Chu Peng's Anger

Even though he said those words, Astral wasn't confident enough. He still didn't let Andra go to confront Chu Peng, not until she reached a certain level.

"When you become a Martial King, I'll allow you to go confront him!" Astral's voice entered Andra's ear as she practiced her dual-blade techniques.

Astral was confident that with her talent, the Martial King realm is enough to deal with that Chu Peng fellow and she'll be able to gain a lot from an actual life-and-death battle.

After all, the only thing she lacks at the moment is a life-and-death battle. But, with Astral being soo cautious, he would never allow her to face a Martial Emperor as a Martial Lord, no matter how much of a son of destiny he thinks she is.

And, as Andra trained, in another location, Core disciples and direct disciples of the Chief Elders, Sect Leader, and Overseers made their way to the province where Chu Peng was located in.



"They're too arrogant. How dare they lump me in with their little younger generation. I'm a supreme genius, maybe that bastard named Blade can be compared with me, but no one else! Humph! I'll slaughter them all and teach them a lesson! I'll make my mother understand, only I deserve to be with her!"


Chu Peng grumbled in anger as he opened his eyes and finished up another night of cultivation. As a core member of the Heavenly Demon Sect, he had many ways to receive the news of what had happened in this world due to his actions. Hearing it, boy, Chu Peng was triggered.

He was prepared to face ancient monsters, not little chickens! It was a massive slap on his face, at least this was how he considered it to be. After all, as a supreme genius, he had arrogance. Whatever he wanted, normally it is this which he gets.


Suddenly, Chu Peng's right ear twitched. A mini explosion resounded outwards. But, this sound was hundreds of miles away. If he wasn't a Martial Emperor, he definitely would have never been able to hear it as his eyes darted toward the location.

There, in the skies, under the sun, a massive ship around 50 meters long and several more meters wide made its way. Shockingly, it traveled through the skies. A massive flying ship! Seeing this ship, Chu Peng clicked his tongue as a cold snicker escaped his mouth.

"Hehehe... Humph! F*ckers truly did dare to come. With their feeble strength, do they think they have a chance against me? Well, Limitless Sky Sect, oh Limitless Sky Sect, you'll be losing some geniuses today, and all other days you dare to send these weaklings!"




"So this is the Demon..." A bald burly man with a pair of dual blades strapped to his back commented as his Martial King eyes landed on the young man sitting on top of a floating bird as large as ten meters.

"He is relaxed... A little too relaxed for my liking!" A sweet feminine voice rang in the burly man's ear as a golden-robed young woman walked up to the front of the deck. She coldly stared at Chu Peng several miles away.

"How dare he. Killing the residence of my Limitless Sky continent! He's courting death!" A black-haired boy around sixteen or seventeen said with great killing intent leaking from his gaze. As the ship made its way toward Chu Peng, the killing intent from both sides continued to rise.

Eventually, three killing intents contacted another, more profound and thick killing intent. As this intent descended onto their bodies, they felt a chill run down their spine. Floating toward Chu Peng who was situated above the city, their anger slowly rose.

"Your killing intent is frightening. As expected of a murderous demon from the so-called Heavenly Demon Sect... Humph! There isn't anything heavenly about you people!" The golden-robed core disciple commented.

The Heavenly Demon sect disciples and elders, no all of them were beings who cultivated with techniques that focused on consuming the Life Energy in the blood and corpse of other beings which boosted their cultivation speed but in turn, causes multiple side-effects.

Once one begins on this path of demonic cultivation, hiding their murderous aura would be impossible, all the innocents killed and then consumed to improve their cultivation base would reek off of their bodies.

The Limitless Sky Sect was not of the righteous faction but they too felt disgusted by the Demonic techniques used by those of the Heavenly Demon Sect. And the worst part was the irony to call themselves Heavenly Demons... as if making fun of the Heavens themselves.

"Exterminating a rat like you is in fact doing the heavens a favor. I'm sure that when the Holy Lands pen, many treasures will come our way due to this great karmic deed..!" The bald man said whilst slowly unsheathing the two blades on his back.

The black-haired boy next to him smirked. Though he seemed like a young adult, as a cultivator he was most probably at least seventy or eighty as he stared down Chu Peng with eyes that stared down at an insolent prey.

Such audacity and confidence in the face of his presence didn't sit well with Chu Peng. With his hands clasped behind his back, he lightly jumped off of his ride and stepped onto the empty surface of the air.

"Good good..." Chu Peng laughed. His eyes revealed traces of inhuman insanity as they swept across the bodies of the three... "You three pathetic things will be the first of the disciples of your pathetic Limitless Sky Sect to be made an-!"

Before he could finish his words, a pair of blades slashed through the winds and made their way toward his neck. At the same time, a long rod wielded by a golden-robed woman and thereafter a glowing silver sword also made their way across the void of space, inching closer and closer toward his figure.

The fact that these disciples ignored his words caused Chu Peng's mood to sour even more. Seeing the weapons rushing toward him, Chu Peng smirked coldly as his hands turned into blurs. In an instant, the burly bald man felt his weapons meeting an immovable and indestructible object.

At that moment, a horrid premonition formed in his heart as before he had time to react, a powerful and irresistible force originating from Chu Peng slammed down onto his chest.


Boom! Boom!

The bald man groaned in pain. As his voice escaped his throat, two more explosions took place as the two disciples next to him were also sent flying.


Their figures turned into blurs as they had unknowingly crossed tens of thousands of meters and crashed into a mountain! The golden-robed woman and the black-haired young man felt their bodies almost exploding due to the powerful force and thereafter the incredible collision with the mountain.

At this time, blood escaped all seven orifices as their internal organs exploded... Chu Peng didn't care for them. Even if they had pills to heal, it'll take a while. Even if they had escaping talismans, too will for them to appear out of their space rings would be an arduous task in their current state.

His attention moved to the burly man who he sent flying. The burly man had crashed into the rumble and remains of the city as Chu Peng descended to the surface. His voice reverberated throughout the city as it contained endless anger.

"You you you... Daring to fight me with physical strength alone! I am not sure whether you are plain stupid or ignorant. I am a Martial Emperor, not a pathetic thing like yourself!" The fact that the burly man had done such an act was nothing short of disrespectful in Chu Peng's mind.

His body flickered and he disappeared, reappearing hovering slightly over the body of the bald man who was sunk into a crater. Grabbing him by his neck, Chu Peng lifted him into the air while snickering.

Waving his hand, he then flung the bald man into the skies. At the same time, the sun disappeared and the stars shifted as a palm covered the whole skies, descending to earth, toward the infinitely ant-sized body of the bald man.

"You're confident in your body aren't you, hehe, let's see how strong it is... If your whole body doesn't explode, then I'll leave you and your companions alone. Hehe..."

Chu Peng snickered as the bald man's body was instantly enveloped. The palm didn't stop though as it made its way down to the city of the Peng clan...


Chu Peng disappeared. At the same time, the city of his late family instantly was pulverized and became a massive chasm as deep as the abyss of hell.

A mere breath of time later, Chu Peng had already appeared in the area near the two remaining disciples who struggled to escape the crater... No, even keeping consciousness was an arduous task for their current selves.

Bam! Crunch!

Chu Peng's right foot landed on the black-haired boy's head. The crunching sound of a skull cracking into pieces and juices spurting outward occurred and the meaty flesh of brain matter splashed onto the barefoot of Chu Peng, tinging his mood with even more annoyance and anger.

"I didn't even mean to... This f*cking weakling is simply too fragile!"