Hazel (Part 3)

Hazel was diligent in her work and after about five days, she had documented enough of the processes involved. To get back to her young son, Kelvin, earlier, she worked almost day and night so much that she looked haggard, and her colleagues were even worried for her health. She visited Mitch Menas in his office again and handed him a flash drive and a hard copy of sketches and details of her work to him.

Mitch smiled in satisfaction and placed everything in his office safe.

"You can take the leave of absence now. I am sure that your son misses you," Mitch said with a smile and Hazel beamed with so much happiness that made Mitch speechless temporarily as he stared at the beauty in front of him.

Hazel had always felt comfortable with Mitch because he had never come after her sexually or expressed interest in her. Mitch was already married with one child and expecting another already, she had heard. So, she felt comfortable being herself with him.