Oh Miss Ella!

While Mandy was facing this ridiculousness, her sister or rather, half-sister, Ella, was on her own life's path. After her scandal and failed image enhancement, she became labelled as the girl with loose morals who had nearly brought down two men including her husband.

While this was largely exaggerated and it sounded unfair for her, it was through her actions and inactions that had brought her to that threshold. Among the few who had sympathised with her, they also felt that she had brought it upon herself. At that point in time, Ella also agreed with them. She just felt that her life had tipped over a roller-coaster and she could not stabilize it, so she decided to go with the flow.

 Her father, Mitch Menas was not paying much attention to her anymore as he did before her marriage to Eddy. That was for reasons that Ella was too couped up in her world to find out or even to try to understand him.

It was Eddy's actions that had been baffling for her.