Jiang Yurou is crazy


After a slight pause, Jiang Yurou turned her gaze towards Ye Liang. At this moment, Ye Liang's expression was as if he couldn't help but laugh. Because he was holding back his laughter, his face was all red. She pursed her lips tightly.

Ye Liang couldn't help but laugh at first, but at this moment, looking at Jiang Yurou's expression, she had noticed him. He thought about the voice of the Xiuxian voice package that came out of his heart, so he couldn't help it.


Jiang Yurou has blue veins on her head and looks at him fiercely: "Why are you laughing?"

"Hiss!" Ye Liang managed to hold back his smile, inhaled tactically, straightened up, raised his head slightly, and restrained his smile. He said seriously: "I…remember happy things."

[I think at the beginning when the deity was in the world of immortality, I don't know how many immortal goddesses wanted to invite the deity to drink tea, but the deity was busy cultivating immortals and ignored them all. Just this level of tea art, it is so embarrassing to show off in front of this deity, hahaha, Killing me! ]

Ye Liang: ?!

He can't help it.

"Puff!" He forced his mouth shut again.

Jiang Yurou: !!!

This guy must be doing it on purpose, he must know that I can hear his heart, so he deliberately mocked me, right?!

"Why, do you think my tea art is not good?" Putting the teapot down, Jiang Yurou stared at Ye Liang and asked him.

"No…no…" Ye Liang shook his head: "To be honest, I don't understand these elegant things."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the extra reward of immortal cultivation, extraordinary tea art."

At this moment, the voice of the system sounded in Ye Liang's mind. I didn't expect that, so soon, I got an extra reward. This bonus seems to come easily. He seemed to understand a little about the role of this immortal voice package.

[The tea brewed by this deity is a hundred times better than the tea brewed by a stupid woman like you. However, you are Aunt Tang's daughter after all, and I don't want to embarrass you, so I won't show it in front of you. ]


At this moment, the voice of Xiuxian's voice pack made Ye Liang speechless again. Then, his laughter came up again in an instant.


Jiang Yurou: !!! GAAA! I have endured you for a long time!

She blushed with anger and looked at Ye Liang: "You must be laughing at my poor tea skills, you have never stopped!"

"No… I don't… I really don't understand tea art… I only know a little…"

[The tea art that this deity knows a little bit is also thousands of times better than you. ]

"Damn it!" At this moment, Jiang Yurou was so angry that her knuckles made noises. But Ye Liang was amused by the sound of the system, so he couldn't hold back his laughter. At this moment, Jiang Yurou became even angrier.

Good, very good, I'd like to see how much you have!

She said to Ye Liang: "It's so funny, then come and soak it, you have to soak it better than me, I'm willing to be inferior, if you can't soak it, you are not allowed to laugh in front of me in the future!"

It was really hard for her to hold back her outburst. After all, she is not stupid. This is just the thoughts of the other party. Even if you hear it, what can you do? Do you want to scold the other party just because you heard the other party's thoughts? It doesn't make sense.

Moreover, while holding back her anger, she wanted to see whether Ye Liang's thoughts were true or false. If he doesn't even know how to make tea, that at least proves that he is nothing more than a narcissistic and delusional middle-aged patient. If it is true, then it proves that he is indeed very powerful.

"Uh..." Hearing Jiang Yurou's words, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless.

Isn't this girl too domineering? I just watched her make tea and couldn't help laughing, she is so domineering. If you can't make the tea yourself, don't laugh? Unacceptable! Are there any laws? Hmph, it seems that she is trying to pretend in front of the deity. Without showing her my hands, she really doesn't know how powerful this deity is.

The above are all Ye Liang's own thoughts. Probably because he listened to Xiuxian's voice too much, he himself began to have the idea of ​​pretending to be forceful. Coincidentally, he has also obtained an extraordinary tea art now.

Although I don't know how extraordinary tea art is, now that I think about it, Jiang Yurou, who was very elegant in his eyes just now, is indeed a little funny. How should I put it, with the knowledge of tea art in his mind now, Jiang Yurou was completely beaten. Jiang Yurou's little tea art, in front of him, is just a beauty, and the focus is all on the action, but the tea art is so-so.

"Okay, I'll just make it. However, let me state in advance that I really don't look down on your tea art. I think your tea art is pretty good."

[This deity has never seen such a person with such tea-making skills and such confidence. ]

Ye Liang: !!!

Jiang Yurou: What do you mean?!, I want to scold my mother for making me meet you!

"Cough..." At this time, Ye Liang also felt that he was going too far. If you keep laughing like this, other people will not only get angry, but maybe they will think you are a fool.

"It's ugly." He said to Jiang Yurou.

[Smelly woman, learn something. ]

Ye Liang's eyes widened: !!!

Xiuxian voice pack, don't make trouble, I really can't help it. If this goes on like this, I will become an immortal by holding back my laughter!

Jiang Yurou's face turned black with anger at this moment, this guy, this guy! She was so angry that she couldn't help shaking. If this guy can't make good tea, he must be ridiculed to death! Even my mother can't stop me, is what Jiang Yurou said.

Ye Liang took the tea set from Jiang Yurou's hand and began to brew it. There are many things to pay attention to in the technique of making tea. First of all, it is the source of tea, that is, the tea itself. If the tea leaves are not good, no matter how good the tea-brewing skills are, they will not taste good. Fortunately, the tea in this teahouse is really good.

The second is the tea set. The tea set here is a purple clay pot. This tea set is considered a good tea set in the face of an extraordinary tea ceremony.

After that, there is water, and water is also very important. Different teas need different waters. The tea that Jiang Yurou called was originally supposed to be sweet mountain spring water, but she was just using ordinary drinking water, which was already a failure. However, this is something that can't be helped, even if it is a formal teahouse, it will not prepare mountain spring water.

However, Ye Liang now has his own tea art with the effect of pseudo-mountain spring water.