Xiuxian Voice Pack System

"I transmigrated to a parallel world?!"

In Jiangzhou City, a certain community, inside an apartment building, a very surprised voice suddenly sounded. The original quiet atmosphere in the apartment was broken by this person's stunned voice.

In a rented room, a boy who was sleeping on the sofa suddenly stood up. At this moment, he couldn't hide his surprise. For those who don't know, I'm afraid they thought he was having a nightmare. However, it is far more exaggerated than a nightmare. He knew that he had passed through.

I have crossed into a parallel world, a world that is similar to the world before I crossed. He took out his mobile phone and looked at himself in the selfie. His appearance was the same as before his time travel.

His clothes are simple, and his whole body is less than 500 yuan. This is because he just arrived in a new environment and changed into a new brand of clothes. Otherwise, what he usually wears would add up to less than 100 yuan.

However, this world is not his original world. This world looks roughly the same as the world before crossing, and even his relationships are the same, but many details are different.

The culture of this world is different from before the time travel, and even many words still retain their ancient usage. However, the technology in this world is a bit more advanced than before.

Did he transcend into a parallel world? Just when he thought so, suddenly, a voice sounded in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the strongest cultivation voice package has been activated, and the host has been successfully bound."

"System?" Hearing the system's voice, Ye Liang, who was a transmigrator, couldn't help but light up. Unexpectedly, he awakened the system.

"System, what do you do?" He asked the system.

"Ding, this system is the strongest immortal cultivation voice pack system. As long as the host opens the immortal cultivation voice pack, he can always be in the immortal cultivation state, and it is possible to obtain additional rewards at any time."

"Uh..." Ye Liang curiously said: "What is the Immortal Cultivator's voice pack?"

System: "The Xiuxian voice package will automatically infer some causes and consequences according to the current state of the host, and send out some voices that fit the scene."

"I see." His eyes lit up and he said to the system: "Open the Xiuxian voice pack."

System: "Ding, Xiuxian voice pack has been opened."

[My Seven Profound Immortal Venerable, I'm back!]

At this moment, some voices seemed to sound in Ye Liang's mind.

"Uh..." Hearing the voice coming out of his mind, Ye Liang couldn't help feeling embarrassed. Why is the voice coming out of the Xiuxian voice package an embarrassing pretending line? Are you sure this is the voice of Xiuxian? Will anyone hear it?

His face was calm, but he was embarrassed in his heart. If others could hear the voice coming out of his heart now, it would be embarrassing that he would die on the spot. Even if I just heard it in my mind, I am so embarrassed.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in his mind: "Please rest assured, host, how can the Xiuxian voice package be heard casually by others?"

Hearing this, Ye Liang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If no one else can hear it, that's fine. Otherwise, if people think that he is saying this kind of sentence, I will die on the spot.

"Ding, the host gets an extra reward for immortal cultivation: Constitution +3"

"This is the reward?!" Hearing this, Ye Liang's eyes lit up. I can feel that my physique seems to have risen a little bit. I was a little thin at first, but it seems that my muscles have grown a little bit. Moreover, I can feel that my body seems to be lighter. He couldn't help but be overjoyed, the system reward existed. Moreover, the probability of triggering does not seem to be low.

Although the voice of this Xiuxian voice pack sounds a bit awkward, as long as you can get rewards and no one else can hear it, he doesn't have to fear social death.

[When the universe falls, I will burn the sky with my blood! ]

While he was thinking, there was another voice in his mind. He vomited blood in embarrassment. My voice pack for cultivating immortals was probably recorded by Immortal Emperor Wang. What is this Xiuxian voice pack?

[Since I, Ye Qixuan, are here, some people will die! ]

Holy crap, my skull is about to fly out of my head in embarrassment.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get a reward: finger strength +2."

So embarrassing, fortunately, these words don't have to be shouted out, otherwise, I guess I would be embarrassed to go out. But, even so, at this moment, he couldn't help but feel hot on his face. The voice that came to my mind was embarrassing.

He asked the system: "System, can I turn off the sound from the Xiuxian voice pack?"

System: "No, please listen carefully to the voice of Xiuxian's voice pack, this will be of great benefit to the host's mental state."

"…" Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless. Sharpen yourself into those imposing kings who pretend to be powerful?!

Because it is a parallel world, Ye Liang doesn't feel unfamiliar with this world. He easily accepted the memory fusion of the two worlds. At this moment, he has nearly 30 years of memories and matured a lot.

In this world, his family conditions are also not good. In a single-parent family, his grades are also poor. His mother finally sent him to the third grade of the senior academy but found that he might not be able to get into a good university.

So, he took out the down payment that he had saved all his life to buy a house and sent himself to study at the Qingcai Senior College in the city.

He hopes he can get into a good university. He also specially rented a one-bedroom apartment for him near the academy. It is said that it is to let him study hard and not be disturbed by mundane things.

He has just moved to a new home for half a day. Ye Liang could only be speechless about his mother's behavior. As to put it, a person's learning ability is limited, even if he went to a good academy, his grades may not be good. If it weren't for the fact that he has now crossed over, and he has a system, he can be sure that his mother has spent her money in vain. It is impossible to get into a good university just by your learning ability.

With this money, isn't it better to keep the down payment for the house or ask for a daughter-in-law? Although he has no plans, if he can work hard on his own, he will work hard. However, if someone supports him to buy a house first and marry a daughter-in-law first, etc., will he refuse? Of course not!

Houses and wives are getting more and more expensive! Buy a house early, get married early, save money early…

[XXX, XX, XXXX, in the last life, what you owed me, in this life I will make you pay ten times for what you have done to me! ]

"Ding, get an extra reward for cultivating immortals, intelligence +1."

At this moment, Ye Liang only felt that his mind seemed to be clearer. Is this a Xiuxian voice pack, or is it a forced king template?

XXX, XX, XXXX, who are these people? Will you die if you don't pretend?

"…" And just when he was making noises, the voice of Xiuxian voice package sounded again in his mind.

[The mortal world, everything is suffering, what is there to be afraid of my Seven Profound Immortal Venerable. ]

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the reward speed is +4."

At this moment, Ye Liang felt as if his body was two or three times lighter, and he seemed to be able to jump several meters with just a few toes. At this moment, Ye Liang has adapted to the existence of his system and Xiuxian voice pack. Moreover, for the rewards he got, he can also naturally integrate into himself.

After adjusting to his new identity and new body, he began to look at his new home. I have to say, my mother is willing to spend money. Renting such a good house would cost a lot of money. However, thanks to her willingness to spend money, he now has a free space. After all, he is now cultivating immortals anyway, and it is always good to have a separate space. Just then, Ye Liang's cell phone rang. He didn't need to look to know that it must be his mother calling. The note displayed on the phone is from Mom.

"Hello, Mom?"

"Xiao Liang, are you there yet?!"

"Well, I already moved into the place you arranged."

"Oh? Is it not bad there?."

"It is good."

"It's great that you like it. Son, Mom will tell you that although it's hard at home, as long as you can get into a good university in the future, everything will be worth it."

"Well, I'll try my best."

"Mom has worked hard all her life, so it's no big deal, don't worry about it."


"Mom has worked so hard in this life, just to hope that you will grow up and have a good career, no matter how hard your mother is, even if her hair turns white, her waist is sore, her legs are tired and broken, you don't have to care, just study hard."

"…" Hearing the words of his mother, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless. Are you trying to keep me out of my mind? Why do I feel like you're saying, 'I have worked hard all my life, remember, and repay me well in the future.'

Just when Ye Liang was about to spit out what his mother said. His mother changed her voice and said: "By the way, son, mom only recently found out that mom has a sister who lives near where you live now. Her name is Tang Pinru. I have already discussed this with her, and I want to introduce her daughter to you."

Ye Liang: "Really? When? Where?"

[I am a dignified Immortal Venerable Qixuan, and countless people admired me in my previous life, including many female emperors and immortals. Do I need someone else to introduce the girl? ]

Ye Liang: It's better to make a draft if you want to brag.

The mother on the other side said: "I'll send you her number later, so you can contact her yourself, she's already there waiting for you."

"Uh… ok."

[How can an ordinary woman be worthy of the deity's respect for life? I won't go! ]

Ye Liang: …

The mother on the other side reminded: "By the way, that girl's name is Jiang Yurou. She's the school flower in the academy. You have to pay attention, and behave better."

[This deity is not a person based on appearance, but since it is a girl introduced by my mother, I always have to go there in person, to not let my mother be blamed by her sisters and say that her son does not give face. ]

Ye Liang: Good guy, you are really pretending.

Fortunately, these words are in my mind, and others can't hear them. Otherwise, I'm going to die on the spot.