Emad is Gone?

The situation of Emad was so sudden that, they were still in shock in the hospital room as they stared at the 'body' on the bed still hooked up to multiple tubes. Mandy was slumped and leaning on her man as usual as silent tears made their way down her red cheeks. He was always her comfort.

She did not remember the last time she had cried that much. Even Sam looked to have aged over the past hour since the unfortunate had happened. For the first time, old Sam was seated, and he looked spent. It was as if he had no will to live anymore. That was to be expected because he had lived his life in close contact of servitude and friendship with Emad.

"Wh-y gr-and-pa? We ju-st met a-a-nd we have n-ot had th-at much time to-gether! Please don't go yet! Why?" Mandy whispered as she fought to compose herself.