It’s not me who did it

"Sister Yurou, are you alright?" After subduing the taxi driver with one blow, Ye Liang took his hand back. Looking at Jiang Yurou who was still in his arms, he asked with concern.

"…" At this moment, Jiang Yurou only felt dizzy, she raised her head and looked at Ye Liang who was hugging her, and her face turned slightly red. It was the first time in my life that I was hugged by a boy like this.

[Smelly woman, what are you trying to do, get out of my arms soon. Do you think that anyone is qualified to be in the arms of this Immortal Venerable? ]

Ye Liang: No, the style of my Xiuxian voice pack seems a little crooked? Why is he back as a straight man now?! If Jiang Yurou heard this voice, she would probably die of anger on the spot. Fortunately, she couldn't hear it.

"..." Jiang Yurou gritted her teeth, if it weren't for the situation here, she wouldn't have to hold onto this stinky man tightly.

Hmph, is the immortal Venerable amazing? I haven't touched it yet. Oops, I touched your hand, and I hugged your neck. What's up, come on, come and beat me, you idiot. Humph!

"??!!!" I don't know if it was an illusion. At this moment, Ye Liang felt that Jiang Yurou was touching him on purpose. It must be an illusion, maybe she was bumped and her hands and feet were a little soft? He doesn't believe that he can be so attractive now that he can let the beautiful school girl take the initiative to touch him.

After the two got out of the car, they finally saw the situation outside the car. There were a total of three people at the scene, all in a state of dying. Except for the driver who was still screaming, the other two passersby were already lying on the ground at this time, only gasping for breath. They all cast their eyes toward Jiang Yurou and Ye Liang.

Jiang Yurou was a little scared and hid behind Ye Liang. It was the first time in my life that I saw the scene of a car accident. The appearance of these two people is so scary, and the scream of the driver over there is so loud.

However, what made Jiang Yurou unbelievable was how these two people looked the same as the two guys who wanted to ask her about her prestige in the car before. Holy crap, isn't that the two guys?

The two guys couldn't help but look in disbelief! They all stared blankly at Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou, unable to believe it. They finally went to the hospital to deal with their injuries just now, and after they came out, they were discussing how to severely beat Ye Liang. Unexpectedly, this Ye Liang was so ruthless, he wanted to kill them?! Only then did they finally remember what the beauty said before. This boy will kill them! It turned out to be true.

At this moment, the two of them were extremely regretful, why did they provoke this killing god before. One of them looked at Ye Liang and said unwillingly:

"You… hello… cruel, we just want prestige,... don't give it up you... hit me with a car, killing me… our lives… please…help…we…we…wrong…"

"Uh..." Looking at the two people in front of him, Ye Liang couldn't help but be dumbfounded. This is the most coincidental thing in the world. Can this happen?

"I said…you don't wrong good people…we were kidnapped hereby that driver…" He pointed to the driver on the side and said to the two people who were dying: "It was he who hit you."

"…" The two of them looked in the direction of the driver, they saw that the driver was screaming on the ground. That tragic situation was no better than theirs. They all cast their eyes on Ye Liang. At this moment, their expressions seemed to say: "You are deceiving ghosts. We're not dead, are ghosts feasible?!"

In this scene, he said that the driver kidnapped them? Can anyone believe it? At least they don't believe it.

[This is the end for offending this Immortal Venerable. People don't offend me, I don't offend anyone. ]

Ye Liang: ..., Xiuxian voice pack's pretentious words are getting more and more superb, It makes me sound pretty cool. Although I know this is not what I did, it's just that the two guys in front of them are unlucky. To be honest, he doesn't care what kind of personalities these two people usually have, but just because they forcefully ask people for their prestige, Ye Liang thinks well hit.

Jiang Yurou: ..., Brother Ye Liang, this can't really be related to you, can it? What are you thinking about? Fortunately, no one else can hear your thoughts. Otherwise, go to jail and pretend. But... does this really have nothing to do with you?

At this moment, Jiang Yurou also began to doubt. Although she has been with Ye Liang all the time, she has heard everything that happened before.

"We're all going to die, just let us rest our eyes, admit it, you hit us!" One of the two said to Ye Liang.

"..." Ye Liang: "Is there really such a coincidence in this world? What a misunderstanding. I'm afraid you will trouble me. How could I possibly kill you?" Are you kidding me, are these two sick or something?

"…What do you say…If you don't admit it, I won't let you go even if I die!" The other person said with a look of anger and unwillingness, and his eyes had begun to bulge. This is a sign of death. He didn't understand why he just wanted to ask a beautiful woman for prestige, but this guy is so courageous.

"I admit that you shouldn't let me go." Ye Liang was speechless. One of the people on the ground was dead, and he turned his gaze to the other who had his last breath: "I said I didn't do it, do you believe it?"

"Puff!!! The man vomited blood and died. The devil believes you! This woman just said you were going to kill us, and now you're sitting in a car that hit me. And the driver was thrown out and screamed on the ground. Who kidnapped who, why don't I understand? How can you do things like that?! If you are like this, let me tell you, even if the people from the law enforcement team come, they will not believe it.

Ye Liang: ..., strange, it was the first time I saw a dead person, but I didn't feel any disgust at all.

Ye Liang was secretly curious. With a helpless expression on his face, he turned his head and said to Jiang Yurou: "I didn't expect that the person who kidnapped us would actually kill the person who offended us before. What kind of coincidence can happen in this world, don't you think, Sister Yurou?"

[It is very modest to say that killing these people who offend me is like stepping on ants, I don't even need to touch blood. ]

Ye Liang: ..., Xiuxian voice pack, don't make trouble, okay? I didn't do it, but you say it as if I did it. If people can hear the voice coming out of my heart, then I really can't wash it out.

Jiang Yurou: ..., This is too coincidental! All of this, it is as if there is a pair of invisible hands, pushing everything to develop. Could it be that this bastard Ye Liang really did some magic? Ordinary people can't see it, but his own magic power is making everything happen? Oh my god,... this can't be true! Is he really the reincarnation of Immortal Emperor and Immortal Venerable? Could it be that everything in his heart was actually true? She is really a snobbish woman, and she really hurt him heavily in the last life, so he disdains her so much after he was reborn?

No…impossible. Don't you know your own character? There are some people around me who are snobbish, but that's not me, it doesn't matter to me. By the way, and my dad, how could he possibly marry an eighty-year-old grandmother? No matter how much you pursue fame and fortune, do you really want to lose face? Impossible.

At this moment, listening to Ye Liang's "heart", Jiang Yurou began to doubt life. If everything he thought was true, what would she do?