Latia's Hobby and Engagment.

During the time that Kuroka and Shirone made up, Kurayami and the Satans came up to an agreement. Once the marriage was decided truly as right now there were still only maybes, they would unite both races. They hoped to reduce hatred between both for the sake of the future.

If they were to be able to fight on the same side again threats to their pantheon, they had to get rid of petty squabbles. They also wanted to have Heaven in this agreement, but it was a little soon for that.

Nora entered the room with the 4 of them and let them know that the meal was ready.

"The meal is ready."

Kurayami and Ajuka were sharing some of their hobbies as while they were different it was still a hobby. They both considered their hobbies more important than everything else so they got along decently. Kurayami did not mind at all if he had to be related to Ajuka.

Sirzechs was hanging in the corner as without trying Ajuka called out his sister on all her faults. When Nora entered he cheered at his wife's interruption. Ajuka smiled as he and Kurayami walked out to go eat.

"We can pick this up alter Kurayami. This is also a good chance for you to meet my niece."

Kurayami nodded.

"From the stories you told me, she sounds lovely. Did she really blow up your lab?"

Ajuka nodded.

"As Latia is from a branch family and resulted from the marriage of an Agares and an Astaroth her demonic power is monstrous. Not to mention she inherited the Agres ability of time manipulation, but she tried to make a time bomb or something of the like."

Kurayami was truly interested now.

"How bad was it?"

Ajuka laughed as he remembered the sad look that she failed.

"If I was not there, the explosion would have been enough to hurt an Ultimate Class Devil. Come, I will introduce her to you."

When they were both gone, Nora and Serafall looked at Sirzechs who was moping. Serafall patted him on the back as she shrugged.

"Hey, Rias is just worse than Latia and my Sona. You spoiled her rotten and you lost out."

Sirzechs frowned at his friend.

"Not funny."

Nora shook her head as well.

"No, it is hilarious how bad she is. There are zero comparisons and Ajuka and Kurayami get along fine."

Serafall and Nora were trying to cheer up Sirzechs, but failing miserably. As that was going on Kurayami and Ajuka arrived at the dining table where Latia was. She was dressed in a red dress, but she did not look too young either.

If anything she looked 16 as she had used her time magic and Demonic power to age herself up a little. She had blonde hair, but the tips were blue. She looked like a refined young lady, but that was not what took his attention.

(Image here)

Her power was in the Ultimate Class and the way she carried herself earned his interest. When she noticed her uncle and Kurayami she walked over to introduce herself. She looked Kurayami in the eye and bowed politely.

"Greetings, I am Latia Astaroth. It is a pleasure to meet you."

He nodded as he did the same.

"The feeling is mutual. Your uncle has told me a lot about you and I feel it be a good

Sirzechs who heard that felt that blades were in his heart.

'SHE IS NOT THAT GOOD! RIAS IS BETTER! What does he not see in Rias?'

He was biting his nails in anger as he watched Ajuka, Kurayami, and Latia just talk normally. This was totally different as he had to kind of beg to get Kurayami to even glance at his sister. All it took was a look at Rias and Kurayami said no.

Here he is talking with Latia and his tone is a total 180. He was spying on them as he had a few thoughts running on his mind.

'I have to find something that only Rias is better than Latia. Anything at all.'

Ajuka excused himself as he was going to get in the way.

"Lati, Kurayami we shall pick this up at a later time. I will leave you two alone."

Once he was gone, Kurayami and Latia walked away together just so they could talk a little more. Of course, followed by Sirzechs for his own means as he wanted to prove that Rias was better. Form behind Ajuka grabbed him and dragged him away so he would not bother his niece.

Once both of them were alone Kurayami and Latia looked at each other as they knew why they were together. She brought it up as she looked at him.

"I will just say it now that I would be willing to get engaged. However, marriage is a different story."

Kurayami nodded.

"I know that for a woman, being forced to marry a stranger and your enemy might not be what you want. I have no intention to force you or anyone to marry me. I am surrounded by women, and despite that, I am only engaged to three of them."

Latia was now a little interested.

"I know you are engaged to the Nekusho, but who are the other two? If you don't mind me asking?"

Kurayami told her about it in passing.

"One of them is named Raynare, granddaughter of Azrael. The other is named Esdeath. For now, I think it is more important we just get to know each other a little before we make a choise."

She shook her head.

"There is no need. I have known since I was little that who I marry will mostly likely be chosen for me. If I am being honest, you are better than all of my suitors in both power and the fact you do not seem to want to force yourself on me."

Kurayami thought of something as he asked about it.

"Would you be interested in moving in with me just so we can spend all the time getting to know each other? I like to take things slowly and I say it would be preferable for yourself as well."

Latia agreed with little hesitation. If she was to be marrying Kurayami one day in the future, who knows when she would see him again if they lived apart. It was better she could see him every day so she could make a good thoughts about him through time.

"This seems fair, we might have to go back and forth for dumb politic's sake. I rather focus on my hobby."

When he heard that he was interested.

"What is your hobby?"

"Oh, I love reading sci-fi books and want to imitate some of the technology. Maybe go to space as this is the time of advancement. My uncle took me to the moon once, but I see more potential in it. Who knows what we will find out there? Who?"

Kurayami thought about it and made her a promise.

"How about one day I try to make that wish a reality? I do not think this planet is the only one with life in the vast universe. Who knows, maybe something in your sci-fi books is real?"

She smiled at the thought.

"That sounds nice. Who knows, maybe there will be an alien invasion or something."

Kurayami shrugged.

"Maybe. Anything that has a chance of happening should be prepared against? Maybe one day I can take the moon as my own base. You can help me with that if you want."

She reached out and took his arm with hers.

"You know, I have known you only a few minutes, but I enjoyed our talk. Most of the people I talk to about my hobby laugh at me."

"Maybe when you bring back a dead alien they will take you seriously. Well, are you agreeing to this engagement?"

She nodded.

"Yes, I do. Here to a happy marriage."

At that moment Sirzechs and Ajuka fell through the ceiling as they were spying the whole time. It was more like Ajuka was holding Sirzechs in a chokehold as Sirzechs still wanted to find some nonexistent flaw in Lathia.

Ajuka squeezed tighter as he looked at his niece.

"Sorry, this creep keeps on trying to spy. I will get out of your hair. It is time to eat."

Kurayami and Latia returned to the dining room where they found Kuroka and Shirone sitting next to each other with happy smiles. When She noticed her finance, Kuroka waved Kurayami over.

"Kurayami, greet your sister-in-law. Shinrone, this is my fiance Kurayami."

The young Nekusho looked up to Kurayami quite literally as she was very short. She was also only 12 and seemed to have stunted growth.


Kurayami reached down and gave her a head pat.

"Kuroka spoke a lot about you. She always worried about you and the first time I met her she spoke about you. Her goal was always to save you."

She looked up at Kurayami with a little smile on her face.

"She did?"

Kurayami nodded.

"I was ready to ask my grandfather-in-law to come over here to save you. Would you like to live with your sister more often?"

"What about Rias?"

Kurayami kneeled in front of her with a kind smile on his face.

"This is what you want. As you are my sister-in-law, it is only fair that I look after you. If you want to be with your sister, why would I stop that."

Latia knew that he was poaching the girl, but family is over that. Shirone shook her head as Rias was there for her when she needed someone.

"I want to be with my sister, but I can't leave Rias."

Kuroka was tempted for a second to kill Rias, but that would not solve anything. As such she just suggested something different.

"How about I visit every weekend? I will do everything to teach you how to use your senjutsu."

Shirone nodded.

"Ok, as long as I see you more."

Latia hid her smile behind her fan as seeing Shirone and Kuroka made her happy.

"Well, I should introduce myself if you are one of Kurayami's fiances. I am Latia Astaroth."

Kuroka stood up and gave her a quick huh.

"I accept you."

Latia was surprised it was that quick.


Kuroka smiled and explained.

"Senjutsu, I can see you have no negative intentions and I can see your hard work. I am sure Esdeath and Raynare will come to accept you as well. I know for sure they would have never accepted Rias."

While she did not want to marry Kurayami, it was bad they did not take her seriously. As for Latia, hearing a positive response like that made her happy.

"I am interested in knowing them now. For now, I say we sit down to eat."

Everyone took their seats as the cooks and servers began to place down some luxurious dishes. Ajuka was happy that his niece was accepted, while Sirzechs was very sad. He kept picking at his food as his sister was called not good enough.

While Kurayami was eating, he, Latia, Kuroka, and Shirone just continued to chat among themselves. As for Serafall, she was laughing in her head that Sirzechs precious sister was rejected by the one man her brother felt was good enough.

Who knew who was going to take that girl as they most likely would not be anywhere near as good as Kurayami. Once they finished eating, Ajuka stopped them before they left. He gave Latia a small hug before he turned to look at Kuroka.

"I can help you fix some of the issues with your Evil Pieces. Is that fine with you?"

Kuroka did not expect that.

"Yes, that is fine."

Ajuka reached up and poked her forehead as he started to edit some things from her pieces. As it was going on, Kuroka felt like all of the medicine Azazel used along with whatever Ajuka did work together perfectly.

A black mist seeped from her pores as she felt that over 75% of what was wrong with her was removed.

"I noticed something was wrong with your evil pieces so I fixed the issues. Seems that was part of the issue wrong with you."

She felt like her senjustu and her magic were all fixed. She took a deep breath and felt her vitality, her ki and chi were all running far smoother than before. She bowed to Ajuka as she was truly grateful for what he did.

"Whatever you did, I truly thank you, sir."

Ajuka shook his head.

"If my niece is going to marry Kurayami, that means she is family to me. His family is my family so I should do this little bit of help. Latia, take care of yourself. I wish you two a happy life."

Latia gave her uncle a tight hug as she backed away from him.

"Thank you, uncle. I will be back soon."

Kurayami shook his hand and teleported back home finally. He felt this was the perfect time to move it so he needed to tell his parents and the girls who wanted to go with him. His home was going to be for him and his future wives only.

No other men to interrupt either. He also had to take the hairpin that Kuroka took with her to Azazel who would be static to have it. All in all this trip was very fruitful and he was glad he went.