Useless Master

Stretching out his hand, he gestured for her to stop. The surroundings were barren with no life, in fact, it was a place accustomed to battles. One must know, a few hundred miles to the right was the gathering of many monsters while to the left was the Limitless City.

Over the past thousand years alone, there've been multiple cases of beasts attacking the city. This point, coincidentally or not, was a main point for the two opposing forces to clash. The sandy terrain was tainted with the dried blood of both humans and beasts.

One can even find a few skeletons if one searched for corpses. Standing tens of meters away from the other were Blade and Athena. A sharp eye would be able to discern the barely perceptible auras that leaked from the bodies of the duo.

One was a fiery red aura. Athena's white hair seemed to be coated in a fiery red color while her crimson red eyes intently gazed toward Blade's figure. She wasn't planning to lose this fight, after all, in her mind, if she didn't show her true power and prove that she was useful, Blade's previous intimate attitude toward her would stop.

She wasn't wrong...

On the other hand, Blade's purple left pupil released a dark glint of ruthless light. He believed all people must be equally treated. Even if his opponent was his 'lover', it didn't mean that he should go easy on her. Plus, if he were to lose, his dominating aura would have to be hidden under a rock.

Where would his face go if he lost..?

The purple aura that emanated from his body slowly began to grow. His long dark purple hair was releasing bouts of power as if each strand had a will of its own. Under his feet, the sand dispersed, revealing the hard tough surface yet, even this surface had formed cracks under the aura of these two!

Xiu! Xiu!

Suddenly, without hesitation, both figures turned into blurs. The distance between the duo was ripped apart, there wasn't a distance any longer. Their speed was ridiculously perverted, something that shouldn't be possible for the average Martial Lord.


Fists collided. Blade's right fist collided with Athena's left as a raised eyebrow from Blade showcased his surprise. 'Even though I understand Athena has a mysterious background, allowing her to come back from the dead, I didn't expect her to be this strong!' Blade thought...

'My strength is after all not something the average Martial Lord should be able to contend against... Or is it that Astral, that bastard, did he lie to me... No, this shouldn't be the case. So she really is a Martial Lord freak.'

At the same time, Athena's right fist blurred.


It parted the surrounding winds and quickly approached Blade's ribcage. Her fist was coated in a reddish light that...


Catching her fist with his free left hand, Blade was about to counter with a kick but...


Jumping away, Blade yelped in pain originating from his palm. It was the palm that stopped Athena's right. Gazing at it, Blade realized there was a fist etched into the skin of his palm... The mark was burnt into it!

"How?" Seeing this, Blade was slightly confused. He hadn't seen this before. Even if Astral could also do such a thing, he clearly never showed Blade. Athena, hearing his words, also had a confused expression that made Blade think that she too didn't understand how she did that.

"What do you mean how?" Athena suddenly asked, "Don't you have a master? Or is it that he didn't even explain to you how to manipulate the World Law you've got an affinity with...?!" Hearing her words, Blade suddenly shook his head, on his face, an expression tinged with annoyance could be seen.

What kind of master was that bastard..!

"I just thought that I simply need to comprehend the lightning and the other two...?" Replying to her question with another question, Blade hopped into the air before crossing his legs, his figure descended to the ground, sitting cross-legged mere inches over the ground.

He was confused, luckily, Athena was experienced, and had a proper master.

"First, you'll need to sense the lightning in your dantian..." Athena appeared behind Blade and whispered into his ear. She used this opportunity to get even more intimate with Blade, and even though Blade saw through her actions, he didn't say anything.


Listening to her words, Blade's consciousness descended into his dantian. Inside his dantian, one can see an ocean of purple liquid that separated two other liquids. On one side was a mysterious black liquid, and on the other side was a white liquid that could blind untrained eyes.

Focusing fully on the purple liquid that had lightning crackling in it, Blade's concentration intensified as he willed this lightning to approach the walls of the dantian. Right after, the lightning was devoured by the walls in an instant.


In the outside world, Athena jumped away in shock. Shooting out Blade's body was bolts of lightning, tens of bolts of lightning..! This took place for a few seconds before it suddenly stopped and Blade opened his eyes.

His eyes showed clear tiredness. He asked, "Why is it soo exhausting?" It was really exhausting, and he realized the purple liquid in his dantian had dropped a considerable amount. Compared to the other two liquids, the purple liquid was very little.

"Well, that's because you need to absorb Life Energy, and slowly convert it into your Lightning Qi... Hence, when you enter the Martial Lord realm, cultivation is slowed. Normally, this could be countered with treasures that suit your attribute, these treasures would produce the energy of that particular attribute, cutting the process of converting Life Energy into Law Qi. But, that's not all, your understanding of your World Law must improve, once that happens, you wouldn't lose control like how you previously lost control and drained your Law Qi."

Hearing this, Blade clenched his fist tightly. Surely, when he returns, he'll deal with that man known as Astral Fabel. 'The bloody bastard isn't a fucking master at all..!' Blade roared in his mind.




Hmm... 'It hasn't been long since my disciple has left the mountain, yet I feel as if he's cursing me with deep hatred.' Astral pondered.

All this time he thought that the enemies of his disciple would find trouble with him, and end his life but, he suddenly felt as if his disciple would be the one to end his life.



Levitating with his legs folded next to a heap of Spirit Stones, was Blade's figure. Two hours had passed and the heap of Spirit Stones next to him was also prepared for him to regain his energy.

Unknowingly, he had used up all his Spirit Stones, luckily, Athena once more came in clutch, saving the day and quickening the process of regaining his energy. In the process, he had gained a fair amount of mastery over his Lightning.

The process of mastering it was as simple as eating for Blade. Deep in his bones, he felt as if this wasn't something worth mentioning. But, if others were to hear this, they'd be beating their chests in anger, coughing blood. It took geniuses at least a week to control their Laws while it took him less than a couple of hours, and he still thought it wasn't worth mentioning!

Athena was able to master her flames the moment she regained consciousness.

Though she didn't say this to Blade, she did say that she too was able to master it in a couple of hours, further chipping away at any unnecessary arrogance that would have possibly bloomed in Blade's heart.

"Hmm, I think round two should begin!" Standing to his feet and stretching his back, causing a few pops to resound in the surroundings, Blade conveyed his thoughts. He's a little excited to battle, and wash away the disgrace he had just undergone due to a lazy teacher.

Hearing this, Athena waved her hand, the ring lighting up and sucking away the excess Spirit Stones as her battle intent also soared.

Though she wasn't as inclined to battles, she disliked needless deaths, hence the reason she had rushed to save her teammate back in Demon's Playground, but she didn't want to disappoint Blade, and also wanted to prove why she would be the best partner Blade could ask for.

The duo instantly made a distance from each other. Once more, their auras were released from their bodies as the ground under their feet cracked from the pressure. Now understanding the full extent of his power, Blade said.

"Take off your mask. It'll be destroyed if I punched it. With a beautiful face being shown to others, it'll bring me endless troubles." His words descended, silencing the surroundings and causing Athena's mind to short-circuit.

Where am I?

Who am I?

What the fck...!

Athena was dazed.