Jiang Yurou is mad

However, when Jiang Yurou was listening to Ye Liang's heart, the pretentious voice of Xiuxian's voice package was not over yet.

[It's not that the deity of the previous life has not returned to the earth, but unfortunately, there is no news of the deceased on the earth anymore, which is sad and deplorable. ]

Hearing this voice, Jiang Yurou, who was still in doubt, seemed to feel as if she was in the scene again. This voice made her feel too immersed. She seemed to see a person who traveled alone in the universe for five hundred years, and then suddenly looked back. The earth has long been different, and the news of the old friend has become yesterday and dusk, and they will never be seen again. Father, mother, and relatives, friends, are all gone. At this moment, she could not help shedding a few tears. Although I don't know if it's true, at least now, listening to the sadness in this voice, she has begun to cry. She was actually quite sentimental.

In addition, this voice also has special effects, with BGM. If this inner voice is true, then, how miserable he has been. She dared not look at Ye Liang, for fear that he would notice her tears, so she had to look outside.

[Five hundred years later, I am afraid that I will be the only person on earth, and there will be no one else on earth. ]

Jiang Yurou: What? Are you the only person on in five hundred years? What will happen to the earth in five hundred years? In five hundred years, am I dead? Who on earth can live 500 years from now, I must be dead after 500 years. The more I listen to the pretense, the more stupid I am. But when I think of five hundred years later, standing alone outside the universe, looking at the earth without people on earth, sighing silently, or feeling fondly nostalgic. How lonely that must be. He… is he really such a miserable person? Just when Jiang Yurou was secretly moved…

Suddenly, the voice of Xiuxian voice pack rang again.

[Five hundred years later, I am the Seven Profound Immortal Venerable, and I should have been able to transcend the tribulation and become an immortal, transcending the universe. It's all to blame for this stupid woman beside me, the sin is unforgivable, and she has become the demon of this deity. As soon as the calamity of the heart came, the deity's demon heart always looked like this woman that was disdainful of me. Hmph…fortunately, in this life, I have completely lost my feelings for her. Probably, in my previous life, I was about to meet her again and let her know that the current deity no longer looks down on her, so I can relieve my inner demon. In this life, my inner demons are gone, and the road to immortality will be unimpeded. This stupid woman, I won't be with her anymore. ]

Jiang Yurou: ...

At this moment, Jiang Yurou tilted her head to the ceiling in frustration. What do you mean by a stupid woman?! Where am I stupid?! Am I so bad?!

"Sister Yurou, what's wrong?" Seeing Jiang Yurou like this, Ye Liang couldn't help but wonder: "Are you uncomfortable?"

[Hehe, this stupid woman wants to use a stupid way to deliberately attract this deity, he~tui—! ]

"Pfft-!!! Hahahaha…" At this moment, Ye Liang almost spits out and dies of laughter, is this Xiuxian voice pack just for fun?

When Jiang Yurou heard the Xiuxian voice package, she looked at Ye Liang as if she was concerned, but in fact, she had an odd smile that was not a smile. She was pissed. She was furious and stared at Ye Liang! This man, this man,...!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou looked at Ye Liang in front of her, her face twitched, and she gritted her teeth secretly. However, the more she did, the more she reminded herself, calm down! If she doesn't calm down and let him know that he can hear his heart, it's all over. He will definitely be on guard in the future. For a while, the more she thought, the angrier she become. In the end, she held her internal injuries before she said:

"It's nothing." Saying that she turned her head to one side in frustration. Seeing her like this, Ye Liang made a fool of himself.

[Yes, that's it. It's hard to get hold of the deity. When the deity has a slight affection for you, you can't wait to reveal your arrogant nature. Will the deity still fall for you? ]

At this moment, Xiuxian's voice sounded again. Ye Liang whispered to himself. Good guy, what kind of setting does this immortal voice take Jiang Yurou to be? Seriously, Jiang Yurou is too miserable. It is the first time I met her, and I felt that this Xiuxian voice pack was full of malice toward her. Fortunately, she couldn't hear it, otherwise, I'm afraid she'll be pissed off now. Haha…really sorry, sorry.

Jiang Yurou: Sorry your sister?! If you have the ability, say it to my face?! Am I a stinky woman full of evil? I am not convinced!

In this short period of time, Jiang Yurou felt that she was about to lose her anger. You must show him how powerful you are. At this time, the two had come to the teahouse suite.

"This is my suite." Jiang Yurou resisted her anger, squeezed out a smile, and said to Ye Liang: "Brother Ye Liang, please come in." No matter what Ye Liang was thinking, Jiang Yurou couldn't do anything to Ye Liang, because, after all, this is just Ye Liang's idea, It hasn't been said yet. You can't just beat someone up for no reason just because you heard what they're thinking, right? Who would believe this reason? I've never felt so wrong in my life, Damn it!

"Um." Ye Liang nodded and glanced at the teahouse suite. It was an ancient-style room, and the environment inside looked very elegant and peaceful. A woman in a cheongsam stood there quietly, and when Jiang Yurou brought Ye Liang in, she bowed to Ye Liang: "Hello, welcome Mr. Ye."

"…" Ye Liang smiled back at her.

"Miss Jiang, since the guests have come, can we serve the tea set?" The cheongsam woman asked Jiang Yurou.

"Um." Jiang Yurou nodded and said to Ye Liang: "Brother Ye Liang, I don't know if you have been to a teahouse before. If not, I will make my own decision."

"You can do whatever you want." Ye Liang says: "I don't care."

At this moment, he has an easy-going look on his face.

[Hehe, you deliberately invited me to such a place to show me how high your usual lifestyle is. Do you really think I can't see this little trick? This is a little trick from what era, and you still play it with me? Little girl, you are out of date! ]

Ye Liang: …

Jiang Yurou: Uh..., This guy saw through my plan? So awkward! Damn him, he should be embarrassed! Damn it, did he say I'm out of date?!

Ye Liang: It's a little embarrassing.