Peak Of The Iceberg



How could her lady do such a thing? How on earth did she get the pill?

I'm so dead right now. The Prince would never believe that I wasn't involved in a way or so since I was Her lady Highness's lady-in-waiting.

The royal doctors confirmed it was abortion pills. Thank Goodness the baby wasn't lost or there would have been another story altogether.

"Abortion pill? "Her lady Highness let out almost in a whisper.

Her face registered a frown as she stared at the doctor narrowly.

The room became intense at her gaze which seemed to be confused and curious.

"My baby. My baby!!", She screamed touching her stomach, sharply.

"The quick intervention saved it, your highness ", the doctor announced.

Her face relaxed at the doctor's words. Her eyes were filled with tears as she kept running her hands across her stomach.

"Baby. I'm sorry. Mom is sorry", She cried.

Her pain was so visible that a tear trailed down my own eyes.