around with a playful smile. »I can bring you new boys.«
A big smile ran across Luana's face. »Oh.« She approached him. »You want to make deals with me again?«
»You'll need them to recover The Jade Paradise.«
»How observing Sabur.« She puffed out. »I'm impressed.«
»The first group I'll give you for free.«
»How generous.« Smiled Luana.
Sabur rested his hand on the sword attached to his belt. »And I'll give you one soldier.«
»Oh, marily, you are flattering me.«
He looked at her. »Don't think of it too much. I expect great service from you.«
Luana reached her hand out. »And you shall receive it.«
They shook hands and Luana turned around with a big smile.
»See you later Sabur.«
She waved and disappeared into the mist of the city.
Sabur nodded to Nick and The Rose Sparrow set sail, to steal and kidnap new boys for The Green Woman.
The crew of The Young Marry was sitting by a round table, for once all quiet, each one of them stuck in their own mind, grieving over the loss of a prince. Finally, the youngest of them spoke up.
»We've managed to identify the ship.« Ivan looked up and nodded to him to continue talking.
»The Buccaneers, s-sir.« He stuttered.
»They were working with The Emerald Palace.« Said another.
»Emerald Palace...« Ivan looked up at them. »Is that the one in the Aramore? The pleasure house?«
»Yes, sir. It is run by a woman that hardly comes by-«
»The Green Woman.« Interrupted Ivan.
»Y-yes.« Said the soldier surprisingly.
»Set sail to Bradfordshire.« Nobody moved. Ivan looked at them. »Now!«
Some of them started exiting the room getting ready to prepare the ship for sailing, some stayed in the room. The young soldier asked. »Should we get the news of the prince's death to the king and queen?«
Ivan stood up. »No.« Said Ivan sharply, looking down at the table, where a map was spread.
Everyone looked at him, surprised. Ivan looked up, realizing how sharp he must've sounded.
»He could still be alive.« He lied.
»But sir, he is definitely dead-«
»We didn't find the body!« Screamed Ivan, shutting everyone's mouth. »We can't go back without his body or real evidence that he is dead.«
»Yes, sir.«
»We need to get to Bradfordshire now.«
They all nodded and quickly exited the room. Ivan sat down on the chair. He knew that he should tell the kingdom about the death, but he couldn't trust Urien. If he finds out, he'll do something reckless. And I can still find Rea. If I couldn't save Tivon, I could still save Rea.
Elias and Rea were sitting down by the railings. Elias' head was leaning against it, his tired mind troubled. Rea didn't have any other option, but to sit next to him. She didn't want to walk around the ship with all the bodies lying around. She didn't even dare to look behind her back.
Elias was thinking of him. He didn't want it to be true. He didn't want him gone. He blamed himself. He was at fault.
It was his reckless doing that caused Tivon to die. He should never trusted anyone. He should never let him go to The Jade Paradise. He should just leave him on that ship that night. To let him die alone? Would it make any difference if he did? If he never knew him.
Rea's question interrupted Elias. »What are we going to do now?«
Elias opened his eyes. »We're going to Bradfordshire.« He clenched his fists. »I'm going to kill that woman.«
He thought that Rea would oppose him, but she only nodded quietly.
The sound of seagulls filled up the silence. She shouldn't see what I did, what I'm capable of. I shouldn't have yelled at her that night. He waited all this time to apologize to her. He needed to apologize.
»All those times you called me a fernty.« Rea looked at him. »You were right. I am no different from them. Even more, I'm worse than them. A reckless murderer.«
He reached into his shirt, pulling out the silver necklace. »But he changed me. He made me human.«
He let his hand down and sighed. »What I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry. Sorry for all those nights, and all the things I said. I'm sorry.«
»I'm sorry too. We were tired and anxious. It just slipped out of us.«
Elias nodded, but it still wasn't enough. Elias felt guilty. Why was Rea still here? There's only death where I go. She shouldn't be here.
»You don't need to come with me.« He cleared his throat. »I can find you someplace where you can stay and hide.«
»I'll help you.«
Elias looked at her surprised.
»I know how you feel and I want to help you.« She leaned her head on the railing. »I'm not a vindictive person, but I can't just look away from it. She took him away from me too. If not for anyone else, I'll do it for Tivon.«
She placed her hand on Elias' and smiled.
»We will find justice for him and then I'll take this safe place you're talking about.«
Elias briefly smiled and that was enough for Rea. That little smile, that little spark of hope was enough for her.
She was sailing, a small boat slowly floating on a surface of a big sea. The music box was still playing the melody. Her black lips were humming the melody, lyrics in a language unknown to the people in Krens or even outside of Krens.
Her right hand was touching the water. The sea was calm, but it was sad. She could feel it. The sea was grieving. Grieving over a boy much too young to be lost in its embrace. Too young to be lying in the graveyard of the seabed.
As she sailed further down it, the sea coloured black, the pain getting stronger. The smell of gunpowder was still in the air. Her hand hit a floating piece of wood, and the melody stopped.
She opened her eyes, the sun lighting up her golden eyes. The sea was alive, and she could feel every inch of it, but there was something that you could not feel. An unbeating heart.
She smiled. »I found you.«