How did I hear his voice?

Unexpectedly, when I just crossed over, not only did I awaken a system, but my mother was so great that she introduced me to the girl. The fact that a traveler can easily become a winner in life is indeed true. For the appointment of the school beauty, Ye Liang certainly would go. After hanging up, Ye Liang received a message from his mother.

"Jiang Yurou, contact information, and photos? Wow, so beautiful?!!!" The moment he saw Jiang Yurou's photo, Ye Liang couldn't help but exclaim. This face value is indeed worthy of being the school's beauty. This girl named Jiang Yurou is really beautiful. Just as Ye Liang was thinking about this, suddenly, his cell phone rang. Ye Liang picked up the phone and saw that the call information was the phone number of Jiang Yurou, who he just received.

He answered the phone and said: "Hello."

"Hello, it's Ye Liang, right? I'm Jiang Yurou, your mother should have already told you about me. I'm waiting for you at Feiyu Teahouse, I'll send you the location now. We'll talk when you're here, okay? "

"Uh… ok." Listening to the other party's voice, Ye Liang felt that the other party seemed to be a very gentle girl, but a girl asking a boy to meet in a teahouse? Is this tea house serious?! It's not what you think it is, is it?! A little suspicious. Mom shouldn't lie to me, is the other party look very bad? Anyway, I am still going to see her.

At this moment, the sound of the system rang again. "Ding, congratulations to the host, finger strength +3."

Ye Liang: Why do you like fingers so much? It feels a little weird. Although it's weird, I have to say that at this moment, Ye Liang feels that the strength of his fingers has become much stronger. With one finger down, I feel like I can poke a wooden board. However, let's go to the appointment now. She took the initiative to arrive first and wait for him. If I didn't go or be late, it would be too disrespectful.

At this moment, Jiang Yurou, who had just hung up the phone, also took a deep breath. To be honest, she was a little upset when she was suddenly called by her mother to meet her sister's son. But when her mother spoke, she has to obey. In any case, the face is still to be given.

Looking at the photo of Ye Liang on her phone, she is secretly looking forward to it. I just hope he isn't a nasty person. She remembered that the boys in the academy who saw her for the first time couldn't help but want to chat with her and even make friends. She is polite, sometimes it is not good to directly refuse people. But even so, everyone wants to chat with her all the time, which is annoying.

Looking at Ye Liang's photo, she thought to herself. He looks handsome, but he doesn't seem to have any temperament. I don't know if it's because of the lack of photography skills, or if it's just me. As a boy, he looks handsome, but appearance is just the foundation, temperament is what matters. A person can overwhelm the audience with just his temperament, but a person with no temperament is not attractive to girls at all. It only looks good in the photo.

At this moment, Ye Liang felt like his whole body had changed. After improving his body's data through the system rewards, he felt that he was so light that he was about to fly. If he hadn't deliberately suppressed his pace, he could now walk faster than running, and he isn't tired at all. He even felt like he could jump up to the second floor without much effort. Therefore, he did not take a taxi, and he had already arrived at the place called Feiyu Tea House.

"Uh, it turned out to be a serious tea house…" Looking at the brightly lit teahouse, Ye Liang somehow felt a little pity. After coming to the front of the teahouse, he picked up his mobile phone again and dialed Jiang Yurou's number.

"Hey, Jiang Yurou, I've arrived."

"Wait a minute, I'll be down right away." After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yurou got up and walked downstairs. If another girl is introduced to a boy by her mother, the place to meet must be a coffee shop, a milk tea shop, or something like that. She chose here, of course, for a reason. If the other person is not annoying, she can make a friend with the other person. It's not a blind date, it's just getting to know each other and making friends. If the other party makes her angry, then she can show her style and let the other party not think too much. All in all, it's a good idea.

When she saw a boy waiting at the door of the restaurant, her expression did not change, but she sighed inwardly. She was looking forward to it, so she was a little disappointed. When my mother introduced me to him before, I thought he was a particularly outstanding and handsome guy. Now it seems that he is just handsome, but his temperament is not good.

The kind of temperament that has been nurtured and cultivated by the elite culture for a long time, makes people look different from this kind of boy who is simply just handsome. If you have the wrong temperament, even if you put it on someone's else face, you will be called mediocre and attraction to the opposite sex is greatly reduced. Jiang Yurou was looking at Ye Liang, and Ye Liang was also looking at the beautiful woman in front of her.

Tsk tsk… as expected of the school beauty, Ye Liang had never seen someone like this before he cross over. She's so beautiful. Before, he always thought that in reality, he couldn't find a real person who was as beautiful as the heroine of the anime novel. I don't know if it's because my previous knowledge is too little.

Anyway, before crossing, let alone the school beauty, he didn't even know the class beauty. But now, there is a beautiful woman who deserves the name of the school beauty standing in front of him and greeting him.

"Hello, Ye Liang, I'm Jiang Yurou." Jiang Yurou came to Ye Liang and said.

At this moment, the Xiuxian voice package in Ye Liang's heart sounded again.

[Jiang Yurou, in the past, you ignored my love, in this life, I will make you unable to climb high. ]


Hearing the voice of Xiuxian's voice pack, Ye Liang couldn't help feeling a little guilty. What did this voice pack suddenly say? Too embarrassing, too pretentious. Fortunately, the other party couldn't hear.


At this moment, Jiang Yurou's expression suddenly changed, and she suddenly cast her gaze toward Ye Liang. Did he speak just now? Why do I feel like I heard something? No, the voice didn't come from somewhere. It came from within my heart.

[I know that you still look down on me now, but it doesn't matter, when I travel to the Nine Heavens in the future, I will make be unmatched! ]

At this moment, Ye Liang felt a little dizzy with embarrassment. His attention was all on his system, and he didn't notice that Jiang Yurou's expression was a little weird. The girl is so beautiful, she is willing to meet me and make friends, why is the Xiuxian voice pack talking like this?! However, this voice can only be heard by himself, so it is not a big deal. In the real world, however, he will be nice to her as compensation.

However, at this moment, Jiang Yurou was still looking at him with a shocked expression. Just now, she seemed to hear a voice. It's not coming from the person in front of her, or around her, but the voice comes from her heart.

What is going? This voice was very similar to the one named Ye Liang in front of her, and his expression seemed a little weird. It looks like he's really thinking about something. At this time, the voice sounded again.

[In my previous life, I thought your vision would be high, but I didn't expect that the person you liked was just a dishonest rich second-generation, playboy, I didn't expect that the person you liked was like that. ]


Jiang Yurou: What's going on?! Why does it seem that she can hear his voice? Is it an illusion?!

Looking at Jiang Yurou who is staring at him, Ye Liang forcibly suppressed the nervousness and embarrassment caused by the voice pack.

He stretched out his hand and smiled: "Hello, Jiang Yurou, my name is Ye Liang."

[What a good pair of eyes, how are you worse than a blind man, you actually chose a scumbag to love. ]

Jiang Yurou: Can you speak well?

[In any case, it is absolutely impossible for me to be tempted by her again in this life. ]

[I, Ye Qixuan, will never love you again in this life. ]

Jiang Yurou: ..., what is going on? Why can I hear his voice? Moreover, his voice, why does it feel strange? As if he were a rebirth in a novel? I'm afraid this is a narcissistic middle school disease! But how did I hear his voice? How did I feel that in his heart, the future me, met a scumbag? And his future is limitless?! This can't be true, can it?

At this moment, Jiang Yurou's whole outlook collapsed. Is it the voice of his heart that she heard, or is it a ghost? Do I want to ask him? No, If I asked him, wouldn't it be exposed that I could hear his voice? No, no, no, I have to take it slow and try to figure out what's going on. Is what he thinks true? If it is true, wouldn't she be able to know the future through him? Oh my god?! Have I really met a reborn person? Does he know everything about the future? Or is he a cultivator? No, no, it has to be fake. Calm down!

At this moment, she forced herself to calm down. Although I don't know what's going on, the voice of the heart may be true, and other things must be false. Jiang Yurou was secretly shocked, but she still stretched out her hand:

"Ye Liang, can I call you brother Ye Liang?"

"Then I'll call you Sister Yurou too." Ye Liang treated her politely, but the voice of Xiuxian voice pack sounded again.

[Hehe, I know that now you are just polite to me, you are a hypocritical woman. ]

[But, so what? In this life, I also look down on you. ]

Ye Liang: ..., This is definitely not my idea.

Jiang Yurou: *****! Can you speak properly! If you have the ability, speak out what is in your heart!

At this moment, she secretly cursed her mother in her heart. In the heart of the man in front of her, what kind of wicked woman will her future self be! Even if there is a future, is her future self really that bad? Just as Jiang Yurou's exploded, the system's voice sounded in Ye Liang's mind:

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have received a critical strike reward: Wing Chun Dacheng, you can punch as fast as a bullet.''

''Reward Crit upgrade: Wing Chun Dacheng is upgraded to Wing Chun Grandmaster. The punch is as powerful as a directional blast. "

The next moment, all the information about Wing Chun appeared in Ye Liang's mind. Moreover, it is a master-level Wing Chun method. What's more, he feels that he can really use this kind of punch now. The kind that can produce a directional blasting effect with one punch! If he hit on the chest, the clothes on the back will split instantly.

What the hell, I didn't expect that in such a short time, I am already so strong? At this moment, Ye Liang couldn't help but secretly laughed. If it goes on like this, I am afraid that I will become an immortal!