If you don’t mind, how about make friends?

"Fuck, this is his girlfriend, did you hear that?"

"I heard it."

"Haha, here's your chance."

At this moment, the two boys sitting on the bus couldn't help but get excited when they heard Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou's words.

"This guy is really useless. Others ask him if he has a girlfriend, but he doesn't know what it means."

"Let's go."

The two walked toward Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou.

"Beauty, I don't know if you have a boyfriend. Let's add each other and talk."

"Yes, yes, maybe we can eat together?"

Seeing the two boys approaching, Jiang Yurou couldn't help frowning.

"Sorry, I don't like chatting with strangers."

"Don't be like this, you're not a stranger if we get to know each other."

"Yes." The two boys also adhered to the idea that boys could chase girls as long as they were shameless, even if Jiang Yurou refused, they would still be there.

Jiang Yurou cast her eyes toward Ye Liang for help. Ye Liang stood in front of Jiang Yurou, looking at the two in front of him, he said: "Didn't you hear my friend say he doesn't want to meet you?"

Despite Ye Liang's honesty, he still has a lot of courage. When it's time to be bold, he won't be a coward. Now that he has the Immortal Cultivation System in his body, he can hit with one punch.

"What's the matter? Other girls say they don't want to know us, they're just shy. What's up with you, who are you?" Seeing Ye Liang blocking the front, the two boys were not afraid at all. Moreover, this is an era of civilization, just because they ask other girls to add each other, this guy wants to beat them? If you really want to fight, you can, they will lie down on the spot.

Hearing the two people's inquiries, Ye Liang turned his gaze towards Jiang Yurou who was behind him. Generally, in this case, I should say that I am her boyfriend so that I can help her.

Jiang Yurou's face couldn't help but turn red. Why do I feel now that Brother Ye Liang is actually very attractive? Is it because I didn't see it at first?

[Under normal circumstances, I really need to say that she is my girlfriend so that I can make a shot. But, does the deity need it now? Of course not, the truly powerful people, where do they need to play these routines. And who wants her to be mine. ]

Ye Liang: Damn it, this Xiuxian voice pack is too showy. Fortunately, Jiang Yurou couldn't hear the voice of the Xiuxian voice pack, otherwise, she would definitely be mad now. He turned his gaze to the two boys.

Jiang Yurou: I'm really mad, Damn it, stinky man, in your heart, how bad am I?! After all, I am also a beautiful woman and the school flower of the Academy. School flower, do you understand? This was judged by all the boys and girls in the school! Why is your heart, I seem to be disgusted like a lump on the side of the road? Damn it! Even if you want to dislike me, let me fall in love with you first, stinky man.

"…What are you looking at?" Seeing Ye Liang staring at them, the two boys who wanted to ask about Jiang Yurou's prestige felt a little guilty. You don't really want to do it, do you? There's no need for it. "We just want her contact information. Why do you want to hit someone."

Ye Liang didn't speak, just raised his hand and said to the two: "No, you two misunderstood, I just want to be friends with you."

On the bus, everyone watching this scene shook their heads in disappointment. This boy stood up when the girl was being harassed, and it still looked like this. I didn't expect it to be so cowardly.

Jiang Yurou couldn't help but wonder for a while, this was not what she imagined. Didn't brother Ye Liang keep thinking about what kind of immortal reincarnation he was? Immortal Venerable reincarnation, is this? No, no, no! Is he shameless to be friends with these two guys? Or, does he have other plans?

[In order to prevent this woman from falling in love with the deity, the deity had to pretend to be a little cowardly, but if they dared to be disrespectful to the deity, these two people are dead. ]

"…No way? You are going to kill them?!" Hearing his 'heart', Jiang Yurou couldn't help but feel bad. Isn't it so scary! No way! If brother Ye Liang thought in his heart true, he would kill these two people. Wouldn't that be a big problem? No.

She hurriedly said to the two: "You guys better get out of the way. My brother Ye Liang is very powerful. If he shoots, you will all die."

"Puff..." Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless. Is this little girl stupid? If you use these kinds of words to scare others, will they believe it?

"…" Sure enough, the two boys looked at each other and laughed proudly.

"Beauty, didn't you see that he wants to be friends with us?"

"That's right, you see how generous he is, he just made more friends, and it's not a bad thing." Having said that, the two asked Ye Liang to reach out and shake his hand.

Ye Liang raised the corner of his lips slightly. My physique has risen so much, that I haven't had a chance to use it yet. I don't know if it will be uncontrollable and will pinch people's hands.

[The number one evil thing in the world is really the human heart, and this deity will remove one evil for this world today! ]

"Do not want!" Seeing that Ye Liang seemed to be about to shoot, Jiang Yurou couldn't help crying. What the hell, he would want to kill people in public. This is on the bus, hey!

She quickly grabbed Ye Liang's hand and said to the two guys: "You two, harass me again, be careful I report the case, the law enforcement team will be here soon!"

Exasperated, the two of them wanted to leave.

"Brother Ye Liang, forget it… If you hurt someone, you'll be in trouble." Jiang Yurou said to Ye Liang. At this moment, she was really crying.

"Uh..." Ye Liang wondered: "How did you know I was going to do it?"

[Strange, how did this stinky woman know that the deity was going to kill? ]

Thinking of this, she said: "It's like this in the novels. The protagonists in the novels are all pretending to be pigs and eating tigers. Brother Ye Liang, you don't seem afraid at all. You must be trying to kill them, right?"

"F*ck!" Hearing Jiang Yurou's words, everyone in the car couldn't help but be startled. Murder? This little brother looks so handsome, doesn't he really want to kill? The two boys were still thinking that they had missed an opportunity to meet beautiful women. I didn't expect this beauty to not give face, but the next moment, when they heard Jiang Yurou's words, they immediately turned into dogs. They looked towards Ye Liang. He wanted to kill?!

"…No, sister, have you read too many novels?" Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but shake his head with a smile: "How could I possibly kill people, this is a civilized society."

Everyone in the car breathed a sigh of relief. It looks like a misunderstanding.

"I just want to be friends with them." At this moment, the smile on Ye Liang's face did not diminish. His character has always been that people don't offend me, and I don't offend others. However, he has already pretended to be coercive in front of him, and he still wants to go, can he go? "You two, don't you mind making friends?" He stretched out his hand to the two again.

[Three hundred million sword immortals in the sky, you have to lower your eyebrows when you see me, who can stop what Ye Qixuan decides? ]

"Uh..." At this moment, Jiang Yurou couldn't help crying. It was over, and she died.

[However, killing people in public is a bit of a hassle. I haven't practiced it yet, so I can only use a spell that mortals can't see. ]

"?!" Spell?! F*CK! Jiang Yurou couldn't help but scream again. Does this bastard really know magic?!