Vs Young Holy Child

Scoffing at the black-haired young man, Chu Peng turned his attention to the golden-robed woman who had finally realized how unfair the situation she found herself in was.

Chu Peng's face contorted seeing her. She had disheveled brown hair and hazel eyes that gleamed under the sun as her beauty could say to be top-notch. Her ample breasts were something that made men desire to sink their hands into her.

Smirking, Chu Peng then said... "You know, you were speaking at the beginning, saying something about us and our cultivation techniques being demonic... Don't worry, let me show you how Heavenly our techniques are!"

"N-No! No no no no...!" Quickly processing what the meaning behind his words was, the brown-haired woman couldn't help but feel her heart thump in apprehension and unwillingness. She tried... Trying to crawl away though was simply a pipe dream.

"Come here!" Grabbing her by the leg, Chu Peng dragged her toward him as his robes loosened. Taking a handful of her hair, he lifted her head as the long rod slapped her cheek.

"Today you'll understand true bliss...!" He said while forcefully opening her mouth. Shoving it in, the core disciple thereafter, went on to continuously bob her head down the shaft, and back to the tip, over and over... From here on, an endless cycle took place.



Unknowingly, a couple of months went by. In the Limitless Sky Sect, the situation of Chu Peng caused a gloomy aura to permeate the air as disciples and elders alike woke up every day feeling more and more embarrassed yet angered and wrathful toward the one known as Chu Peng.

Due to their statement to the whole world, the Limitless Sky Sect's strongest members didn't dare to make a move against the Heavenly Demon Sect's Young Holy Child.

At this time, on a mountain peak inside the Limitless Sky Sect that represented hope if ever the Limitless Sky Sect faced danger... And now, it represented hope to rid the world, or at least the Limitless Sky Continent, of the Demon Chu Peng.

"It has been two months, you've finally settled in as a Martial King, and, boy oh boy, you're full of surprises, aren't you?" Astral proudly stated as he looked toward his disciple. Though in name, Andra was his second disciple, truthfully, the feelings were much closer than for his first disciple.

"Yes, master... Don't worry, today I'll leave to go hunt that Chu Peng and prove to the world that the Limitless Sky Sect doesn't just have one Young Holy Child...!"

Andra proudly said. Pride was ingrained deep into her bones anyway. About that Chu Peng, she didn't place him in her eyes. So what, even if he is a Young Holy Child, in her presence, even as a Martial Emperor, he wasn't worth mentioning.

"Oh, don't be too confident now. Remember, this is a test, it isn't like Blade's mission where he might even be on a different continent, so you won't get any absolute protection treasures that'll allow you to escape death..."

Astral said, referring to the sword mark between Blade's brows which contained one full-powered move from him. Hearing this, Andra scoffed.

"Chu Peng...? Who is that? Is it a snack?" Though she said this, she wasn't stupid enough to look down on him after he killed soo many Martial Kings over the past couple of months and even a Pseudo Martial Emperor who was too prideful to use any life-saving treasure.

Luckily, though all direct disciples who reached the Pseudo Martial Emperor realm were prideful, they knew their limits and didn't take the same mistakes as the first one. Otherwise, Limitless Sky Sect would become a joke.

Even now, their reputation had dramatically decreased. Only Andra could restore it... She carried incredible responsibility right now.

"Don't worry master, with my blades, I'll tear him to shreds and drink his blood!" She wasn't lying. Drinking the blood of humans was quite tasty to her tastebuds and she did intend to celebrate by draining Chu Peng's body dry!

Seeing the determination, as if she'll actually drink Chu Peng's blood, Astral felt slight apprehension before waving his hand.

'My two disciples are weird. They're lovers even though they each have dragons... I wouldn't be surprised if Dolion really does drink that brat's blood, and even enjoy it...'

Thinking this, his expression changed slightly. With a wave of his hand, a mysterious force wrapped around Andra's body as she disappeared from the room.



From a bird's eye view, one would see a massive plot of land that would look beautiful on any other day. This day though, north south east, and west were marked by abyss-like craters that led to the doors of hell while multiple mountains and natural structures were destroyed...

Somewhere in this region, a figure suddenly appeared... Gazing at her sudden change in surroundings, Andra couldn't help but sigh. Her two orbs glistened beautifully as she said whilst shaking her head.

"Master is simply too mysterious. Even as a Martial King, I couldn't resist. I don't even know how I appeared here... But, I'm guessing that this should be the place that Chu Peng resides." Yawning, Andra looked to the skies, muttering.

"I didn't care much about you but... This is my chance to make my name resonate throughout the world. Even if Blade is on another continent, once I kill you, hehe, even from such a far distance, Blade will still be reminded of me!"

Thinking of Blade's shocked expression when he hears of Andra killing not just any Martial Emperor, but a pinnacle Martial Emperor genius... Andra couldn't hide the excitement as her figure lifted from the surface and flashed across the space, rushing to the skies, the location of Chu Peng.



"Huh..?" Chu Peng suddenly frowned. Opening his eyes, though there were several females of top beauty naked and sprawled with his white liquid oozing from their caves, he didn't seem to care as his eyes darted toward the incoming flash of light.

'To be able to evade my senses...' Chu Peng felt his heart thump quicker. 'Have they finally lost patience and are coming to try to stop me?' Smiling, Chu Peng stood up, ready to meet what he thought was a Chief Elder of the Limitless Sky Sect, the Sect Leader, or even an Overseer...!

Soon, Chu Peng and Andra met. In the skies, two figures stared each other down. Chu Peng suddenly frowned as he asked.

"You... Why do I sense Martial King Qi...?" Chu Peng questioned, not daring to believe his hopes had just been squandered. Andra then stared at him as if he was an idiot, replying.

"I am not sure..." She looked confused. "Maybe it's because I'm a Martial King who doesn't take you seriously, or maybe not... who knows?"

I'm a Martial King...

Martial King...

Chu Peng was pissed... again!

"Boy, oh boy, you people don't take me seriously enough! You can even joke about this... Yeah, I've decided, after I kill you, I'll personally go deal with Limitless Sky Sect..!"


Hearing this, Andra snickered. "You? Haha, simply because you are a Young Holy Child, you think you're that dude! Some sort of son of destiny like master says?

Humph! I am also a Young Holy Child, and I'll show today to the world that, in my presence, no other holy child can compare... besides Blade of course!" Andra pointed at herself. Arrogance practically radiated from her figure.

"Young Holy Child... Hohoho... Okay, good, great..! Limitless Sky Sect, I was angry but, now, oh boy, yes, I'm truly happy. The Limitless Sky Sect will be spared... After killing you...

Hohoho, you mentioned Blade right..? Good, I wouldn't kill you, no, you're more useful alive, hehe, I'm sure he'll finally come...

Once you're utterly defeated, others will think the Limitless Sky Sect's Young Holy Children only amount to that much... Then, Blade would have no choice but to appear!"

Chu Peng's voice reverberated loudly in his surroundings. He suddenly bellowed out as his eyes showed madness. His laughter rang in his environment, but it came to a halt when Andra too was laughing as equally madly as him.

Confused, he asked. "What do you find funny about what've just said..." And for a moment, Andra paused her laughter, replying with... "Nothing, it's just that you are blinded by confidence. Your ignorance is laughable is all...!"

"Hmm, it seems Blade isn't as strong as I gave him credit for then..." Muttering under his breath with his hand on his chin, he continued.

"If a pitiful weakling like this could be soo arrogant, clearly Blade hasn't embarrassed him as I did with my Sect's Young Holy Child... Oh, is Blade really this weak?"

Chu Peng continued deducing. His mind was busy as he completely ignored Andra's presence.

Andra calmly unsheathed her dual blades but in her eyes, there were traces of anger. This was the first time she experienced being completely overlooked, like an ant.

But, she didn't speak. Once she showcases her strength, all the smack Chu Peng was speaking, he'll have no choice but to swallow it..!


Andra's aura suddenly spiked. An arrogant, sharp, and cold presence descended as Andra's body turned into several afterimages. Before the time it took to blink, Andra had crossed several tens of meters, leaving in her wake, snowflakes that descended to the earth below...