Not good, pretended again

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get an extra reward for cultivating immortals: music +3." Right here, in Ye Liang's mind, another voice sounded.

Ye Liang doesn't know what music +3 is, but it should be able to change his habit of killing people as soon as he sings. Just when he thought so, four people came from afar. Three men and one woman, two men, seemed to be bodyguards, and in front of them, a young girl supported an old man.

Ye Liang's eyes first fell on the girl. I saw that the girl was wearing a sports uniform, tall and slender, with a very beautiful appearance. And, more importantly, she is not only beautiful but also has a great figure. Wearing sportswear, she is fat where she should be fat, and thin where she should be thin, her feet are slender but sensual, and her figure is out of shape. Plus a single ponytail with a long and curved leg, it's beautiful! So charming. A girl with such a figure, just looking at it, can't help but feast your eyes.

Cough, but, thinking about what he had just done, Ye Liang felt that it would be better for him to leave here. After all, the strength just now was no longer something that mortals could do. No matter how powerful a mortal is, he is only a little stronger, and his body is mortal. Now that he has spiritual energy, he may not be considered a mortal. If it was known that he did the trick, he would have been taken to a special department to study.

Park, grandpa, plus two great-looking bodyguards. How is this setting the same as the one in the urban pretense novel? Haha...

With such a happy mood, he walked to the side. When he met the people who came over, he nodded kindly, as a greeting.

At this moment, the two bodyguards beside the old man were silently vigilant. If Ye Liang had any changes, they would definitely subdue Ye Liang first. Fortunately, Ye Liang was just passing by, and so were they. There is no intersection between the two parties. After arriving at the place where Ye Liang practiced the exercises just now, the old man said to the girl: "Ying Bing, how many years have you practiced Eagle Claw?"

"Grandpa, I have been practicing Eagle Claw since I was six years old, and it has been more than ten years now." The girl is called Ying Bing said. If ordinary people heard the conversation between this grandpa and granddaughter, it is estimated that they would be shocked to death.

Eagle Claw Kung Fu is one of the more ruthless martial arts in Chinese martial arts. This seems to be a martial art that ordinary girls can do. But the real eagle claw technique, if it catches a person, it will open the flesh and blood of the person. If you want to have such claw strength, you can imagine the degree of tempering your hands.

Most girls cherish their hands, so where would they be willing to practice such hard claw skills? Looking at this girl's hands, it doesn't look like she has practiced martial arts. Those hands were very white, and they didn't look like they had practiced claw skills at all.

This is because in modern society, technology has developed, and there is no need to destroy one's own body when practicing qigong. As long as you have the corresponding strength and cooperate with special weapons, the effect is no worse than training your own fingers. So the girl's fingers look very smooth, but her strength is definitely the level of bursting two raw eggs with one grab. She is naturally very confident in her own strength. When asked by her grandfather, she couldn't help showing confidence in her eyes.

"More than ten years? Haa..." Hearing this, the old man sighed. "Go and try it, attack that rock." Noticing a large rock next to him, he said to his granddaughter.

"Attack the stone?" Hearing this, the girl's face couldn't help but look ugly. How could a human hand attack a stone, and she is not an immortal. But Grandpa said so, and she had to do it. After taking out a pair of gloves from the sportswear and putting them on her hands, her eyes were aimed at the big rock, and she rushed forward.

With a coquettish shout, her hand was already on the stone. She just wanted to scratch a trace on the stone. With this special diamond wire glove, if she uses the skill well, she will not hurt her hand. However, at this moment, she only felt that her hand was empty, and she directly grabbed the whole thing into the big rock.

"F*ck—!!!" Seeing this scene, the two bodyguards of the old man were dumbfounded. With this claw, Miss, directly grabbed the entire big rock? This is too scary!

Originally, the old man who just wanted to pretend to be coercive and test his granddaughter's martial arts could not help but widen his eyes at this moment. He wanted to say that his granddaughter was a girl after all, and the effect of a woman's practice of hard claw skills was not great.

Therefore, he wanted to persuade his granddaughter not to practice this martial art in the future. After all, martial arts training is only for physical fitness. In this era, it is no longer enough to fight people. But, good guy, he was so shocked that his legs and feet were aggravated. He stood up abruptly and stared at the girl.

"Ying Bing, you… your martial arts are so powerful?!!!" He said in shock: "When did this happen?!!!"

The girl called Ying Bing was also dumbfounded for a while. Looking at the big stone in front of her, she secretly wondered, her power is so strong? This stone under her hands, how can it be as crisp as tofu?

"I… am I really that powerful?" Looking at the big stone that was caught by herself in front of her, she retracted her hand in shock. Not so much. How powerful is your own, can you not know it?

"No, Grandpa, there is something wrong with this stone." She turned to her grandfather and said: "This stone is so brittle that it doesn't look like a real stone at all."

"What? I'll take a look." The old man rushed forward, and at this moment, he was so shocked that he didn't even need a cane. Put your hand on the stone and reach out to touch it. Good guy, he digs a piece of stone powder directly from the stone.

"This…what's the matter with this stone?" He looked shocked: "I remember when I came here before, this stone was very hard, why is it now a powder stone?"

"Elder Xu, there is something behind this stone." A bodyguard walked behind the stone and said to the old man.

"Um?" With the help of his granddaughter, the old man walked towards the back. I saw that behind the stone, there was a large round hole. The stone in the hole seemed to have been shaken out by something, and it all turned into stone powder on the ground.

"Is someone here doing directional blasting?" A bodyguard asked in confusion.

"Hiss..." Seeing this scene, the old man could not help but take a deep breath. This is obviously just made, and there is no gunpowder smell at all, where is this directional blasting? This is … inch strength! He had once seen a person with a strong inch of strength who could put all his strength on the opponent's body. The other party looked fine from the front, but the back was directly cracked, and even the clothes were torn into a big hole.

This scene is exactly the same as the effect of the Cun Jin powerhouse he saw. However, no matter how powerful Inch's strength might be, he is still a human being. Even the most powerful Wing Chun can't be beaten like this, right?

"Could it be the boy just now? Quickly, go check the boy's situation." Thinking of this, the old man said to a bodyguard beside him. Humans can't have such terrifying power. This is not something that can be done by human beings at all, right?!

"Grandpa, you mean, that boy did it?" Xu Yingbing's mind recalled Ye Liang who just passed by, and she couldn't help but smile: "How is this possible? It's impossible for people to do such a thing. This must be a misunderstanding." If a person can do such a thing, then he has been practicing martial arts for so many years, is he just playing the house? Even if he used the diamond wire gloves, he could only barely scratch the iron plate, it is impossible to hurt such a big stone. At the same age, even if someone is better than her, the gap is too big. He directly shook the whole big rock into powder! ! This is probably a humanoid directional demolition bomb.

The old man's eyes gleamed: "Anyway, it's always good to check… If this young man really has this kind of ability, then… unimaginable!!!"