You call me a snob?

After greeting each other, Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou could be considered to know each other. Under the lead of Jiang Yurou, Ye Liang walked upstairs to the restaurant. Ye Liang has never entered such a formal teahouse in his life. This kind of place is generally a place where rich people come to drink in style, right? Unexpectedly, a school beauty like Jiang Yurou would ask him to meet at such a place. It seems that her family is not ordinary, however, the Qingcai Academy that he is about to study at is not an ordinary academy.

"You must think it's strange that I, a girl, have an appointment to meet you in a place like this, right?" At this moment, Jiang Yurou asked Ye Liang.

Ye Liang smiled and shook his head, and replied: "What's weird about this, everyone has their own hobbies, and drinking tea is also an elegant thing."

[Hehe, I don't know how powerful you are in other things, but being arty, you are quite capable. ]

Ye Liang: ..., Calm down, she can't hear, she can't hear.

Jiang Yurou: Calm down! So what if she heard it, can she still beat him? Damn it, what arty, this guy, wait and let me show you how good I am! I'm not arty! Stinky man, what kind of mess is going on in your mind all day, Damn it!

Jiang Yurou resisted her anger, and the veins on her head jumped. She was looking at Ye Liang with curious eyes because she couldn't believe how she could hear the voice of this damn guy. Moreover, the voice of this guy is a little weird, he seems to have traveled back from the future. In the future, he knew that she seemed to have found a man who was not particularly good. How could this be true?

"What's wrong?" Seeing Jiang Yurou has been looking at him, Ye Liang felt a little guilty. Could it be that she heard the voice of her Xiuxian voice pack? How is that possible, she doesn't have any system, so how could she hear the voice of his immortal cultivation voice pack. Thinking of this, Ye Liang shook his head with a smile. At this moment, the voice of the Xiuxian voice package sounded again:

[Hehe, yes, that's it, you in your previous life looked at me with this seemingly curious look. You were looking at me playfully, making me think you had a crush on me. After I showed my heart to you, you immediately changed your face. ]

Ye Liang, who was shaking his head and laughing.

"Puff–!!!" At this moment, Jiang Yurou could not help spurting out a mouthful of old blood. What the hell, isn't she looking at him with curious eyes just now? Where have I been having fun? Moreover, she was just looking at him curiously, how did he see that he had a good impression of him?! What is with the disdainful tone in his heart? I really have such a big grudge against him, such a big grudge! This man is too different from his appearance!

She glared at Ye Liang, and Ye Liang looked at her curiously.

"Are you okay?"

"It's nothing." Facing Ye Liang's question and gaze, Jiang Yurou retracted her gaze a little depressed. In her heart, she became more and more curious, how did she hear his voice? This is so weird!

The atmosphere between the two suddenly became very strange. Ye Liang saw that Jiang Yurou didn't speak anymore, and the two walked upstairs. In the teahouse, a young lady wearing a red cheongsam greeted the two enthusiastically.

"Hello, you two, welcome."

Jiang Yurou did not speak, and Ye Liang did not take the initiative to talk to Jiang Yurou, because he is a traveler after all. Although he travels to a parallel world, his age has not changed, but his experience is different. Adding up the memories of the two lives, he was already in his thirties, so he could naturally see that this Jiang Yurou didn't seem to be interested in him. Probably because of the improvement in intelligence, now he feels that he can understand a lot of things. Just when he was thinking, the voice of Xiuxian's voice package sounded again in his mind.

[Let's not mention a stupid woman beside me, for this deity, the most important thing at the moment is to re-cultivation. ]

Ye Liang: ..., What's going on with this immortal voice pack, it's too much. Is it necessary to be like this to a girl you meet for the first time?

On the other side, Jiang Yurou gritted her teeth in anger, her face flushed red. What, am I a stupid woman? How can I be stupid! What the hell is this guy thinking about! Where did I mess with him? Even if there is a future, do you have to hate the future me so much?! Damn it, I really want to ask. No, no, Jiang Yurou, hold back, hold back, you can... And just when Jiang Yurou was going crazy with anger, the voice of Xiuxian's voice package rang again.

[The way of immortality is divided into eight realms. The realm of refining qi, the realm of innate, the realm of Jindan, the realm of Nascent Soul, the realm of transformation, the realm of returning to the virtual world, the realm of reconciliation, and the transcendence of tribulation, it is already an immortal body, transcending the entire universe. ]

Jiang Yurou: Hmph, keep on bragging, none of the immortal cultivators in the immortal cultivating novels I have read are so powerful. All I know is that the immortals and the emperors all fought in the immortal world. How could the immortals escape from the universe? She was upset, but stuck her ears and listened to Ye Liang's 'heart'.

[The road to immortality is extremely difficult. I don't know how many people have spent hundreds of thousands of years in vain. And this deity has a talent that the universe has not had in hundreds of millions of years, but in just five hundred years, it surpasses all the predecessors in the immortal world and overwhelms the entire universe. ]

Ye Liang: Yes, it's pretty cool, I believe it. Although he knew for a long time that his immortal voice package was a pretending king, he was convinced. What's more, the voice of this Xiuxian voice pack in his voice, and even accompanied by a certain sense of sincerity. There are also some special effects sounds, for example, that make him feel like he is in the scene. Probably, this is the operation principle of the Xiuxian voice package, so that he has a state of mind similar to Xiuxian, and then enters the Xiuxian state. It turns out that the immortal cultivators are all pretenious kings in the second year of middle school?!

Listening to it makes people feel numb on the scalp, and get goosebumps all over their body. If it weren't for Ye Liang knowing that no one would be able to hear the voice coming out of his heart, I'm afraid I would really be ashamed and find a hole to burrow into. It is too embarrassing.

Jiang Yurou, who was beside Ye Liang, was shocked and dumbfounded at this moment. As I said before, the culture of this world is different from the world culture before Ye Liang crossed. In the immortal cultivation novels in this world, even the immortal emperors are only vertical and horizontal in the universe, and the realm of immortal cultivation is also very different. The realm of immortality in Ye Liang's heart sounded like that was the case. Is it that great? At this moment, Jiang Yurou was really suspicious, this was Ye Liang's intentional message to her. I'm afraid that the settings in his voice are all real. If not, how could she possibly hear her heart? Jiang Yurou is not a transmigrator, nor is she an immortal cultivator! And the other party is an Immortal Venerable. How could she hear the voice of the other party? This unscientific!