Brother Ye Liang, do you have a girlfriend?

Generally speaking, dating is for men to pay. After all, it's already a boyish etiquette for a guy to pay for a date with a girl. Therefore, in most cases, it is the man who pays. At this moment, Jiang Yurou was very dissatisfied with Ye Liang.

She wanted to change her impression in Ye Liang's eyes. So, she plans to rush to pay. Don't give Ye Liang a chance to pay. To let Ye Liang know that she is different from the girl he remembered. So, when she saw that the tea was almost finished, she took out her mobile phone and paid for it. The two chatted for a while, and after a few drinks, they felt almost the same.

She proposes: "Brother Ye Liang, let's go and look elsewhere."

Hee hee, when the bastard Ye Liang sees that I have paid the money, it will definitely make a big difference to me. Girls take the initiative to pay, but few.

At this moment, the sound of the system suddenly sounded in Ye Liang's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get an extra reward for cultivating immortals: tea art +1"

Ye Liang: I'm already extraordinary, why do you still +1 tea art, do you like tea art so much?

Putting away his surprise, he smiled at Jiang Yurou and said: "Let's go."

"You two walk slowly." Seeing that the two were leaving, the cheongsam woman bowed to them. Then, her eyes turned to the little tea left in the teapot, with a look of anticipation in her eyes. She hadn't had enough of a drink just now. I never thought in my life that one day I would be fascinated by a person's tea.

When he came to the counter, Ye Liang naturally asked the counter: "Private room 6, how much is it?"

After the cashier looked at it, he said: "Sir, the payment for private room No. 6 has been paid."

"Uh?" Ye Liang cast his eyes on Jiang Yurou and asked: "Have you already paid?"

"Well, Brother Ye Liang, I ordered this place. Of course, I paid for it." Jiang Yurou said it as a matter of course.

I thought to myself: Look, when people date, they are all paid by men. Now that we only met for the first time, I knew that I paid. Have you ever seen such a nice woman as me?

[This woman rushed to pay the money, shouldn't she want to use this to laugh at me in the future? Saying things like "the first time we met, actually asked the girl to pay…", this thought is really vicious. ]

Ye Liang: ...

I believe that Jiang Yurou has good intentions. But the Xiuxian voice pack wants to say that, I can't help it.

Jiang Yurou: I'm vicious? I hate your sister!

She was so depressed in her heart that she had to squeeze out a smile on her face, and looked at Ye Liang with gnashing teeth: "Hee hee, let's go, brother Ye Liang, just pay later."

"All right." Ye Liang nodded, although out of politeness, he thought it would be better for him to pay. But the people have already paid, so naturally, he will not be coquettish.

When Ye Liang and the others left, the waiter in their suite was tasting the rest of the tea. Although it was not made by Ye Liang, the taste was a little worse, but it was much better than ordinary tea.

"Boss Jin, this way please." At this moment, a man in a suit was inviting a middle-aged man to walk in one direction. Suddenly, the man in the suit noticed that the waiter was stealing the rest of the tea from the guest in the suite, and couldn't help frowning.

"Xiaohong, what are you doing?"

"Ah, manager…" When the manager saw the secret drink, the cheongsam woman couldn't help but change her expression and said quickly: "The tea that a guest brewed just now was so good, I couldn't help but want to taste it."

"How can a guest's tea be any better? It's almost time to clean up." Said the manager.

"Uh… oh…" Having said that, the cheongsam woman was a little reluctant to pour out the rest of the tea.

At this moment, the middle-aged man probed the tip of his nose and seemed to smell a unique aroma of tea. He stopped the movement of the cheongsam woman called Xiaohong.

"Let me take a sip of this tea."

"Uh..." Hearing this, the manager's expression changed, and he said quickly: "Boss Jin, what's so good about this tea? Master Zhong, the master of the townhouse of our Feiyu Tea House, is already waiting for you."

"I want to try it, this tea smells pretty good." Boss Jin shook his head and said.

The manager heard the words and immediately said to Xiaohong: "Little Hong, why don't you pour a cup for Boss Jin to try."

"Uh, yes…" Xiaohong filled a cup of tea and handed it over: "Boss Jin, please use it."

"Um." Boss Jin picked up the tea and sniffed it hard. Immediately I just felt refreshed.

"Good tea, hahaha, good tea!" Saying that he drank the tea in one gulp. The next moment, he only felt that after the tea entered, there seemed to be a refreshing airflow rushing into his chest, making him feel several times more energetic all at once. Moreover, I don't know if it was an illusion, he felt that his body was much more relaxed. The wounds that have been deposited in the body over the years seem to have been washed away.

"Hey! This tea, which master brewed this tea?" After drinking a cup of tea, he was still not satisfied and quickly asked Xiaohong.

"…" The little red thought for a while and said: "It's a young man named Ye Liang."

"Oh, a young man can make this kind of tea, what a talent!" Boss Kim praised: "This tea can be regarded as a top national player!"

"Uh… so powerful?" The manager of the restaurant was a little unconvinced, and said to Xiaohong: "Give me a drink too."

"Hiss!!" After a cup of tea, the manager couldn't help but change his expression. This tea is even more powerful than the craftsmanship of their townhouse tea masters. This definitely didn't happen by accident! The tea brewed by a young guest has such a grade? If you can hire that young man to the teahouse, and train him well, wouldn't he be the new townhouse master of your own teahouse?!

"Xiaohong, do you have Ye Liang's contact information?"

"No." Xiaohong shook her head and said. Although Jiang Yurou was a frequent visitor here, her contact information was kept secret. The tea house can only contact her during the period when she places an order.

"Oh, that's a pity." Hearing this, Boss Jin couldn't help but feel very sorry.

"If you can invite this master to Feiyu Teahouse, then the business of the teahouse must be more than that simple."

"Oh, yes, it's a pity…" The manager also shook his head.

At this time, Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou left the teahouse and wanted to go shopping elsewhere. Ye Liang looked at Jiang Yurou who was following him and always felt a little troublesome for other girls. However, it is rare that a beautiful woman is willing to accompany her to go shopping. It's a rare opportunity, should we let her go back? Think about it, don't be too selfish. If it was me, I would definitely not want to go shopping with a stranger! Ye Liang turned around and looked at Jiang Yurou, ready to ask her to go back. After all, people were suddenly called to meet me today, so I might be annoyed right now. He was about to speak...

[Jiang Yurou, I know your thoughts, you don't want to go shopping with me at all, how can a vicious person like you be willing to go shopping with me? I'll give you another chance to go back. ]

Ye Liang: ...

Before he could speak, Jiang Yurou hurriedly said: "Are you trying to say, let me go back by myself?"

"Uh..." Ye Liang couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. "how do you know?"

[This girl, obviously wanted to go back herself, but she even threw the pot on the deity's head, hey, cooperate with her. ]

Ye Liang: ...

[Hey, who made this deity so understanding? ]

Ye Liang: ...

Hearing the voice of the guy in front, Jiang Yurou gasped for breath. She resisted her twitching face, put on a smile, and said to Ye Liang: "I know, Brother Ye Liang, you are a good person. You are afraid of trouble for me, but I want to go with you. What trouble is there? I am also worried about trouble for you."

"This… well…"

Ye Liang: It seems that I misunderstood. Does she really want to go shopping with me? ! Could it be that my charm is so great?!

[F*ck?! How could this be! It is impossible that she would actually say such a thing?! How could she be so kind, for no reason?! The country is easy to change, but nature is hard to change, how can she speak so well? ]

Jiang Yurou: Hee hee, hahaha, what's up, do you really think this girl is that kind of snob? How is this girl's current behavior, is it shocking you to death? What Immortal Emperor Immortal Venerable, I won't do what you said. You think I won't go with you, but I want to go with you. If you don't agree, just tell me if you have the ability! If you really dare to speak out and call me that kind of snobbish woman, I'll slap you on the spot!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou only felt that her depressed mood of the day seemed to be hollowed out.

Good, Good. Haha, this guy must be shocked now, I'm not the woman he imagined.

She looked at Ye Liang with smug eyes, and sure enough, Ye Liang's eyes were filled with a shock that he couldn't hide.

How dare you look down on me. Hmph, this girl is not that kind of snobbish woman.

"I'm not very familiar with this Jiangzhou. Sister Yurou, please lead the way." Now that Jiang Yurou has said so, Ye Liang is also welcome. He said to Jiang Yurou.

"Well, brother Ye Liang, come with me." Jiang Yurou was in a very good mood at the moment, and her whole person looked much brighter.

Ye Liang secretly admired. As expected of a rich daughter in a big city, she is beautiful and nice. The setting in the novel where rich family daughters look down on people is simply fake.

[This deity practiced for 500 years and is known as the Seven Profound Immortal Venerable. The secrets of heaven have been calculated. Except that I have failed to survive the calamity and be reborn. So, this is what she played, I can't be fooled. ]

Ye Liang: ...

System, people are fine, please stop making trouble. Are all immortals like this? This is not a voice pack for immortals at all, this is clearly a voice pack for the king.

Jiang Yurou: &#^*(#!#, if there is such a past life, how did I hurt you? You are a dignified immortal, is it necessary to hurt me like this? Damn it!

She was clearly unhappy, but she had to squeeze out a smile. For fear of being seen by Ye Liang.

"Brother Ye Liang, shall we take the bus?" After arriving on the road, Jiang Yurou suggested Ye Liang.

"OK." Ye Liang readily agreed.

After waiting for a while, the bus came, as soon as he got in the car, he immediately attracted the attention of many people. Jiang Yurou was the kind of beauty who would be watched and walked away when she stood on the street. As soon as she came up, it naturally attracted the attention of many people.

"Damn, she's so beautiful… Where is this star from?" A boy stared blankly at Jiang Yurou and said to his companion: "Fuck, it's really a flower stuck in cow dung."

"That's right, this beauty is wearing a famous brand… Look at what this kid is wearing." The companion beside him also looked at Ye Liang with envy.

This person is dressed in ordinary clothes and actually has such a beautiful and rich girlfriend. I can only accompany my friends, is this the gap between people? Looking good, can you really do whatever you want? Can a beautiful lady with money take the bus?

The voices of the two men were not loud, but not too small. It happened to be heard by Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou. Hearing this, Jiang Yurou was secretly complacent. Although it was misunderstood, it seems that these guys still have a vision and know who is the flower and who is the cow dung. This girl is not that kind of bad woman.

"Brother Ye Liang, do you have a girlfriend?" She raised her head and asked Ye Liang.

Ye Liang: "Uh… no, I'm not good at getting along with girls."

[This deity was heartbroken by a stinky woman like you in his previous life. Later, he forcibly suppressed the heartbreak. I practiced alone for five hundred years, but I didn't want to lead to a calamity in the end. In my past life, I never gave my sincerity to others. However, if it is said that the deity does not have a woman, that is not necessarily the case. As the deity of the deity, I don't know how many immortals are willing to be my Taoist companions in the Xiuxian world. Coupled with the deity's talent that has not lasted for hundreds of millions of years, even some of my grandparents' predecessors and empresses, once expressed their hearts. If I am like this, will I still see women on earth in this life? Humph! ]

Ye Liang: I cried with laughter. You're a voice pack that makes me feel like I'm being taunted. I want so many women who are willing to be Taoist companions, I don't have one left!

Jiang Yurou: Woah, Immortal Venerable is amazing, Fairy is amazing. You don't like me? Hmph, I just want you to look at me! At that time, I will dump you again. Wait, so, didn't I really become the kind of snob who deliberately played with other people's feelings as he said? It's so dangerous that I almost become the demon from his inner voice. This guy is really... Damn it.

"That's it." Jiang Yurou smiled and said: "Then there are many beautiful girls who are single among the girls I know, even the legendary school beauties."

"School flower?" Ye Liang was speechless. Jiang Yurou is joking with him, is she really a school girl, can she see herself as she is now? However, when you have achieved success in your practice in the future, the so-called school beauties may not be attractive to you.

"Forget it, I'm afraid that they will look down on me, which will make you embarrassed."

[As far as the friends you know, there are a few who are not above the top, do you really think the deity does not know? You introduced them just to make fun of the deity. ]

Jiang Yurou: This cannot be refuted. Because she can also feel that among her friends, there are really many types of people whose eyes are higher than the top and look down on others.