Chapter Twelve

Katherine's POV

"You should still be in bed " Alyssa said walking in the gym we had where she had brought me.

" You're not my mother." I said over the music which she proceeded to turn off.

" And who cares, you're under my care and.."

" Ok Valarie." I cut her off continuing to punch the punching bag mercilessly.

" What?" She looked puzzled.

" That's what the boss calls you a_l_y_s_s_a or is it just for booty calls." I said in a sadistic tone.

" Don't cross that line." She said getting closer to me.

" So you do sleep together."

I had barely finished that statement when she punched me. The familiar taste of blood filled my mouth and I raised my brow at her making her hold her horses.

" I'm not a slut!" She screamed at me.

" Well you've been lying to me since I woke up and I'm not even sure why you saved me in the first place ... And before you fill your explanations with more lies I know everything so just say what you think I don't already know."