
"Are you all right?" Seeing Jiang Yurou's shocked expression, Ye Liang came to her side and asked with concern. This girl, seeing such a scene, will definitely have a nightmare when she goes back tonight.

Jiang Yurou's mood was as complicated as a ball of wool at the moment, and she stayed there. She looked at Ye Liang and shook her head slightly. "Brother Ye Liang, I'm fine."

Ye Liang nodded, hesitated for a while, reached out, and hugged Jiang Yurou in his arms, comforting her. Let's call first and let the law enforcement team come over. The scene here is so chaotic.

First of all, he and Jiang Yurou are both victims, this is a sure thing. If it wasn't for the fact that he had some ability, the result might be different from now.

Secondly, this driver is a murderer, that's for sure. Not only is he a murderer, but he is also a serious murderer. He killed two people on the road and wanted to run away, completely disregarding it.

In the end, he was at a critical juncture and had no choice but to hit the driver and knock him out of the car. In this way, you are innocent. And the truck driver who also rolled the car on the driver is sitting beside the driver with a flustered face at the moment, smoking down the cigarettes one by one. It seems that although he panicked, he did not really deliberately not save people, nor did he take any responsibility. No one was hurt, and no one was forcibly held accountable. Perfect!

The two dead people lying on the ground: WDNMD, what do you perfect, are we not human?!

The truck driver who crushed the driver was already in a state of confusion at this time. Looking at the driver who was being crushed by his car and kept screaming, he panicked. The cigarette in his hand trembled slightly, he smoked one, and another.

"Damn it, you get me out of here-aah-!!!" At this time, the driver was obviously dying, but he was quite energetic. He screamed and scolded the truck driver.

The truck driver shivered and took out his mobile phone, ready to report the crime. But because the hand was shaking all the time, there was no way to successfully operate it.

At this time, Ye Liang comforted Jiang Yurou and told her to wait on the side of the road and be careful of cars. He himself came to the side of the pinned driver.

"Ahhh-!!!" The pinned driver, or in other words, the murderer, was screaming in agony. Seeing Ye Liang coming over, he instantly understood. He didn't fly out suddenly just now, but this guy suddenly slapped him and knocked him out of the car. "Ah… boy, hurry up, hurry up and save me, I was knocked out by you. Even if I am a murderer, if you don't save me, you will be responsible for my death." He called out to Ye Liang.

In an emergency situation, Ye Liang can't do anything to this murderer, he is obliged to save the murderer's driver. Hearing the screams of the murderer's driver, Ye Liang couldn't help but look shocked: "F*ck, didn't expect murderers to understand the law?"

"Otherwise? Call an ambulance for me!!!" The murderer's driver shouted to Ye Liang.

"Don't worry, it's already called." Ye Liang says: "However, I don't think you have a chance to wait until the ambulance arrives. You are already dead. There is no way to save you. Just wait."

"Uh..." Hearing Ye Liang's words, the murderer driver was stunned. "Who the hell are you!!!" He angrily said to Ye Liang. This young man, from the beginning, was too calm. He didn't seem to be afraid at all.

At this time, Jiang Yurou on the side was also supporting her ears, and she didn't understand who Ye Liang was. Why does he have these skills, why can she hear his heart?

Facing the driver's dying question, Ye Liang thought about it and said: "I'm just an ordinary senior third-year student."

[This deity, the Eastern Universe, the strongest immortal lord, Ye Qixuan! ]

Ye Liang: ...

Jiang Yurou: ...

Can you imagine how you feel when you have a voice package that pretends when you are serious? Can you imagine the mood of someone who hears such an extreme voice in your heart? This kind of feeling is even more extreme than when you are in the crowd and suddenly pull out a stick, raise it and shout 'Diga'. At this moment, Ye Liang felt that his skull was going to fly with embarrassment.

And Jiang Yurou could not help but shudder. Now, she has woken up and made sure of one thing. All of this must be just a coincidence. Ye Liang, this bastard, is just a sullen middle schooler. He couldn't really be a cultivator. Hearing Ye Liang's inner voice, on this occasion, she couldn't help feeling embarrassed for Ye Liang. This has to be a high school and two-year-old person to think about these things all day long. She couldn't help but folded her arms and shook a few times.

Seeing her like this, Ye Liang knew that she was afraid, so he took the initiative to come over, hug her into his arms, and said: "Don't be afraid, it's nothing, it will be over soon."

[Hmph, you are really pitiful, I will let you borrow the deity's body to rely on you first. I think back then when the deity was traversing the fairyland, I don't know how many fairy queens wanted to get close to the deity. However, the deity does not care at all about those who covet the appearance of the deity. ]

Ye Liang: ..., I'm gone, when it comes to pretending, the voice package in my heart can definitely be called the number one. If it claimed to be second, no one would dare to be the first.

Jiang Yurou: I agree. At this moment, she was quietly leaning on Ye Liang's arms, and with Ye Liang's embrace, she was not so afraid anymore. Unexpectedly, this brother Ye Liang's embrace was so warm. In fact, if he doesn't pretend, I can still be his good sister.

Seeing that Jiang Yurou calmed down again. Ye Liang said to her: "Okay, Yurou, let me tell this old brother a few words, don't be afraid."

[Actually, think about it carefully, no matter how arrogant you were in your previous life, your eyes were higher than the top, but after all, it was a previous life. At this time, looking at you like this, the deity feels quite… cool! Pfft... Hahahaha, you have a day like this too! ]

"—!!!!" At this moment, Jiang Yurou's whole body was not well. She couldn't help clenching her fists and looking at Ye Liang in front of her with gritted teeth. Did I dig your ancestral grave or something? Why do you hate me so much? Don't say that this is just your second life, even if there is such a past life, you are going too far! At this moment, Jiang Yurou felt that her other lung was about to explode.