First Skills



'Profession: N/A'

'Specializations: N/A'

'Reader Points: 2330'


- Strength: 0.6

- Dexterity: 0.6

- Endurance: 0.7

- Intelligence: 1.4

- Creativity: 0.8

- Concentration: 1.4

- Spirituality: 0.4

- Neural Aptitude: B


[BUSINESS]: Apprentice

[COMPUTER SCIENCE]: Incompetent - [Programing I]

[ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING]: Incompetent - [Energy Storage I] - [Conductors I]


[MATHEMATICS]: Incompetent - [Mathematics Model Building I]

[PHYSIC]: Incompetent - [Directed Energy Weapon Optimization I] - [Rapid-Fire Laser Weapon Operation I]

[SCIENCE]: Incompetent - [Chemical Reaction I] - [Chemical Formula I]


[Basic Mathematics 3rd-rate] x 3, [Basic Physic 3rd-rate] x 3, [Basic Chemical 3rd-rate] x 2, [Basic Mechanics 3rd-rate], [Basic Computer Science 3rd-rate] x 2, [Basic Programing 3rd-rate] x 2, [Basic Electrical Engineering 3rd-rate], [Basic Energy Weapon 3rd-rate] x 2, [Basic Galactic Geography], [Basic Galactic History], [Basic Bright Republic History], [Basic Kodomo Sector History], [Basic Kodomo Sector Geography], [Basic Yena Star Cluster History], [Basic Yena Star Cluster Geography]


[Your 1st book: 100 RP]

[Your 1st skill: 1000 RP]

[Basic book 3rd-rate: 16/100]

[General knowledge: 7/100]

[Basic skills: 8/100]


It's already been 1 month since Kira start attending school, everyday he faithfully followed his schedule even in weekends: physical training in the morning, classes or self study in the afternoon and reading in the evening adding more books to system library, his hardworking even rub off other kids in his class, especially his roommate and groupmates. His physical stats went up very fast when they were 0.5 and less but took him 2 weeks of training to grow from 0.5 to 0.6. After attending some classes he finally got some skills to appear on system list and slowly found out some rules to earn more RP.

'It's hard for me to raise my physical stats just by training now, i guess that's the limit of a kid's body, but i can finally increase my other stats aside from Spirituality now, but it cost 1000 RP to improve by 0.1 for stat higher than 1.0. The books i re-read won't count toward my achievement, i read a total of 13 new books which is 130 RP. I also finally got 3 new skills and 8 sub-skills at Incompetent or basic level and got 1100 RP after some lectures and re-read the books till i finally understand what they were about, so these skills give me 100 RP each. There is still no other use of RP for now. All these reading and studying also improved my Intelligent and Concentration stat by 0.2 each.'

'It's only 1 month and i already grow this much, i believe only kids from prominent families and clans of 1st rate and 2nd rate states are comparable. I should keep calm and not rush too much, as there is no facilities to practice on yet, i must improve my knowledge foundation first.'


The Messala is a behemoth in the Bright Republic, not only because they are one of The Five nor their dominance is the Republic's shipbuilding industry, it's actually how deeply they involved in anything related to star ships, and in this Age that mean everything from military, economy to diplomacy. From mighty Fleet Carriers to cargo haulers, passenger transports, from building new ships to repair and maintaining them or decommission jobs, all need to go through the Messala one way or another. From shipbuilding the Messala slowly expand to logistics and transportation, now they control over 50% of the Republic's Logistics industry, while the other 50% and other shipbuilding companies need their co-operations to actually work, one can say it's the Messala that keep the Republic's economy going and many of the state-owned shipyards are also ran by Messalas.

They can be called the uncrown king of the Republic and even other families of The Five have to pay them respect. They are also the only family in the Republic that have privileges to partially own an entire star system, Etna System, where they put their HQ and main dry-dock, the most advanced of the Republic and with their relationship with Carnegie Group of the Friday Coalition getting closer and warmer in recent years, they are working to upgrade their Dry-dock No.1 to quasi 2nd rate standard.

As the youngest of the 22 siblings, with no genetic aptitude to become Mech pilot, nor talent to design ships or any other notable talent, Valerius's father ranked so low in the Messala's internal ranking, even lower than his many cousins and only because he is the family leader's son he can become the Director of Messala Shipbuilding Inc's Shipyard No.13. Even though it's called a 'shipyard', Shipyard No.13 haven't build any new ships for a while, all it did was repairing old ships, doing some small decommission jobs while more exciting jobs including repair and decommissioned capital ships all sent to the bigger and more advanced Messala Shipbuilding Inc's Dry-dock No.7 located in the same planet of Beintheim III. Shipyard No.13 is also where the Messala dumped all the 2nd, 3rd, 4th hand ships that's smaller than sub-capital ships they haven't sell, there's already some calls to change the name of Shipyard No.13 to Ship Graveyard No.1, which feel like insults and mockings to Valerius's father but he can only bitterly accepted.

Ever since he was 4, Valerius already understand how bitter his father is as he never seen him smiled. Since then he vowed to become the best ship designer and builder to make his father happy and to improve his family standing, maybe one day he can operate an even bigger and better drydock than the Messala's Dry-dock No.1.

After 1 month in Ritterburg Brightlight Primary school, Valerius made many new friends with similar dreams and they also share similar situation as the insignificant members of their respective Families, which make them quickly become friends, but the one stand out the most is Kira Larkinson, his roommate. Ever since his first day meeting Kira, he already knew he is someone special, never once he seen him playing game or reading comics or watching Mech shows like any other kids, outside of classes, he only seen Kira either doing physical exercises or reading difficult books like Basic Theory of Quantum Physics, Higher dimensions Mathematics or Introduction to Energy weapons… One time when his group of friends talk about their dreams, Kira told them:

"Why do you guys only thinking about become better than your families members? You should aim bigger than that. We should strive to become the best in the galaxy, one day even the Big Two and the 1st rater will have to look up to us. At that time, your Families would already become so insignificant that you won't even bother to pay attention to them anymore."

Valerius and other kids all became so inspire that they started to copy what Kira been doing and vowed to realize that big dream together. For Valerius he started reading and studying many books about mathematics, physics, etcetera which may help him in design and building ships.

When he talked to Kira about his family business Kira actually became excited as he explained:

"To realize our dream first we need to make our own organization, we need to do expeditions to acquire riches and prestiges and slowly upgrade to higher standards. To do all that, acquiring star ships is a must but it's impossible for us to start with brand new ships, so we must make do with 2nd hand or even 3rd, 4th hand ships. And aside from combat carriers we also need cargo ships, salvage ships and all kind of support ships. You are sitting on a treasure trove you know."

That talk with Kira opened Valerius' eyes, his family business is actually great right?