40 Take Me…

Adam bent slightly and turned his head. They were not shrouded in the night, hidden beneath its safe darkness, where Adam could boldly show what he felt without being seen. The day was exposing him brutally - him and his desire. And the fear.

Physical pleasure felt good. Physical pleasure made his trembling body seethe with electric delight. Hubert's hands crawling over Adam's body, his hot tongue engulfing the swollen nipples, his breath filled with passion...


Adam's body craved a man, his touch, his embrace, his... masculinity...

Adam pulled his knee up and rubbed it against Hubert's hip inviting him mute there, down where his irritated member swelled painfully and between his buttocks a secret entrance screamed with impatience to receive the guest.

Hubert understood. His lips and tongue met down Adam's stomach and danced on his navel. Then they flowed lower...