This is Too Exciting

Ye Liang's tea is outstanding. In addition, he took the initiative to invite her, and the Cheongsam woman couldn't help drinking with the two of them.


After one cup, there is another cup, and after this cup, there are three more cups. Today, the Cheongsam woman feels that she is full of tea. And she, at this moment, has begun to guess, although this Ye Liang looks ordinary, he has such a tea art. Is he ordinary? After thinking about it, she asked Ye Liang curiously: "Mr. Ye, what do you do at home?"

"My Home?" Ye Liang thought about it and said truthfully: "I only have my mother at home, who works for others."

[Although there are hundreds of millions of assets in the family, I didn't tell her, lest she has any other thoughts about me. ]

"Puff!!" At this moment, Jiang Yurou, who was drinking tea next to her, could not help but spit out a sip of tea and sprayed it directly on Ye Liang's face.

"Uh..." Ye Liang's face was sprayed wet, and he couldn't help but be speechless.

"Sorry, Sorry!" At this moment, Jiang Yurou couldn't help coughing twice, apologized quickly, and wiped Ye Liang with a piece of paper. "I did not do it on purpose..."

It's all your fault, you bastard, what are you thinking about in your mind! With hundreds of millions of assets, can't you go to heaven at first glance?!

"Miss Jiang, let me." At this time, the Cheongsam woman also picked up the tissue and wiped it for Ye Liang.

Ye Liang said quickly: "No need, I'll do it myself."

Seeing Ye Liang's refusal, the Cheongsam woman asked Ye Liang again: "Part-time work, huh, even if it's part-time work, it must be a company executive, right?"

"No." Ye Liang shook his head and said: "My mother is just an ordinary part-time worker."

The Cheongsam woman said in disbelief: "Uh…that's impossible."

"How can I lie to you?" Ye Liang looked natural, he said truthfully: "My mother has worked for so many years and saved a lot of money. She saw that my grades were not good, so she used the money to let me study and said that I would look for it later."

[Although the deity's family has a few hundred million, and it is not a lot of money, in order not to cause unnecessary expectations, it is better not to say. ]

"Cough…cough…" Jiang Yurou, who was on the side, coughed again, almost choking herself to death.

However, in Ye Liang's eyes, her actions naturally meant something else. She must think this is incredible, right? My mother didn't know what to do, so she had to send herself to a good academy. If you have that money, why not save it to buy a house and marry a wife? Although my current self maybe short of money, in the future with the system and my talent, there is a way out.

The Cheongsam woman asked curiously: "Then how did you learn the art of tea? The tea you brewed is the best tea."

If Ye Liang had some great national masters to be his masters or relatives, then with his tea skills, his future achievements would not be too low. At least it won't be too bad.

"My tea is made by myself, without a master." Ye Liang laughed.

[I think back then when I, Immortal Emperor Qixuan, had just made a name for myself in the Immortal Cultivation Realm, I don't know how many Immortal Venerable Empresses invited this Venerable to drink tea. However, it was Immortal Emperor Lu Yu who really made the deity feel the need to be invited. His tea, just take a sip, the power of the tea ceremony in it can make ordinary people live hundreds of years longer, and the deity has also learned two tricks from him. ]

Ye Liang: ...

The voice of this Xiuxian voice pack is really powerful. After listening to it for a long time, I feel as if I really am so arrogant. But it's so embarrassing, fortunately, I'm used to it now, and I don't have the feeling that my skull is going to fly.

On the other hand, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but sigh. Could this guy really be the reincarnation of an Immortal Venerable? If so, that would be awesome. Also, are there really hundreds of millions in his family? It's impossible!

"Oh?" Hearing this, the Cheongsam woman couldn't help but light up. He has a good talent for tea art.

"Mr. Ye, it's like this, our restaurant is recruiting people recently. With your tea skills, if you are willing to come to our tea house to receive professional training after you officially become a tea master, you have no problem with making a huge amount of money a month!"

Saying that the Cheongsam woman shows a number with her fingers. If she can recruit someone as powerful as Ye Liang into the tea house, then she will definitely benefit a lot.

"Uh..." Hearing this, Ye Liang was speechless for a while: "I'm still studying."

"Uh… sorry." Hearing this, the Cheongsam woman stepped aside in embarrassment.

After the Cheongsam woman stepped aside, Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou started drinking again. During this period, Ye Liang casually asked some things about the Qingcai Academy.

At this time, Jiang Yurou's cell phone rang again. She picked up the phone and looked at it, frowning slightly.

"Hey, Dad."

A slightly old voice came from the opposite side, and asked directly: "Yurou, I heard that your mother asked you to meet a friend?"

Jiang Yurou said: "Yes."

"When I asked, there is nothing in his house, no money or power, for that kind of person, why do you waste your time."

"Uh..." Hearing this, Jiang Yurou unconsciously covered her phone a little, for fear that Ye Liang would hear the voice on the other side.

And Ye Liang naturally didn't hear it, he wasn't the type who deliberately listened to people's phones. But...

[That old guy from Jiang Shixian called. ]

Ye Liang: Jiang Shixian? Is it Jiang Yurou's father's name? The Xiuxian voice package directly guessed Jiang Yurou's father's name?!

Jiang Yurou: Uh… Ye Liang, this bastard, actually calls my father an old guy?!

[The old guy Jiang Shixian is not a good person at all. In order to climb up, he actually divorced Aunt Tang and married an 80-year-old old woman. If I have a chance, I must let Aunt Tang see through the true face of this man. ]

"Cough, cough, cough!!!" Jiang Yurou suddenly coughed loudly. Her face turned red!

What did she hear just now? Her own father, in order to get the upper hand, divorced her mother and married an 80-year-old old woman?!

"Cough, cough, cough!!!"

At this moment, she really wanted to choke herself to death. Tears flowed. Your own father, wouldn't really be that kind of person, right?

Seeing her coughing like this, Ye Liang didn't have time to be shocked by the words of his Xiuxian voice package. He looked at Jiang Yurou with some concern and wanted to speak, but he was afraid of disturbing her phone call.

Jiang Yurou shook her head and gestured to Ye Liang that she was fine. At this moment, she forcibly suppressed her shock. Her father divorced her mother, and married an 80-year-old woman?! This is too exciting!