Chapter Thirteen

Trevor's POV

We arrived at our mansion a few minutes later finding a few of Marcus's associates in the living room with the house full of other people in black suits, I could tell they were body guards.

His eyes lit up when he saw me , something I had never seen in my life but it was laced with venom rather than pride. This was not going to end well but I had nothing more to lose,I just wished I had stood my ground and entered the business sooner leaving Katherine alive.

"Trevor!" My father called out to me seeming puzzled.

" You're not actually feeling remorse for that lowlife you just killed are you?" He attempted a joke.

I huffed then walked ahead to greet his friends or partners, whatever they were to him and I introduced my committee.

" Where is Bancy son?"

Oh . Shit ! I had totally forgotten about that psychopath.