
Seeing Ye Liang holding the tea set, he was not in a hurry to make tea but fiddled with water and some seasonings. Jiang Yurou couldn't help but pout.

I'll see if you can make good tea, hum!

If the soaking is not good, I won't die laughing at you!

After adjusting the water flavor, Ye Liang started to make the tea. Different teas require different water temperatures, so only the best tea leaves can make the best tea, but ordinary tea leaves can also make the best tea.

Ye Liang's tea brewing movements are simple and don't require those bells and whistles. He only needs to integrate the technique into it, then you can brew the real best tea. At this moment, in his mind, the voice of the Xiuxian voice package sounded again.

[I don't envy the golden scorpion, I don't envy the white jade cup; I don't envy the dynasty entering the province, I don't envy entering the stage in the evening; I envy the water of the Xijiang River, which once came down to Jingling City. Unfortunately, this water is not the Xijiang water of the Xiu Xian world.]

Ye Liang felt very comfortable listening to this pretentious voice.

Even Jiang Yurou, who had been vomiting blood with anger all the time, had to admit it at this moment. This guy has some literary talent, this poem sounds really interesting, and I don't know who wrote it. Of course, she wouldn't believe that this poem was written by Ye Liang. It's easier said than done to write such a good poem.

Soon, the fragrance of tea leaves began to emerge from the teacup. This tea left is good, and the water is also good. Coupled with Ye Liang's tea art, he controls the water temperature and quantity. All the fragrance of the tea leaves was thrown out almost as soon as the lid was opened. It directly penetrates the nose of everyone present.

The cheongsam woman who was standing by the side smelled the fragrance of the tea, and couldn't help but cast her eyes here in surprise. To be honest, she looked down on Ye Liang at first. In this teahouse every day, which one is not dressed in extraordinary clothes? Ye Liang's outfit really doesn't match the style of this tea house.

Especially when Ye Liang pretended to want to make tea just now, she was even more disdainful. Unexpectedly, this little brother has a bit of ability! What kind of tea is he brewing? It smells good. She swallowed secretly.

Good guy, in this world, how could someone brew the fragrance of tea to such an extent! How many years of practice for his tea art to be at this level? Even the master of the town hall in the teahouse can't brew this kind of tea aroma!

Since Jiang Yurou has learned to make tea, she naturally has some understanding of tea. At this moment, smelling the tea fragrance, she couldn't help but feel a little intoxicated. This guy, brewed tea, is it really that good?

"Please." Ye Liang handed the brewed tea to Jiang Yurou, and said to the woman in cheongsam who was standing by the side: "Beauty, do you want to show your face and have a drink?"

"Uh, huh, well…thank you…" The cheongsam woman was actually a little restrained at the moment, she originally wanted to refuse. It's just that this tea is too fragrant! No one had ever brewed tea so much that she wanted to take a sip, but Ye Liang did it!

The extraordinary aura Ye Liang inadvertently revealed when making tea actually made her feel like she was in front of Ye Liang, and she was a little out of place. After thanking him, she took the teacup and took a slight sip.


At this moment, a light, sweet, and bitter but not astringent taste rushed directly to her lips. In this world, there is such a superb tea! Oh My God!

As soon as I took a sip, I felt like I was in a tea forest, feeling the natural fragrance, which is refreshing.

The next moment, she couldn't wait and didn't care about the hot water, and started drinking again. No, the water isn't actually hot. The tea art is to brew tea at a very suitable temperature. That is to say, the moment she got the tea, the tea was no longer hot. Moreover, the fragrance is strong, one minute early, too hot, and one minute late, too light.

Jiang Yurou was also drinking tea at this time. This is really delicious, and the aroma is in the nose, making her feel a little intoxicated by the tea. Those who didn't know might think she was drinking wine instead of tea.

Ye Liang himself also drank it. However, in comparison, he didn't feel anything. Because he really doesn't understand tea, maybe the tea he brewed is really delicious, and maybe he also knows how to make tea taste better. However, he has only two tastes for tea: one is good, the other is bad.

He didn't have the feeling of the two around him at all. However, come to think of it, the tea he brewed himself should not be bad. After all, this is a tea art produced by the system. Moreover, he was drinking really well, and it felt better than the tea he had ever drank before.

After drinking a cup of tea impatiently, the cheongsam woman was a little embarrassed. I even look down on him just now, but now it's good, a cup of tea made by others has made her so gaffe.

On the other hand, Jiang Yurou had to admit that Ye Liang's tea skills were really strong. This is too strong, Ye Liang just brewed it for a while, and he didn't use many techniques to make tea. But, because of this, the strength he showed was even more terrifying. The real tea art often does not have any fancy skills, it is just a simple brew and a stew.

How could this guy really make such good tea? His tea art is actually a hundred times better than her own? Oh My God! How did he do it?

At such a young age, does he have this technique by making tea every day? With his tea art, it is not impossible to laugh at her poor skills. Moreover, he just thought about it in his mind. When he was making tea just now, he kept laughing and never stopped. He was clearly laughing at her poor tea skills, but he didn't admit it.

Damn it!

She handed her teacup to Ye Liang and said to him: "I admit that my tea-making skills are not as good as yours. I won't make tea in front of you in the future. Stop laughing, okay?!!!"

"Uh…you're too modest, and I'm just making a bubble, it can't be real." Ye Liang was a little embarrassed. "Your tea art is much better than mine."

[It's not worth it, no amount of bells and whistles can change the fact that you are a rookie. However, seeing that you have given up so decisively, well, the deity will not laugh at your tea art in the future. ]

The voice of the Xiuxian voice pack sounded again. At this moment, Ye Liang felt quite sorry for the girl in front of him.


Jiang Yurou gritted her teeth in anger. She's going crazy, this guy…

What the hell is going on with this guy! I've seen something that looks different, but I've never seen something so different.